Innerlight Author
Where do you find,
Dedicated souls,
Capturing positivity,
And sharing it all.
Newbies made welcome,
Gaining their wings,
Engaging activities,
Learning new things.
An army of angels,
Reviewing they read,
Making this a place where,
You find what you need.
-W}ritten by
They come in on the wind
Wings spread wide
To give a little faith
To the writers inside
They don't ask for anything
Don't expect any thanks
They just open their hearts
To all those who will partake
The Angel Army fulfills wishes
And offers kind words
To everyone they meet
Their song can be heard
They are there when you fall
To lift you up high
On the wings of an Angel
You can soar through the sky
-Written by
Thou treasured gem pierce pearled mist
Humbled not to scorn, devout to trust
Endeared to grace 'so heavenly blessed
Angelic charm so calm and soothing
Nurtured this soul so oft' unknowing
'Gainst forces strong, hell sent, unyielding
Estranged to grace, I fell, unnerved
Light, thro' light, no senses reeling
Akin to sleep 'pon saviours wings
Riseth I, in peace, she swiftly brings
My armour chinqued, this set me seering
Yet from thy arms, thy power heal'ed.
-Written by
I see him every morning on my way to work,
huddled in his tattered sleeping bag.
A small knapsack on one side,
An ugly mutt loyally sitting on the other,
and a cup for collection placed before him.
I see him every morning on my way to work.
Unruly, matted hair, and a beard down to his neck,
yellow teeth, long fingernails, greasy skin,
shabby, grimy, torn clothes, dirty shoes.
I can feel an evil, a lunacy, lurking underneath.
I see him every morning on my way to work.
“Sir, can you spare a dollar?”
Ah, he is good but I am better!
Before I get to where he sits, I drop my gaze,
and quicken my pace.
In my head it is like a little game we play,
A game of skill, but also of timing,
For as long as I don’t make eye contact, I can ignore him.
But then one day with my head in the clouds,
I accidentally look him directly in the eye– oh no!
I am nothing if not a man of honour,
Having ‘lost’ the game, I scrambled to find change,
But to my horror, I had no coins on me,
The smallest note in my wallet was a $20!
I duly handed it over, for
I am nothing if not a man of honour.
With only a quick “thank you” and a flash of a smile,
he stuffed the money straight into his pocket.
I silently bid farewell to my breakfast and lunch money,
Whilst he pretended not to have received a windfall,
Oh, the greedy thug.
Call it coincidence or call it providence,
I saw him again that very evening after work,
struggling with a heavy, filled paper bag.
With nothing better to do I decided to follow,
curious to discover what mischief he got up to in the night.
He headed towards the dark recesses of an alley,
His mutt faithfully tagging along behind him.
He arrived to a patiently-waiting army,
of about 20 cats and dogs.
“Tonight, my friends” I heard him say, “You feast”,
and from the paper bag produced an absolute gourmet of pet food.
I see him every morning on my way to work,
His eyes are kind, his features soft,
his smile is full of warmth and kindness.
I can almost see the halo above his head,
and the wings protruding from his back.
I wonder why I’d never noticed before.
I see him every morning on my way to work.
No longer do I avoid his gaze;
I nod and smile at him, and hand him whatever I can spare.
He smiles and thanks me in return;
I’d like to think we are friends now.
I’d like to think I’m friends with an earthly angel.
-Written by
How do you picture an angel,
a guardian sent from up high?
Flowing robes, white wings and halo,
or a hooting owl's lullaby?
A dog's tail wagging welcome home,
as soon as you open the door.
A cat chasing a piece of string
all across the living room floor.
A guinea pig's greeting whistle,
a babbling parrot's shoulder perch.
The support of a faithful steed,
who'd never leave you in a lurch.
Angels take many shapes and forms,
in order to watch over you.
Sometimes they do have feathered wings,
but fur and scales are options, too.
The truth is, when we need comfort,
we like to hear, and touch, and see,
from the purring of a lap cat,
to a Spring meadow's bumblebee.
So you see why all these angels
offer us blessings in disguise.
They are our faithful companions;
they are sweet and true, strong and wise.
Treat other species with kindness,
as you never know who they are.
One day you will be rewarded;
truly, Heaven is not that far.
And those pets you have loved and lost,
will be waiting there, patiently,
for that glorious reunion;
angelic joy, eternally.
-Written by