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3,404 Public Reviews Given
3,443 Total Reviews Given
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Template most of the time, covering setting/plot/characters/conflict/resolution if applicable. For shorter works, I concentrate more on feelings evoked.
I'm good at...
Short story, chapter reviews and in-depth reviews.
Favorite Genres
Sci-fi, Romance, mystery, children's
Least Favorite Genres
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, novel chapters
Least Favorite Item Types
essay, editorial, non-fiction, somebody's homework assignment
I will not review...
XGC, poems, prose. I am an animal activist and vegan, so cruelty or violent, unnecessary, death due to negligence is overwhelming. I am unable to review any pieces involving abuse of any kind to anyone. I like to keep my corner or the world happy, because I grew beyond my "challenges" of childhood and don't want to look back.
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Review of Correct Meeple  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Prof. I found your story using the read and review option.

Overall Impression
I get a kick out of what sometimes comes up via random. I probably would have passed this by, but I saw the first words in bold text and figured, well, I'm here.

Following the exercise
So you were handed this work with the wrong words and had to correct them? The entire piece was enjoyable, even if it was for a class. I think some people get (there) (their) and (they're) mixed up, especially if English is not ones first language.

(sixteen) was a test for knowing when to type out a number or spell it?

(an)unicorn music box. That sounds really weird. I definitely would have used (a).

It's also important to remember how to use (good) and (well). One time, I asked a waitress how she was doing, and she replied (good), but quickly corrected herself (well). I really need to check out the correct usage. Sentence five demonstrated the difference.

Closing comments
I think it's a good idea to leave this up for review. Since it's all correct, I'd probably mark this as (review only, no rating). And it seems you didn't actually write the story itself, so it's weird to comment on that part. However...

Maybe you can pass along my enjoyment. My favorite part was the frosting smear and silly string.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of An Angel's Wing  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Bren. Nixie here, who landed on this item via the carrier random review.

Initial Reaction
I couldn't help but notice the 21 five star reviews, which makes this review seem kind of silly. But the angel, so pretty, wouldn't let me pass. Then I saw the beautiful presentation, and that was that. The colored font looks fantastic.

Yes, falling. That's what it felt like as I followed the lines with my eyes, whispering the words to myself. I can't imagine anyone not connecting to your poem, even if they've never suffered the loss of someone.

For me, a cardinal appears when I'm sad. One time, a particular cardinal purposefully batted its wings to stay at eye level and look right at me. That was an angelic moment for me.

I can feel the softness of your angel's wing and experience the comfort that she brings. Oops. I didn't mean to rhyme that sentence.

Final Destination
No one has put a ribbon on this? I see it was written many years ago, but I'd still like to honor your work. One ribbon coming up!

so pretty

Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Not Long  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Whiskerface. Nixie here, who landed on this item via the carrier random review.

Initial Reaction
I liked the title and the brief description invited me in to take a peek at a lunar eclipse.

Scoping out the middle
I did take this as a literal, not metaphoric poem. The first line, planting his seed misled me. It made me think he was going to do the Wild Thing with whoever was with him. *Laugh*

But the poem delved much deeper.

*Crown* Presentation
The seven stanzas were more or less the same length, which makes for a neat presentation. I liked the lack of punctuation, because I could take over the pace as I chose.

IDK. I really didn't like this guy at all. Selfish. He can't grow by ignoring others and seeking enlightenment only for himself? I didn't like the way he locked out and dismissed the girl with him. How rude. Was she invited?

Final Destination
Outstanding word choices let my imagination roam and see the scene for myself, which I enjoyed. And lastly? My favorite part. The entire last stanza, with the word [inhale] creating the highest impact. In the end, I think the girl won out, and he'll be missing her. Or maybe she'll dwell on him for the rest of her life, which would be a pity.

Wonderful, beautiful read. *Smile*

so pretty

Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Netty. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

The hook
The title caught my eye, but I wish the brief description had more, well, description. Unless your intention was to be vague, as poems are open to interpretation. But I do need help to navigate the words.

A closer look
I think there's a beautiful message here, maybe just beyond the grasp of your fingertips. If not so, that's the reason I'm asking for help in understanding. Here we see singular vs. the correct plural.

The first stanza is a bit mixed up. Even if you adjust sparkle to [sparkles], 'vibrant of light' has no clarity. What does it mean? And stars [shines ] needs to be [shine].

The second stanza [reveal] needs to be plural. [reveals]

Third [waiver] [waivers]

I don't want to tear this poem down with more instances of errors, but it deserves the best. If you edit, the glittering message may appear.

There's no need for quotation marks around the title.

Final impression
I would love to see this crystal glass in my mind. *Smile*

I'm looking at the five star reviews and worrying that I'm all mixed up. As stated in the beginning, poems are open to interpretation. I simply don't 'get it'.

Me with another persona. Am I a spy?

Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Beholden. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

*Smile* You caught me at line one with the inventive and catchy character name for your troll.

Initial Reaction

I had to walk around for a while after reading this. I couldn't understand why such a beautiful work should be about a troll. I thought about clicking on the folder to see what was up, but changed my mind. It took all of five minutes until this. *Headbang*

In the beginning
I've had so many thoughts now I've lost track. One thought in the beginning, I wondered if the troll were a homeless man, or metaphor. I landed on 'the troll could be anyone or anything.'

My take-away
Because my mind was stubborn, I lost the message that the who or what meant nothing. The contrast between the image of a troll enjoying life was a message to everyone.

The glitter and gold
You've written this so eloquently, you've left me with no words to define my reaction. The title fits the poem in the most perfect way. Along with the troll's reminder to enjoy each day, I found lots of gleaming pearls in here. I especially liked the opposite sides of time due to perception.

Favorite moments
The words you chose brought vivid images and emotional reactions. Yup, a troll would definitely scratch his side. That one made me laugh. And [blubbering] created an even more detailed vision.

Emotional connection
I don't think I look like a troll, and I don't live under a bridge. The poem is inspirational, wisdom from someone another may ignore. I'm feeling a bit foolish here, unable to express myself succinctly. Most likely I need more coffee. And I can't believe I'm posting such a girly review. *RollEyes*

Outstanding write!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of English is Easy  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Words. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.
And I'm so happy I did!

Crackerjack write!

Thanks so much for the unusual write, which illustrates the confusion associated with the English language. My sister-in-law, who lived in Brazil, asked me what 'playing it by ear' meant. I actually came up with a plausible meaning. (we all listen to each others' opinions before coming up with a decision.)

I liked the way this kicked off with the alliteration in the first sentence.

What really grabbed me was the ingenuity that made perfect sense. You wrote an unusual plot by choosing something odd and specific. It's distracting in a good way. Who writes about a female archer? Brilliant.

The punctuation guided the flow, but, why is there always a but, consider not beginning each sentence with a capital letter, especially when completing a sentence or thought. I didn't care for the exclamation point in the last line of the third stanza.

The joyful overall mood generated a swiftly-flowing 'plot', as it were. The prose formation is perfect for this, even though it feels as if a story were being told. Duh, a story is being told. I'm not sure where that comment came from. *Rolling*


Reading your work was

My Pleasure tks.
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Flipping Liam  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Foxtrot! Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

The Hook
Ah, you 'got' me with the title and the brief description. Good job. *Checkg*

A closer look
As should be with flash, all the story elements are here. I liked the specifics you used to describe your characters. The red nails were a bit common, but it was a quick way to create an image.

The underlying feeling of uneasiness propelled the plot forward. Liam seemed to be in charge the entire time.

A personal peeve. The word [adorn] drives me insane. It seemed especially off considering what was being shown. How cool if the tats were there to empahzize a scar? Ah, flash doesn't leave much room for specifics.

I have to bring this up because I spotted it more than once, and it would be a disservice to not mention it. Writers don't show emotions through dialogue tags or adjectives. Here's two to illustrate my point.

The beginning phrase in this sentence...
Liam's callous words upset Andrea beyond measure... is unnecessary and a waste of words. What's the point? when you show the reader, why then tell the reader what Andrea is feeling? In the dialogue tag following, [she raves] is absolutely unnecessary. You did an excellent job showing her anger.

"What's wrong with you?" she raves.

This one just sounded wrong. Can you find a way to show her shoving her purse without the dialogue tag [rants]? Which is also too close in meaning and sound to be placed in close proximity. *Wink*

A closed book=lasting impression
The conclusion was rushed, but often that's what happens in flash. I liked the idea of the twist, but it fell flat. Here's another problem. You added an exclamation point to her sentence, rather than show emotion. I think she'd whisper her words and get out of there fast as possible. There were witnesses, after all. Correct?

A few other oops spotted the page, but overall, a good job. This sounds weird, but I had fun not only reading this, but also having the opportunity to share something I learned. *Smile*


Love this image from Brooke! Personal signature

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOverwatch Guardian

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of 29 years  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Hank! Nixie here. I found your item via random review. Welcome to WdC! *Smile*

The Hook
Mostly I stopped to read this because you're what we call a newbie. And the title was unusual, my opinion on it, undecided. Maybe you'd like to put something more catchy in the brief description?

A closer look
Joking—about that heading—this really did require a closer look. All the words are jammed together in a big block of text. This makes for difficult reading. Much of the meaning is lost in the jumble. Normal simple fix would be adding white space. But this is more a stream of consciousness, where paragraphing might not work, so perhaps a bigger font.

Emotions evoked
Fascinating. This write sounds like one of my daily meditations. I move beyond what we see with our eyes, as you said. Sometimes I use the ruse of a portal, most often, I ask for a guide. I can never remember the specifics, but I wake with a clearer mind. These 'trips' liberate me and I'm happy to know I'm 'dust in the wind'.

A closed book= a lasting impression
I more or less agree with your conclusion. It's sort of a round-about. We can't know everything, so saying we can't would end the mystery, well, that's sort of a moot point. I'm not striving for the understanding of all. I'm relaxing in my world of nothingness. Maybe we're saying the same thing.

About that spacing though...

Thanks for the time spent here contemplating your words. I don't often read works like this. Fascinating.

Love this image from Brooke! Personal signature

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOverwatch Guardian

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Half-Die  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi! I found your story using the read and review option.

Overall Impression
After the third read through, I still had the same question. What prompted this story, and what was the reason? I'm sure it's different for everyone, I was drawn in by considering one of my favorite topics. What is real? Lately I've been thinking about the song 'row, row, row you boat...life if but a dream. What if I am dreaming?

Special Moments
I enjoyed the shock of a white knight appearing. Immediately, the reader is put into a state of mind. Ah, a rescuer. The last iteration was my favorite. A woman who insisted 'it' only spoke in a male's voice.

I was a little confused at times, which is often the case when going back before going forward gets messy. Generally, the best place to start a story is the beginning, the middle, or the most dramatic scene. Whatever it takes to snag the reader, in the instance that the title or brief description left a reviewer disinterested. For example, "I was discharged seven weeks ago" would make an interesting beginning, but then you'd still be stuck with back story. Oh, the plight of writers.

To be avoided
WHAT!?" I said, exasperated

{show emotion in action, not capitalized words, not multiple exclamation marks questions marks. And definitely, do not use an adjective as a sentence tag to show a state of mind.) Tiny oops. You forgot the ending period.

One of my fav descriptors
the reflected image showed red, huge, moving red.
This sentence put the reader in the drivers' seat, literally and figuratively. Because you're right, that's what a person sees when looking at on oncoming car.

Closing comments

I wasn't crazy about the conclusion. Because he lost everything, maybe ending it on Cruz's terms seemed logical. I don't know. Cruz's response felt like a deflated balloon.

"Goat Balls!" *Laugh* I've never heard that one before. Accidentally, I right-clicked on the words and google coughed up some disgusting images of yes, goats balls. *Sick*

Interesting write. I enjoyed the read, even if it was, at times, confusing. Maybe I'm dreaming.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Find Time  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Norma Jean. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

Flash reaction

I didn't expect time to be the primary character. What a splash that last line gave. *Shock2*

Something special
You played with one of my favorite concepts. Time. Because there really is no such thing as time. The moment we think 'stay in the present' the moment becomes the past.

All through the read I kept wondering what exactly was happening. Who was the little guy? And how could a little guy slip through someone's fingers. You seriously nailed this piece, especially after I caught on and read this again, catching all the nuances that I should have foreseen.

And unless a reader 'gets' it the first time, even for flash, the plot is thin. I kept trying to fill in the blanks, to find a clue. Surely, the story wasn't about two guys moving boxes. Where's the conflict? Where's the tension? It's only in retrospect that it all falls into place.

Something to consider
Rather than telling the reader that George looked dejected, the reader needs to see this emotion. Maybe he's slumped-shouldered?

Emotions evoked.
Your sense of humor was a delight to part of. The wit you possess reminds me of my own. I grew up in NYS and still maintain my dry sense of humor that no one else gets. So I've scaled it back, but in certain moments, it pops out of my mouth, and I see the confused or shocked look on someone's face. Sometimes, a blank stare.

Cut to the chase, Nixie.
My point being, I don't feel quite so alone in the dry wry humor inside that I have to hide. And I fear losing that particular knack. Without being around people who also think whimsically, it's definitely slipping through my fingers.

Awesome write!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Punk's Tale  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Jakrebs. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

Thanks for starting my day with laughter. *Laugh*

Overall take

I can't decide which amused me the most. The introduction, or the prose itself. The references to Norse mythology and the cat's disdain for their enhancements made me smile more with each line as I read.

The free form you chose sometimes had internal rhymes that threw me off a bit, as I looked for the matching word and found none. So I had a bit of trouble following the flow, but not a true issue. All I needed was a mind reset to plunge into the mythical world. Unfortunately for me, I had a hard time 'seeing' the word [string] sometimes capitalized [String] My eyes kept seeing strings or sting. *RollEyes*

I liked the hilarious lines throughout, and I really liked that I couldn't figure out what was happening until the end. Your unique word choices lent an air of sophistication. The juxtaposition between the plot and the words had a pleasing effect.

In the end?
My cat chose me one Halloween night. She was a parking lot cat, dumped by someone cruel. I've tamed her remarkably (pat on back for me) but she's never played with a string. So when I tried to connect with Punk, I couldn't make it. That's on me.

I'd definitely go through and make sure [string] was always capitalized. So, a bit of a rocky read, but well worth the extra time spent reading it more than a few times.

You penned an unusual write, something original. Well done!

A glamorous sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Appreciation  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Z.shams. Nixie here. Welcome to WdC!

Overall take
In a few words, you've touched on a complex thought process. It's not always easy to accept oneself, no matter the reason. However, that's the only way we can change. If we recognize our thoughts as creating our life, it's possible to escape self-sabotage.

Emotional/Mental connection.
What I say to myself is basically what you've written here. "I have enough." I learned that for myself, not from Oprah Winfrey, whose show I never watched.

If I should believe otherwise, I'm creating a need. Needs only lead to voids. In a state of wanting or needing, we'll never see what we have. We'll always feel 'less'. One has to recognize their own self-worth. And if a person can think of one good thing about themselves, they can build from there, or decide what they discovered is enough.

The main focus
Your words are bright and inspirational. I almost forgot to mention your brief description. One way to brighten ourselves is to shine on someone else. That's often what I meditate on.

Question/Matter of opinion
I'm not sure about the mention of [beautiful] in the conclusion. If a person recognizes a beauty within, and I think that's your point, then that's a good thing. But to focus on beauty by comparison create the opposite.

The emoticons are cute, but generally, they don't appear in an item, unless it's a contest of forum .... sent with an email ... Now that's entirely up to you, but for me, it was a distraction that pulled some of the power from your words.

And in the end?
Good write.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Lady H. Nixie here. I found your on the HUB page, requesting reviews.

Excellent read!

Lucy is an outstanding character. In first person POV, her actions drew me in. In fact, all the characters interested me, mostly scary or sly. Despite having several characters in this chapter, everyone had a part to play. Everything that happened was germane to the plot, with no wasted words.

All I wanted was for Lucy to leave. I liked how she switched her name to Luce, which sounder cooler to her.

The fast pace of the plot made my heart race, urging Luce on, and terrified she'd either be force-fed a pill, or can't escape. The setting you created is picture-perfect in my mind. I've partied in lots of bars, but none like this. And ew. I didn't mind the several mentions of sweaty bodies. Usually, repetition annoys me. But for this story, every mention was validated, further driving me in to the scene.

My heart is still thumping, and this chapter ends intriguingly, urging the reviewer to continue reading. Nicely done.

*Checkb* A few simple editing issues, not all. They're small and won't be easy to find. Brackets encase the corrections for small areas. Longer segments are typed in blue.

Repetitious word in close proximity.

The [only] problem is the [only] friends I have now are the dusty books in the school library.

Fiction is immediate. No one begins to move, they move.
[I begin to move]

These two sentences don't jive. She takes in a lungful, yet in the next paragraph, she's struggling to breathe. Suggestion. Use only one of the sentences, or alter how she gets oxygen.

I take in a lungful of the stuffy air.
the air stifling and making it difficult to breathe.

A small oops
but the DJ is making a birthday announcement over the music and [its] [it's] deafening.

The period slipped outside of the quotation marks.
[“Lucy!”. ]

I wouldn't sweat the small stuff. I'm sure you'll be editing more.

Fantastic write that I enjoyed reading from beginning to end. Wow!

Damiana Matrix SPR

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Epiphanies  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Whiskerface. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

I have to agree with everything you've written here. I don't have the exact same thoughts, but I excel at self-sabotage. If I simply write, I'm fine. If I think, forget it. And if I can't think of anything to write...what a circle I create.

Maybe your way is the best way to get started. I've often thought of writing like this, but I'm uneasy about revealing something unintentionally. It's kind of ridiculous. I'm here for the same reasons as everyone else. Reviewing helps me, just like your item helped.

And, looking at the date when this was written begs the question, how are you feeling now? We can't always change who we are. I think we're born with our personalities already written. I learn how best to work with what I have.

I'm imagining this writing as a catharsis. I'm happy for you that your ex remained your ex, even though he bettered himself. Those actions were for himself. But it's good that you're proud and recognize him.

Your brief description states 'writing shapes me' which I found fascinating. I had a saying that went something like this: one begins a story with an outcome in mind, they find at the end of the story they're someone different. I think our thoughts echo each other's.

Nothing in this world can stay the same. The only constant is change. Maybe we grow, or see life without eyes. (yes, that sounds weird, but I believe there's much more to life than our eyes show us.) I have revelations when I meditate. That's my safe haven, same as this website.

Maybe spacing this out a bit more (there are some sentences with no spaces in between) would make your work shine more. Look more professional. I find myself telling others, take anything you've learned and go forward with it. No point in reviewing something written years ago, unless there's a good reason.

Be at peace,

personal image
Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Where's Waldo?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Ned. I found your item through the read and review option.

Overall Impression
This title grabbed my attention and the brief description demanded a read and review.

Despite the foregone conclusion, I really felt for this guy. There's nothing worse than making plans. Plans always fall apart.

In the beginning, the scene was set. I was trying to picture his suit, but could not. No biggie. I certainly saw it in my mind after the elevator ride and subsequent escape. You might want to consider breaking up that huge block of text. It makes the story look uneven.

In closing
Another consideration: Shortening your sentences. Especially in the beginning when words matter the most. After the title and brief description, that's a writer's second chance to snag a reader. We all try to achieve this, remembering that less is more. What is most important to the story? What words will grab a reader's attention? Take note of how many sentences have the word (was) in them.

Maybe this sounds weird, but I don't go back and edit older pieces. I take the advice (if I agree) and move forward with the comments in mind. Keep on writing. *Smile*

beautiful in thought and visual

Overwatch Guardian

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Moment I Knew  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Joto-Kai. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

I liked this brief vignette into someone's life because I wish moments like these really happened. We're alone in this world, but a friend can ease that pain. Especially an unexpected friend. I think that's what's going on here. There were gaps I couldn't fill in.

Whenever someone answers 'How are you" with the word "Fine." I know they're in emotional turmoil. I can't always help. And I think that's why the other character said "I'm okay."

A few more details would have fleshed out the story. Who was the other person, and what was the relationship between him/her? A new friendship, a long-lasting friendship? I'll admit to being puzzled. Cecil picked up on the other character's need, despite him/her wanting to be alone.

My favorite dialogue was "When you need to hear my voice." and then the carry-through.

What I really liked was the last line, as it lifted up the entire conversation, indicating peace of mind. The words created a beautiful scene.

Thanks for the read. *Smile*

Me with another persona. Am I a spy?
Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Alan. Nixie here. I found your poem via random review.

Published at 14? Most impressive. I read your bio, stating you're a busy writer who publishes wherever possible. What I'm curious about, and it's really none of my business, how old are you now?

The poem is really quite good, especially from a person your age. I began writing around that time, but I'm older. Much as I hate to admit it, none of the tech we have today was available back then. Forget publishing. Unheard of. I kept all my writings in a brown paper bag. Long lost. And, if I remember correctly, I was a good writer.

I noticed you have two items here, a short story and a poem. Are you planning on writing more for WdC? You definitely have the talent.

Brown and green make for excellent visuals. I can't imagine that many teens even paying attention to details like that. I enjoyed reading your little poem, the simplicity and flow held a certain charm. You sounded young, but already an author in the making. Congrats on your success!

Me with another persona. Am I a spy?
Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi BSchool. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

Say what now? *Laugh*

Outstanding portrayal of a harried woman late for her first day, from start to, well, the grinding conclusion. I can't think of one more mishap to befall her. The coffee, the shoe, the bloody knee. I liked the strong verbs you employed to enliven the story. No need for adverbs to prop up your verbs. I think "pain shot through" got to me the most.

One of my favorite lines was about the worry of the smell of marijuana scenting her clothes. A nice touch, there, for interest.

She was on her way to Homeland Security, of all places!

I really appreciated how you fit all the details in with not very many words. You gave the reader a full setting, good characters and conflict. The resolution? No spoilers here.

Each scene was expertly depicted, and I felt included in the story. I couldn't relate because I've never hard a hard time getting to work. Oh, sure, Nixie. It was getting home, really. The place where I worked backed up to the Kennebeck River. During the winter, the cars iced over, door locks froze, and climbing the hill that led the way home was icy and snow-packed most days. Sorry, I digress.

Security sounded like going through the tortuous process of boarding a plane. It's absolutely ridiculous, and the things they make you do squash any joy from flying. Of course, we can't do that much anymore.

Super-duper weird. Those dudes that jumped the line. We had a good bit of foreshadowing that still did not prepare me for the conclusion. It sounded so outlandish, I more or less ruled it out as significant. Big mistake on my part!

I did get really nervous as Ruby passed all the empty offices. Did the workers suffer the same fate as the one impending Ruby? We have some unscrupulous people running our government (such as it is). Maybe they're not really human. *Laugh*

When I read all the words that had to be included, I thought, the story has already been written. My next thought was, yeah, that wasn't easy. You took the words and wrote a unique story, even though the conclusion seemed outlandish. Why were they allowed past security? And why were they keeping tabs on Ruby? Was she that luscious looking?

Expectations are never a good thing to count on. Great write!

Me with another persona. Am I a spy?
Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Lost and Found  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Queen Norma. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

Beginning a word restricted item with dialogue cuts right to the chase. (no pun intended.) Immediately, the reader is immersed in the story, watching the girls scurrying around for a guinea pig. Looking over to where the python was would have been my choice, as well.

We had a ball python who ate my daughter's two cockatiels. Truly upsetting, but brother and sister didn't communicate. In his defense, her brother didn't know the birds were not caged, and Champion had escaped his own cage. (Pythons are known for their escapist skills.)

The ferret was also loose, and I couldn't find him, but had to leave for the dentist. What a day. I think that's how it played out. *Pthb*

I was thinking the fourth paragraph would have been more exciting if the dialogue between the girls had kept going, rather than the explanation of the consequences. You've created two characters that are fun to play with. I'd keep them on a running dialogue.

Our guinea pig was the sweetest ever, so it surprised me when the one in the story bit Sally. We had a gerbil once...that's a whole other story.

And ick. I was totally unprepared for the conclusion, even having had a similar experience. But Champion was the sweetest python in the world, for all his escaping prowess. He let all my kids carry him circled around their shoulders. Yikes! I never did that. I do have limits. lol

The poor little piggy. It understood its narrow death escape. I hope Sally never leaves that cage open again. It's in the python's nature to devour, so I can't be upset. Thank goodness piggy lived. Otherwise, I'd be upset all day. *Laugh*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Leo Trying Hard  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Ty. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

Oh! A prime example of having to read in between the lines. From a few words, the reader hears the story that wasn't precisely told.

The fact that Leo opened one eye before the other was an unusual touch that I appreciated.

My dad was a Marine, and he taught me to make the hospital corners, and I still hear his voice whenever I make my bed.

I really liked how his mom's note played into the scene. (Why was her handwriting childish?) How did this add to the plot? How did she get to work without her car?

A quick snap shot of the neighborhood showed the reader the setting and the family's financial position. *Checkg*

After the first two paragraphs, the images came in short bursts, one sentence per paragraph. I had to read this over a few times before the big ah-ha moment. Nicely done. Only a few sticky spots to clear up. *Smile*

Me with another persona. Am I a spy?
Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Alana. Nixie here. I found your item via random review. Truthfully, I landed on your item 5 times without choosing to review it. So here goes...

Why I chose not to review it. It puzzles me when authors keep all their words on the left, not written out like a stream of consciousness, in this case, or a story. Maybe this item was written on another website and the writing code didn't match. Also, I have so many questions and thoughts in my head, I don't know how to narrow them down.

Why I am reviewing it now? After landing here multiple times, I've had time to think. For me, a stream of thoughts should be spread across the page. Since I wasn't completely confident making observations, I chose this website for formatting information.

Definition and examples  

I think you'll agree (or not) that this should be presented in the format I suggested.

The message came across strong. What a relief for the narrator to be free. My favorite line was 'the rocks skipping over the water'.

My questions. Did the narrator kill the person he/she's referring to?

So I took a trip to my favorite place, a glistening, chuckling stream
Shore nuff’ there you were, carrying out your scheme
Yet I don’t feel haunted, this sacred area is still a dream

How were the two characters related? Friends? Siblings?

I liked the title, but didn't understand the meaning. I laughed when I read even the deer were sneering. Your words are original and inventive, nothing repetitive or simplistic. If only I could have my questions answered, or hear back from you. That would be wonderful. Happy writing!

Damiana Matrix SPR
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there queen. Lowly Nixie here.

I enjoyed reading your story about rambunctious brothers with vivid, if limited imaginations. My daughter went through a phase where she wore capes she'd made everywhere. She brushed aside the ridicule. She had and still has a strong personality, not unlike mine.

Okay, back to the brothers. I delved into your world to explore with the boys. It was easy to picture them because your descriptions of the setting were both funny and visual.

When my sister was alive, I worshiped her. Whatever she did, I had to do. Thank goodness I was more mischievous than her, and we never got in trouble. That's how I connected with the older brother. He was so real in his concern for letting his little brother down, all the while hoping Joey would forget. I liked following Charlie's line of thought. He's (was) a good brother. His love shone through the words.

Now, about that magic box. Again, your showing the reader the action kept me engaged. I thought the entire experience was all funny, until the last line.
If you intended to create shock value, it worked. But somehow, I felt the missing father should have been mentioned earlier.

At any rate, a lively read with a flowing plot. Well done.

Me with another persona. Am I a spy?
Overwatch Guardian
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Courage  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Stellar. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

Likes *Checkg*

I'd never heard of this person before. *Blush* I'm not involved in a community presence. I had to look up her name and read. Thanks for expanding my knowledge.

An acute example of bullying and rising above. Unfortunately, such is the plight of any celebrity in the light.

The poem demonstrated her tenacity while beset by those who blow out others' candles to make theirs glow brighter. I hope their eyes cleared for more than a moment.

The second stanza impacted me the most, particularly the first line. 'Empty hands'. That's exactly what should be done. Kill them with kindness. Show strength by forgiveness and acceptance, despite the cruel taunts.

Your poem emphasized her amazing abilities without mentioning the disease she suffers from.

Suggestions/Questions *Questiong*

I like to see a 'balanced' poem. The last line in the first stanza was the only one of that length.

Because you wrote 2014 at the top, I wondered if she had died. I looked it up. Amazingly, she has not.

What do you think of leaving out the parentheses in the second stanza third line? It looked out of place.

Final thoughts *Thinker*

Thanks for writing an encouraging poem and sharing the inspiration you have for you. She's indeed a courageous woman.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hiding Place  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Steph. I found your story using the read and review option.

The hook
The title could have meant anything, and the brief description narrowed the field of possibilities.

Overall Impression
I only had to read the first line before entering your realm. Right from the start, the scene is painted, and the reader knows the character is running for his life. From a direwolf!

The short sentences contributed to the urgency of this chase, and the verbs you chose and variety of words (no repetition here) impressed me as my curiosity drove me forward. I felt as if I were running with Bronn. He was familiar with the territory, honestly, I could see it in my mind, and this creaked open a door of hope. Then a boar entered the chase, adding more danger and urgency.

Special Moments
I liked the idea of not identifying the character by name until the close of the story. It was unusual and had a dramatic effect.

Closing comments
I fought for Bronn right to the conclusion, even though it was forgone.

You don't need me to tell you what an exceptional author you are. These words came from your inner being. Impressive!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of turn Up  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Winded. Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

What I'm about to write is the weirdest beginning thought I've ever, well, thought. Although the 'prose' made no sense, the explanation did. You see, I meditate daily to help me through emotions and rid myself of trapped toxins.

I've tried to write out a few, but, same as you, they make no sense to others. Don't let that stop you, as it stopped me. Also, I rarely remember what happened in the meditation.

I wake with a feeling of peace, wishing the meditation surpassed the one hour mark. It's odd. Every single time, I wake after an hour. I sense the moment I'm about to snap out of it and try to extend the time, to no avail. Is that what the title turn up means to you?

It's cathartic to write, and when you have that gift it's a blessing. We can work through problems, no matter what form they take.

I have one suggestion. Depending on how you feel, you may want to set this to 'email comments' or 'review w/o rating. This will also help the reviewer, because I definitely don't want to rate what you've written here. Your words are wise, you're aware of more than you think.

Some reviewers take off a half star 'just because' there is no perfection in the world. I can't do that. I've nothing to offer as a suggestion. I've only encouragement to keep on writing. *Smile* Oh, and welcome to WdC! Most members refer to the website as a second home. I hope that happens for you.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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