Hollis Frances' Articles of Faith
I am an authority on only one thing.
My own life experiences.
This includes;
my thoughts on,
my reaction/actions to,
the consequences of,
or lack thereof
and finally, .
my reflections on,
now and going forward on all the above.
Just a few short months ago I was in the same life activities that everyone else has done for centuries just trying to exist and survive.
Now, being retired, I have the freedom to exist as I please, well for the most part anyway. I still have the standard restrictions as far as funds and such. But I mean more freedom to think, ponder, reflect, BREATH deeply! No schedule that I need to try and balance to get everything accomplished I HAD to do that week and having to choose which ones I would like to do seemed to always be delayed.
On occasion, once a week or so, I will add to this site some events/choices from my past that I see, now that I am looking back, were more influential to my life experienced then what they seemed at the time. Both good and bad.
Interestingly, some of the biggest impacts to the course I traversed was formed by people that I don't recall their names. Only maybe the event itself, not even the events location or time frame for that matter,
This suggests to me then the influence was more on the spiritual/imagination side than the physical side.
One of my favorite non-Biblical quotes is from Albert Einstein that I summarize here. Genius is NOT knowledge, but rather Imagination.
Hollis Frances
May 26, 2021 9:04 PM eastern
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Last Modified: 05-26-21 @ 9:09 pm EDT