Yellow cow
Dec 31 2009 at 9:13pm EST
Milton Avery's Bucolic Landscape (1945, oil on canvas) belongs to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo.

Yellow cow

         after Avery's Bucolic Landscape

Inhale the scent of withered grass
hear buzzing thistle bees
and scratch
behind my ear; please,
rest here, graze with me.
As sky looks further up from ground
where hedge rows loom ahead
these thistles guard their blooms my dear; please,
pat my yellow head.
Let's watch the day go down the way,
that path we'll never tread; please,
stay here while the grasses sway,
come scratch my yellow head.

© Kåre Enga [166.341] 2009-12-28

Sketching it out:

My sister has lots of art works around as she herself paints with acrylics. This was based on Milton Avery's "Bucolic Landscape" (1945, oil on canvas; belongs to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo) :

An article that mentions it:
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