Comedy: February 13, 2019 Issue [#9341]
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 This week: Rom Com
  Edited by: Annette
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello funny readers and writers, I am Annette and I will be your guest editor for this comedy newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Rom Com

It ought to be called Comedy Romance

Romantic comedies are all over the place. Stories, books, movies. A lot of movies. For some reason, Comedy is very attracted to Romance as a genre. Yes, I know Comedy is a polyamorous customer who doesn't really allow anyone to turn it into a one-trick-pony. After all, Comedy and Tragedy also have some steamy stuff going on. Like "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett where two hapless tramps spend all their time in pointless activities while waiting for a third person who never shows.

But when Comedy works with Romance - or when humorous plot lines conspire with romantic ideas to help a couple overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to end up together - the playbook is different. The classic Com-Rom (yes, I switched on purpose for the fun of it) requires a happy ending. One where the couple gets each other. So, leading up to Valentine's Day, which is like, right now, consider the ending of your Com-Rom to make sure it's a comedy and not a tragedy. Your Comedy Romance should make us feel safe, bathe us in familiar feelings, and be comforting in the end.

Editor's Picks

The Key to Love  (18+)
Kate sensed something in his words. “But?” A Holiday Short Story Entry
#2166909 by 🌕 HuntersMoon

 Invalid Item 
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#2172242 by Not Available.

Bovine Kiss  (13+)
Writer's Cramp Entry
#2176812 by ♥OctOGRE tHiNg♥

Perfect Date  (18+)
How to sweep a woman off here feet. Or perhaps not.
#2174343 by Mastiff

Is this seat taken?  (13+)
Lookin' for love in all the wrong places
#2167970 by trailerpark bodhisattva

The Cool Cats  (13+)
From across the dance floor, one cool cat sees his Dancing Queen
#2105098 by Lornda

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2173156 by Not Available.

A Romance  (18+)
Maybe he should phone her back
#2080080 by Pol-TIGGY-st

The Blind Date  (ASR)
It's a jungle out there. A woman must be careful these days, she said. (500 Words Dialog)
#1747442 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

I received the following replies to my last Comedy newsletter "Language Barrier

Quick-Quill wrote: OH MY you hit the nail square on the head!!! I read a self published book where one character had a thick Italian accent. The writer must have had a family member that talked like The Godfather. His entire dialogue was written phonetically. No kidding.. "Please-ah Now you gotta..." It was awful. I had to read his dialogue out loud to see what he was saying. After 2-3 chapters I tossed the book. It may have been a great story, but who wants to read that? Now given that. My novel was set in the hills of West Virginia. My editor said I needed to change the father's dialect to normal English. I refused. First of all they were from the hills and the mother did her best to raise her children to a better standard. They spoke "proper English" in the manner of their area. no ain't. or yore or yew. she made sure they said; is, isn't, you and your. As best she could, She slipped now and then. Her husband had been too long talking in his own dialect for her to change him. If he didn't want to that was his choice. So I didn't change his dialect. It was totally understandable. Its the way we talk if we're lazy. I didn't have one complaint about it. So choose where and how you write dialect. Its fine as long as the reader can translate as they go along and not have to stop and read it over and over to see by content what's being said.

Yes. I agree. If I can't understand what I'm reading, I get rid of the book. But a little bit of y'all, yew, yore, doesn't hurt and adds character.

Monty a Grim Reaper wrote: I enjoyed one of the picks that you highlighted. A good choice.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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