Spiritual: November 21, 2018 Issue [#9228]
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 This week: The Antidote for sin
  Edited by: Samberine Everose
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello everyone, I’m Samberine Everose and I'm here again your guest editor this week in the Spiritual Topic of the WDC Newsletter, and just like I've always been saying, I will not be tired in expressing my thankfulness to all the beautiful people here in this wonderful community of writers for not only helping us to improve our writings but giving us also encouragement and inspiration every day. *Smile*

In spite of all the adversity of being here in this world, be happy, because through His sufferings in the cross and His victoriously risen from the grave. We can endure all those hardships and overcome too because He already overcomes the world.

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Letter from the editor

The Antidote for sin
Second Part of Two
The First part is in "Spiritual Newsletter (November 7, 2018)

So sin is the main reason why human suffers in miseries and sickness. Sin will lead us to death too (Genesis 2:17) and to eternal death- the second death.(Revelation 20:14)

sin was not included and a plan by God since the start, everything that God been made is good (Genesis 1:31), but the enemy laid the sin to ruin what God has been made good, through tempting the first man and woman to disobey God. Until now, the enemy keeps on tempting humans to disobey God, destructing humans too, through polluting their minds, tempting emotions to burst in rebellion.
So sin was born and as its consequences, the human race was and are experiencing problems, miseries and will perish to death. (Genesis 3:1-24)

But God loves us so much, and He did not want and let His masterpiece to suffer, to become miserable and be perished to death forever. He wants us to be healed, to have life and to live with Him in Eternal Life. So from heaven, He let His Son and came down to this world, and live with us and He will live in us, (Hebrews 8:10-12) and that is through our Lord Jesus Christ full of grace and mercy if we just only let and accept Him as our Personal Savior. (John 3:16)

Through His sacrifice at the cross in mount Calvary, we are saved, by His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) He bears the sin of the world and nailed with Him in the cross too.
Imagine all the guilt of our sins in this world, our shame, He carried it all on the cross. He didn't give it up, He didn't give up on us, even how hard He was tortured. He is the innocent and The pure Lamb that was offered to make us be in peace with God- the Creator of all,(Romans 5:1-2) (John 15:13) for the forgiveness of sin even how big that sin is it.(Romans 5:10-11)
He is our Savior, we just only accept Him and repent our sin.

And on the third day He rose from the dead signifying that when we already accepted Him and become our Savior we too will be raised also from the dead, we become a new person, a much better person, our sins were left already in the cross and we should go and sin no more. (Romans 6:4-12)

Not only for that, He said if we will accept and believes in Him, He will give us the power to become the children of God. (John 1:12-13)

So what do children expect from their parents, isn't it heir, care, love, everything, and if God will be our parent, isn't much greater what we will be expecting from Him because He is The Greatest and The Creator of all things.
In accordance with His plans and will, to make us become a better person. Everything His plans and will are all good for our betterment. (Jeremiah 29:11)
So there's no reason why we don't like to receive His Love. *Heart*

References: The Holy Bible-New International Version
The Holy Bible-English Standard Version
Beyond imagination series- by John Balwin, James Gibson and Jerry Thomas, Health and Home 2015.

Samberine Sig.

Editor's Picks

Pieces by awesome WDC Authors for you to check On.

Poem about the Star of Bethlehem!
#1624083 by Jaiam

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#2174365 by Not Available.

My God Given Talent  (E)
The gift's we receive from God
#2135715 by LegendaryMask❤️

These Are My JOTtings, Part #2  (E)
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#2172808 by Jay O'Toole

Doves On Distant Oaks  (13+)
Daily devotions of Christian scripture and encouragement
#2079713 by Eric Wharton

Two Adams  (E)
For The Lighthouse Poetry Contest
#2172885 by Quihadi

The Making of a Preacher  (ASR)
How does one speak truth to others, when he is very aware of his own imperfections?
#2173459 by Jay O'Toole

Contest you want to try On.

The Lighthouse Poetry Contest  (E)
Contests With A Christian Theme
#1742964 by LegendaryMask❤️

Word Pictures Contest  (13+)
Share your lyrical worlds here and receive a review just for entering!
#2149424 by Ray Scrivener

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#2156513 by Not Available.

The Daily Poem  (13+)
A Week of Poetic Craziness - Paused
#2133562 by Jayne

Jesus Praise  (13+)
Write uplifting stories from Christian prompts in this musical contest!
#2165100 by Abby Gayle

Adaptive Writers Contest   (ASR)
This contest intends to challenge writers to write outside of their comfort zone
#2150828 by S.J - Not Around Much

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Feedback from our readers in "Spiritual Newsletter (November 21, 2018)

I'M looking forward to the next NL

Thank you for reading Quick-Quill

You're right. When things go wrong, we tend to blame God for the problem instead of seeking Him to get us out of our own (often self-created) mess! Thanks for reminding us that God is the solution to — NOT the creator of — misery on earth.

~the Wordy Jay

Thank you, Jay for your comment.

I took a religion course in college on world religions. The premise was that all religions were formed to handle the problem of death and suffering. So you start out acknowledging that suffering is a part of life. Each religion was approached from this stand point. Judaism and Christianity were treated together as one approach. It was a fascinating class, one of the best I ever had.

~ Pumpkin

Hi, Pumpkin *Smile*

Thank you for your comment, but I'm not into any religion, because religion can't save us in death and make us be in Life. It's only Him-The Lord who saved us from death, healed us from all our sickness and already gave us hope from our miseries.
With our Hope in Him, We can still be happy even if we are in the midst of our pain and struggles.

Thank you all for reading.

Don't hesitate to send me a question or if you like to add an opinion or an item to be featured in my next newsletter.
You can send it through our mailbox below.
Until next time.

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