For Authors: January 03, 2018 Issue [#8688]
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For Authors

 This week: Writing Resolution for the New Year
  Edited by: Vivian
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         Often writers become discouraged, overwhelmed, and negligent about writing. We don't give the time and attention to our work as we once did, or we never build a good writing platform. However, a new year is the time to recharge, reschedule, and revamp ourselves as writers.

A sig given as gift.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Writing Resolution for 2018

         Many times we become sluggish in our writing. We become too busy with other matters to give enough time to write; we become discouraged with all the revisions and editing and technical needs. Our writing may become boring or a struggle. The beginning of a new year is the time to resolve to become a more motivated writer.

         Let's use me as an example. I resolve to improve as a writer and to find motivation to become a better writer. A few ways I can fulfill this resolution follow:

1. I must renew my love of writing. One way is to read. Yes, read the writings of others. As I read, I take mental notes as to how I would improve the book or story. I think, "I can write as well as that or maybe better." So, I decide to prove I can. As I read something well-written, I lose myself in the joy of good word craft and want to write as well or better.

2. I need to set time every day to work on writing, even if I'm mentally developing ideas or preparing a scene. I may need to research (Yes, even fiction requires some research) or discover ways to develop believable twists in my plot. Of course, I must spend time several days a week at the keyboard, putting my words on paper.

3. I should pay attention to life around me. People watching creates character possibilities. Over-hearing gives us quotes we can incorporate in a story sometime. Becoming "detectives" to find possibilities for our writing can motivate us to improve and move forward.

4. I will search myself for the reasons I wanted to write, brush them off, polish them, and bring them back to life.

5. If I chart my writing progress, I can avoid feeling I'm not accomplishing much.

         Writing is profession only if we make it one. Even if we're not published, we are professional writers if we write professionally: setting goals, working toward those goals, improving our abilities. Happy New Year.

Editor's Picks

Writings from W.Com

My current pet peeve is poorly developed characters. That's what this is about.
by Ben Frost

 Recognizing Success  [E]
Treating them like they are successful could be the key to helping them become so.
by Kenzie

 Conversation with My Motivation  [13+]
Trying to keep myself motivated
by elusive ennui warm inside

 For "Dear Me Contest"  [E]
An entry for the "Dear Me" contest, described as a motivational contest for the New Year
by Dr M C Gupta

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

         My last newsletter was October 11, 2017, written and submitted before I had surgery October 4. Since no one left comments after that issue, I don't have any to share.

         I'm back after my needed leave of absence, and I would like some input from you, my readers. What topics or ideas would you like me to cover in my issues of the newsletter?

         May you all have a joyous, prosperous, and great-writing 2018.

I love black cats, so ledger created me a sig with one

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