Spiritual: November 08, 2017 Issue [#8589]
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 This week: Gratitude
  Edited by: eyestar~*
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

*Heartp* Hi! I am happy to be your guest editor for this edition and It is my first time with this theme! *Delight*
I reflecting on Rememberance Day and the upcoming US Thanksgiving day this month, I chose to have a peek at Gratitude. Here are some perceptions to consider.

"Gratitude is not only the greatest virtue but the parent of all the others." MT Cicero

"If the only prayer you ever say is "thank you", that would be enough." Meister Eckhart

"Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude's completion of thankfulness which consists merely of words. Gratitude is the act." Henri Frederic Amiel

"Gratitude is what we are without our story." Byron Katie

Gratitude is a state of being, not a doing or a feeling. We are grateful.

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Letter from the editor

*Heartp* Have you ever wondered what gratitude really is? We have all been thankful and been taught to say thank you for people and things and in many cases it has become an automatic meme as opposed to a heart felt joy in the moment.

Gratitude is a vital virtue. I have been keeping a gratitude journal for a while and find it raises my energy vibe and keeps the blues at bay. In many of my readings over the years this "gratitude" magic has shown up as a powerful theme for living abundance and joy as it focuses on the positive, even when we are having tough times. I know for me even those rough times are giving me a learning or a gift, an opportunity to go deeper and to trust bigger.

Recently I came across the idea that Gratitude is a state of being and not a feeling or doing. We usually say 'I Am grateful" rather than "I do grateful". It really gave me the idea of it being a higher consciousness, non polar quality that is part of who we can be....in tune with the source within us.

I once read Sadhguru who said that gratitude involved being receptive to life as everything in existence is helping to keep us alive and when we take a moment to realize all the ways we are supported, gratitude rises and flows up. I think we do get so busy and forget that even the clothes on our back have had many helping hands creating it. What would it take for more of us to receive everything and witness the interconnectedness of all?

The late Wayne Dyer's expressed: "Gratitude is the complete and full response of the heart to everything in the universe." It is a state of being...recognizing...being overwhelmed by the goodness and gift even in the hard moments. Shown by a tear, a look, a touch, a smile, a hug, a word...it is true receiving of what comes.*Heart*

I don't know about you, yet I continue to open and drop barriers to this receiving each moment....the notion I am still alive and life comes to me with all possibilities stirs gratitude and I do not even have to cultivate it. *Laugh* I do build the muscle of remembering to be grateful...as life does get busy and my mind can play in so many areas! I find doing breath work and journalling each day affirms this wonder of life.

I dream of being like Piglet: (and we do have this capacity....we are it! )

"Piglet noticed that though he had a Very Small Heart
it could hold a really Large Amount of Gratitude."
A.A Milne, Winnie the Pooh.

Everyday is a perfect time to reflect on what to be thankful for, as all of life comes for our benefit.

Let's build this attitude of gratitude muscle as a daily practice! How could our vibration contribute to the world?


Wayne Dyer: Manifest Your Destiny
Byron Katie: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Byron_Katie

Editor's Picks

*Leafr**Heartp* Enjoy some reflections of gratitude. *Delight*

Being Thankful  (E)
Is gratitude a spiritual attribute?
#2101749 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

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This item number is not valid.
#2075153 by Not Available.

A Version Of Truth by Brian K Compton  (18+)
Journalist caught in the story.
#2131726 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

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This item number is not valid.
#2138483 by Not Available.

A Thanksgiving Farewell  (13+)
A strong family offers thanks in the midst of great loss.
#1620315 by Winnie Kay

Thanksgiving Wishes  (E)
Giving thanks for blessings, Form: Rhyming Couplets
#1619728 by ShelleyA~15 years at WDC

The Thanksgiving Blessing  (E)
A family learns about the true meaning of Thanksgiving from their son. (Form: End Rhyme)
#1825785 by ๐ŸŒ• HuntersMoon

*Quill* Contests:

Philosophical Musings  (13+)
A contest for items of a philosophical nature.
#2137339 by Scaredy Kitti

Spiritual Fiction Writing Contest-CLOSED  (13+)
a spiritual fiction short story contest - a 2017 Quill Nominee
#2123887 by It's the Great Pumakin!

Zodiac Contest/CONTEST CLOSED  (18+)
Create a character using personality traits from a Zodiac sign.
#2115893 by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

*Angel* Do you have a favourite consideration of Gratitude and what it is to you? Do you have a gratitude ritual? a journal? A poem to share for this theme?
I recall the late Wayne Dyer, an author, said he would run each day and consider what he was grateful for on the way, often finding coins along the route, a sign of the goodness of the universe to provide abundance.
Let's create a bubble of light as gratitude flows from our hearts in unison. What a great contribution we can be on this planet! *Heart**Salute*

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