Romance/Love: November 23, 2016 Issue [#7982]
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 This week: Futuristic Romance
  Edited by: Annette
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello romantically inclined readers and writers, I am Annette and I will be your guest editor for this issue.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

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Futuristic Romance

The future is uncertain, but writers know what will happen.

Why so dystopian?

Leonardo DaVinci invented planes hundreds of years before they were built.

Jules Verne invented the submarine decades before the first one floated below the sea.

H. G. Wells told us to fear invaders from space until ... oh, we're still waiting. But when aliens arrive, they will surely bring some sort of violence if you can believe mainstream alien-involving fiction.

In recent years, it feels as if most published sci-fi books and movies have humanity revert back to rigid structures with horrific bloody sacrifices that make the Aztecs and Mayans look like a bunch of fun surfer dudes. Many writers have created political structures in their books that feel like a marriage between North Korea and The Third Reich. Why so dystopian?

As writers, we create the world that we want to live in. Because while we write, that world can feel more real than that outside of our living room window. At the same time, no matter how sordid and violent we make it, we are safe from that world.

The romances we put into futuristic worlds are completely free from any restrictions. There is no history to go by since it hasn't happened. There are no limits to how far into the future you want to set your story. No limits on which continent or planet or galaxy.

Dare to create a future that is fun to live in. Dare to write futuristic romances where your protagonists' troubles don't come from a harsh ruling caste, but maybe from a return to nature. Even dare to write futuristic romances that are easy, fun, and simply cute to read. Just because there are aliens or technology, life and love doesn't have to be a bad thing in the future.

Editor's Picks

I Write Romantic in Winter  (18+)
Three months long contest of romance and erotica contests.
#1919444 by Annette

Chain of Hearts  (13+)
Stacey is eating her breakfast when a heart keychain is dropped on her table.
#2093879 by Than Pence

 Invalid Item 
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#2094459 by Not Available.

Call to Arms  (ASR)
Fiona and Leon best friends since childhood, end up battling large dragons.
#2090545 by WritingGale

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#2086454 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#2045955 by Not Available.

One way trip  (18+)
you think being human again after so long in a computer would be more of a challenge.
#2068959 by reaper

A place I Remember  (ASR)
Bee heads back to her hometown after many years.
#2057840 by Spookifish 👻

 Invalid Item 
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#2005075 by Not Available.

Red Moon. Chapter 1.  (18+)
Bithot and Ekurb are selectors who are employed to rescue humans from certain death.
#1607019 by Bruce.

 Invalid Item 
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#579367 by Not Available.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

I received no comments for my last Romance/Love newsletter "Historical Romance.

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