Romance/Love: November 16, 2016 Issue [#7954]
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 This week: Historical Romance
  Edited by: Annette
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello romantically inclined readers and writers, I am Annette and I will be your guest editor for this issue.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

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Historical Romance

Go ahead and write history the way you want it to be.

How realistic does your historical romance have to be?

When we read "Historical Romance" as a genre description, the most common associations are going to be some sort of medieval or at least Victorian romance. There always seem to be a lot of rules that everybody has to follow. The characters are not only trapped by the lack of electricity, but also by behavior norms that restrict their actions.

A lot of historical romances assume that men are largely able to do anything they want while women are relegated to being passive or have to be a rebel in order to have aspirations that go beyond crocheting the best tablecloth. Historical romance might also involve indigenous people who have to be saved by the historical hero and his love interest. Or his love interest is one of the threatened indigenous people.

As you write your version of historical romance, free yourself from the usual confines of school history lessons. Create a past the way you want it to be. Make the horse a steam-punk spider. Oh wait. Somebody already did that. Make the indigenous villagers who are "discovered" the superior actor in the story and have them save the explorer - not to their detriment.

Figure out how to give all characters a shot at romance within a historic backdrop that you shape. A man might try to win the heart of a woman not by being the strongest, but by being the kindest. A woman might try to win the heart of a woman without fearing for her life. We are writing fiction, and even something like historical romance doesn't need to be actual history as found in the school books. So write your romantic fiction within a past you want to see.

Editor's Picks

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Rum Row  (13+)
She had to tell him, but would he return? Feb/2016 Journey Through Genres 2nd Place Winner
#2076772 by Bikerider

No Longer Alone  (13+)
Letters meant for another man lead Nate to a mail-order bride and his soulmate.
#2076099 by Mara ♣ McBain

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#2075864 by Not Available.

My Name is Antinous  (18+)
How I met the Emperor Hadrian... and other things.
#2056403 by Osirantinous

The Sound Shell  (13+)
Who counts casualties in a soldiers' dream; who sings the hymn of the battles end scene?
#2050315 by Sparky

Melting Carrie's Heart (Chapter One)  (18+)
Carrie Maguire's husband is hanged for bank robbery and murder.
#2045373 by Nancy White

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#2041718 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

I received the following comments for my last Romance/Love newsletter "Romantic or Steamy Romance.

SB Musing wrote: Thanks so much for mentioning my story in this newsletter. Also, really dig that you focus on the flowery, more heated, and then absolutely steamy side of romance. All about the steam myself and enjoyed reading this.

Thank you for your kind comment. And I can emphasize with steamy. That's more of my romance too. *Blush*

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