Noticing Newbies: August 10, 2016 Issue [#7801]
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Noticing Newbies

 This week: Rekindling the Love
  Edited by: Sara♥Jean
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Letter from the editor

Rekindling the Love

I found that I pulled away from reading for a long time. I've rekindled my love. How about you?

Have you ever gotten so busy that you seem to have no time for the things you love the most? I found myself in this very situation for the last several years. It seems that I buried myself so deep into my work and everything else that I hardly even missed the things that I loved until they found a way to weasel themselves back into my life.

One of those things that seemed to slip away without even a thought was reading. I seemed to simply not have time. I'm one of those readers that picks up a book, and then is incapable of setting it down. I tend to end up reading until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, because I just have to finish the book. Stopping is just a horrible thought. And if I find a book that I can stop, well, that book just isn't interesting. I sink into books, and completely shut off the world around me. I have zero self control in bookstores or around books in general. It's pitiful, really, but it is my weakness.

It left me in a situation where I felt like I could only read when I didn't have many responsibilities to worry about, because reading until that time in the morning and then getting up for work at 5:30 in the morning just didn't go over very well. So, I didn't read during the school year (I was a teacher), but I read during the summer. Problem solved! Until... I got a job that kept up year round. No more summers.

So, for the last four years or so, I haven't read. Not short stories, not longer books, not anything at all. And I have been a sad, sad lady. When I did get to read, I drank in the book like some starving person finally getting a meal after a two week fast. I managed to read The Help by Kathryn Stockett in one day, somehow managing to feed my family all three meals simultaneously AND get to bed at a decent hour. I didn't accomplish anything else that day, and I don't think I was conscious to anything else going on around me, but I did read! But that's about all I read in that time. I kept getting books, they kept piling up, but not much reading happened.

I recently found a fix, though. Something I could stand to put down (without losing interest), something I could find time for (despite all of the constant work), and something I could still use to maintain my love of reading despite my preoccupation with everything else under the sun. And it's something I never thought I'd like.

... audio books...

No really. I love them. I even found some books that seem to be MADE to be audio books. (The Red Pyramid series by Rick Riordan comes to mind - I actually tried to read it at one time, and wasn't very fond. It just didn't catch my attention like the Percy Jackson series did. But it is absolutely perfect for audio books, as it is written as audio entries by two people. Brilliant, really, in audio.) I was able to listen on the way to work, during my conference period, sometimes even WHILE I was working on my second job at home. It was great. (Correction - it IS great.) Bonus, I got my husband hooked, and now we both listen. He shares my love of reading, but had found himself in the same rut - this pulled us both out. We have tons of books under our belts this year because of audio books. He even listens in the shower.

What is even MORE unusual is that when someone suggested I try audio books, I scoffed, and told them they were nuts. But, I tried it anyway, because I couldn't knock it without trying it.

Now, it's not my suggestion that audio books are for everyone. More my point for this particular newsletter is that we all pull away from what we love for whatever reason. Because we are too busy, or we don't have time, or we are just too tired, or because the people we hang out with don't like it, or, or, or, or...for some, it may be reading. For others, writing. (I need to get back into that, too.) There could be a million different things. For all of us, there are different solutions.

So! Let's do a little meet and greet, question and answer, hello type thing. I've told you something I pulled away from and how I fixed it. With keeping reading and writing in mind (because of the website and all), let's see if we can't help some others who may have experienced similar things. Here are some questions I'd love to hear back from you about! Let's see if you can't help some newbies, and oldies, with their own broken habits. Don't worry if you can't answer all of them - if you can answer even one, submit an answer in the "Ask & Answer" section. I'd love to hear from you, and so would the other readers!

1. If you pulled away from reading, how did you rekindle the love?
2. If you pulled away from writing, how did you rekindle the love?
3. What do you think caused you to pull away from your reading or writing? Do you think it will happen again?
4. What advice do you have for someone who feels they are "stuck", and they just can't find a way to get going again?
5. If you are feeling "stuck", what do you think people on WdC could do to help you the most?

I hope to hear from you soon!

Editor's Picks

Say hello to some of our newest members!

Blue  (E)
A children's poem I wrote. I would be delighted to see it in a book someday.
#2092851 by Zacharie

Turn The Enterprise Around  (E)
Priorities are the mainstay of Life. Wealth is focused on the truly valuable.
#2092815 by Jay O'Toole

 The Rogues Warrant  (E)
Poem of forbidden love
#2092795 by Georgina Antoinette

 Abigail  (13+)
This is a story I'm making. It seems sort of cliche, but please tell me what you think.
#2092722 by Paisley Code

The Mask  (E)
A brief piece of prose for a friend
#2092695 by thepen

 A glimmer of something special  (E)
A small monologue about finding something more in life and not settling for the norm
#2092688 by LauraBethell

 The Tragic Tale of an Epic Hero Part II  (E)
Robert enters the forest and meets his "maker" who condemns him to live in the forest.
#2092686 by DJ

 Work and Happiness  (E)
simple thoughts defining the real prpose to work and to give time to our loved ones.
#2092658 by Himanshu Jasrotia

 The Language of Eyes  (E)
A short poem about what your eyes "say".
#2092648 by Jellybean4401

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Here's those questions again!

1. If you pulled away from reading, how did you rekindle the love?
2. If you pulled away from writing, how did you rekindle the love?
3. What do you think caused you to pull away from your reading or writing? Do you think it will happen again?
4. What advice do you have for someone who feels they are "stuck", and they just can't find a way to get going again?
5. If you are feeling "stuck", what do you think people on WdC could do to help you the most?

Let us know if you have any answers!

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