Noticing Newbies: May 18, 2016 Issue [#7652]
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Noticing Newbies

 This week: I'm Scared!
  Edited by: Sara♥Jean
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Letter from the editor

I'm Scared!

Don't let fear keep you from jumping in head first. You can't win if you don't try!

I am about to embark on a new voyage in my life. I am discontinuing a career that I have had for 14 years, and I am jumping head first into one that I have dabbled in for 4 years part time and making it my full time job. It is risky. I am going from having a guaranteed, steady paycheck that I know the exact dollar amount for every month to having a paycheck that will vary every single time I get paid.

However, there are many benefits. I will be able to work from home, the earning potential is much higher as long as work is present, and the stress levels are very different. There are also risks. If the work dries up, then there will be no income to speak of. It is unlikely the work will dry up completely, but it is always a risk... I will have to consciously budget my money and put away what isn't used for when I don't make as much.

This career that I am going to dive head first into is a career that is mixed with copy editing and desktop publishing, but also has some accuracy checking (mathematics) and some more menial type work that borders on secretarial. Really, I do whatever the boss needs me to do. When we have copy editing to do, I do that. (I like when we have that - it tends to pay more because it deals with contracts through other companies.) When we have accuracy checking, I do that. (I also like that. Mathematics is what I have my degree in, so that just makes sense.) When we don't, I do whatever else needs to be done. I like it, because it is different every day, and because it is flexible.

I am, of course, very scared. But also very excited!

Oddly, I had the same sort of feeling when I joined WdC and I saw all of the contests roaming around the site. It took forever before I actually entered any of them. I was like, "Nope! Not going to do it! What if I lose? What if I make a fool of myself? What if they hate my stuff?"

Looking back at some of my first contest material, when I finally did get up the nerve to enter, it wasn't my best work. But, I did finally work up the nerve. I think what we really need to figure out is... who cares? So what if they hate it? So what if they think it is crap? Then it doesn't win. Oh well. At least it's out there, and at least I took a shot at it. That's better than sitting back and just not trying!

See, WdC has this monthly contest that always needs more entries. They have GREAT prizes. (I'll link it below.) I think a lot of people don't enter because they think, "Well, everyone else is going to be better, so why even bother?" Well, I'll tell you why.

1. You can't win if you don't enter. Period. No entry, no winny. Think about it, if no one is entering because everyone thinks that everyone else is better, that is an awfully small set of entries in the contests. You would be surprised! There might just be fewer entries in there than you think!

2. Everything you write gives you writing experience, which makes you better at writing. Even if you don't win, you get the benefit of stretching your mind and gaining experience. Experience makes you better. So, you win anyway! Even if it isn't GPs.

3. Every entry gets a review, even if it's a quick one. They may be short reviews, because those judges have to go through and review everyone, but it IS a review, which is exposure. Other people read the review, and they hop in there and read it, too, then they read more of your stories... well, you never know what they might find...

4. Last but not least, well, why not? Really, what reason can you really give NOT to try? The prizes are great, the experience is great, getting a review is great... come on now, try it out!!

I hope to see you trying out some contests this month!

Editor's Picks

Along with the monthly contest, there are some other contests around the site you also may want to take part in. Just as a warning, most, if not all, of these have a due date of May 31, so you need to jump in quick!

Journey Through Genres: Official Contest  (E)
Write a short story in the given genre to win big prizes!
#1803133 by Writing.Com Support

The Humorous Poetry Contest  (18+)
The contest where the rating doesn't matter! ~ Next TBA~
#1875093 by Lornda

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#1992580 by Not Available.

Cards Against Authors  (18+)
A poetry game inspired by Cards Against Humanity!
#2045467 by The Ghost of Jayne's Lost Sock

The 4 Controversies Contest  (18+)
OPINIONS? Groovy! The 4C's is a 3X Quill Winner! Enter Your Non-Fiction Next in ?
#2083509 by Whata SpoonStealer

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1966417 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Here are some questions from "Noticing Newbies Newsletter (April 20, 2016)

QueenElizabeth asks, "For you personally (being non bias to this site) what do you think is the best way to get exposure for an aspiring author?"

Well, unfortunately, I am more of a copy editor than a true writer. And, also I am not non-biased to the site. I love WdC, so I can't really answer this in a way that would be helpful to you. I apologize. *Frown* I have no idea how to get exposure off of the website.

GaelicQueen said, "Good article. I'd rather get reviews from WDC or other writing websites I'm a member of than from family or close friends. People who know me will either praise too highly or tear it apart because they don't read the genre I write in or how to give a review.

I did receive a substandard review once. I ignored it for a day and read it again. Then replied and included WDC's article on how to write a review so she wouldn't find the next writer's story such a trial to review. "

I agree on the friends thing. They are too nice and don't like to hurt your feelings. Unless you can find those friends who can be good critics - my husband is one of those, but goes to the other extreme. He's really hard on me!

And yes, setting it aside for a day can often help.

Let me know if you decide to enter any of those contests, guys! I look forward to hearing if you win!

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