Comedy: June 03, 2015 Issue [#7024]
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 This week: Here and There
  Edited by: Spirit HalloWaltz
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
         -Augustine of Hippo

The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.
         -G.K. Chesterton

I travel light. But not at the same speed.

         -Jarod Kintz

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

A humorist travels for three reasons:

First: to see different places, experience different customs, and discover funny things you can't find at home. You can look in all the guidebooks or Wikipedia entries you want, but until you've been arrested in Singapore for chewing gum, you can't fully grok how funny caning can be.

Second: to see the familiar with new eyes. Comedians are outsiders to begin with, but that outsider-ness is hard to define without a frame of reference. All the drama of home becomes petty - and therefore, comedy fodder - once compared to the wide world out there.

And third: because what one person finds funny makes another person angry, and sometimes, it's best to high-tail it out of town before something unfunny happens to you.

In any event, everyday happenings can't be funny unless you look at it from another perspective, and nothing broadens perspective like travel - except maybe hiding from assassins. Everyone's a critic, and some of them have sniper rifles.

Editor's Picks

Some funnies from all over:

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by A Guest Visitor

 180 Days of Idiocy: County Jail  [18+]
anyone who's spent any amount of time incarcerated may appreciate the insight ive gained
by conn

 How to make Ice Cream  [E]
An easy to do recipe for ice cream.
by Caosun

 Mascara & Eyeliner: Guide to Goth Makeup  [E]
So, you want to be a Goth? Now you can, with this easy beginner's guide to nonconforming.
by Master Of Disaster

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by A Guest Visitor

 The Stairs  [E]
Going up the down escalator.
by Jatog the Green

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Last time, in "Health Food, I ranted about food.

*Jenny* : I just want to comment. I completely agree with what you said about organic, good food bad food, etc. I've been told "oooh that stuff is bad for you." Do I care? No. I eat it. Drinking coffee I hear "Coffee is good for you" Well that's cool. I don't care if it's good or bad for me. I will drink it. I do have my own mind and I will use it, unlike a lot of people *Laugh*

         And I don't care if it cures cancer or gets me a date with Scarlett Johansson; I won't touch the stuff.

Mummsy : Are you trying to tell me I can't muncha buncha Fritos go with lunch at Subway?! Oh sure, next you'll tell me I can't buy dihydrogen monoxide there anymore, either.

         Well, I don't know where you can buy dihydrogen monoxide in California. I think they banned it.

brom21 : Thanks for the addition of humor to the never ending food dilemma. I’m surprised you’re not more paranoid about what you eat considering your upbringing. It’s a shame that organic foods are more expensive. And it really does ale me to hear that they don’t sell Fritos anymore. I used to eat that with cottage cheese and Lawry’s seasoning salt. It may sound weird to others but hey, whatever suits your fancy. So what is your opinion on saccharin and other sugar replacements?

         My background in chemistry made me, if anything, less paranoid about what I eat, since I don't fear "chemicals" (which make up, you know, everything in the universe except maybe dark matter and Donald Trump). And I don't have much of an opinion on sugar replacements, except that if it weren't for subsidies and import tariffs, sugar itself wouldn't be so dang expensive.

Quick-Quill : I'm with you. I find the media hype on all natural and free range is a bit on the Far Side of humor. I live in Oregon where its a passage of rite to be Organically grown. I was born here, but moved away at a young age. Since returning I find this trip back to Nature a bit comical also. Manure is Natural. I had chicken manure shipped in from AL from a friend. All natural grass. Its dry so the neighbors have no idea. I just smile when they ask what we do to have such a green lawn. All Natural fertilizer. They nodd and walk away. I have a friend who moved to TX from HI. He found the grass went brown and dormant in the winter. He learned he could plant winter grass. He loves to mow in the winter and freaked his neighbors out. They all came to ask what he did. As a preacher he made an impact in his neighborhood and I learned a valuable lesson.

         I don't get the whole "lawn" thing, anyway. Hey, let's use clean, drinkable water to make the yard green, and then pay to get fresh produce instead of growing it ourselves!

blunderbuss: Bacon?!! That's high in salt. Here in the UK the 'monster' food of the moment is sugar, which is hidden everywhere apparently, even in savoury foods. It used to be animal fats (including dairy, of course). There was a time - agree with you - when eggs were a super protein food and then ... they were full of the 'wrong kind of cholesterol'. If you avoid all the 'bad' foods (which would include all the organic, gluten-free and non-allergen ones, too) then you know what happens? You starve to death. But since we are ALL going to die anyway ......

         Heh... if you think the bacon you get in the UK is high in salt, don't ever eat American-style bacon. My arteries clog just looking at it. And then I eat it anyway, because it's bacon.

Teerich - 2019 : I agree that many, if not most, studies on food are funded by vested interest groups. That is why I am sceptical about these 'statistics' when they are quoted. You can find statistics to support almost any point of view.

Not sure about GM foods yet. The research is, after all, funded by vested interests on both sides. Organisms are hard-wired to modify themselves over time, to take advantage of the environment, to adapt or die. Should we interfere? I haven't made up my mind yet.

         Thing is, we've already interfered. Corn (maize), bananas, cows, even dogs - all bred into their current forms by people.

And that's it for me for this month - see you in July! Until then,


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