Noticing Newbies: June 25, 2014 Issue [#6394]
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Noticing Newbies

 This week: Meet Your Senior Mods: Part 4
  Edited by: Polter-JACE: Cruising ...
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Polter-JACE: Cruising ... .

Welcome to this issue of the Noticing Newbies newsletter. Join me as I take you into some nooks and crannies of Writing.Com that you may not have found time to check out yet.

Don't forget to toss me a note about what you liked or didn't like in my column, or about a topic you'd like to see discussed. This newsletter is about and for you. And for you seasoned members, I hope you'll find something you can take from my ramblings. *Smile*

Your Noticing Newbies Newsletter full-time Editors:

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Letter from the editor

Meet Your Senior Mods, Part 4

Welcome to the fourth and final installment of our Meet Your Senior Mods series. In this issue I talk with Miss kiyasama. I'm sure you'll find her insights as interesting as I did. And I hope you'll take time to drop a note to her and the other Senior Mods. While we love to hear positive comments, we're also here to help members out with problems. *Wink* And now....

1. What were your first thoughts when you signed up for Writing.Com? (What you hoped to accomplish. What you thought about the site itself.)

I began writing fan fiction (still do actually), and many of my readers suggested I begin writing more 'original' stories because they felt I was that good. I asked someone if they knew of a website where I could post such original works, and was suggested. I registered, but felt incredibly overwhelmed and experienced the most severe case of cold feet ever! Who would want to read my work, and how in the world was I ever going to get noticed in such a vast site? There was so much to do and see, but I was impressed at the 'freedom' given to writers here. Maybe I could find a voice/place in this new world (so to speak).

2. Did you ever realize your original dream? That is, why you signed up in the first place?

Would you believe I never really thought about getting anything published? I just assumed that I'd be the casual writer and no one would be interested enough. However, the more time I spent here and the more advice and support I received from my fellow writers, I was over the moon when I finally got some publishers interested in seeing my work in print or e-book format. So yeah, semi-dream accomplished! *Laugh*

3. Describe the site when you first joined in three or four sentences.

Overwhelming. After being so used to forums, coming here was like trying to wade through a maze. But I was lucky enough to find wonderful fellow writers willing to help me navigate the site. The resources - invaluable! There were so many great articles, challenges, and contests which helped to broaden (and better) my writing skills. The incentives! Getting 'money' (GPs) for reviewing or participating in activities? And let's not even mention the pretty awardicons and merit badges. Who wouldn't want to keep adding those to their collection? *Laugh*

4. What made you stay a member of WDC for all these years?

There's always something new to do everyday it seems. The The ScaryMaster and The StoryWitchress } put a lot of effort into making this site run efficiently, and with all the vast improvements over the years (and even more to come), I find myself wanting to stick around. Oh, and did I forget to mention the ability to meet and interact with so many different writing minds? So fun!

5. What is your favorite feature on WDC?

Gosh. Too many to mention. Can I say 'everything'? *Laugh*

6. Which one group, forum or item would you recommend to a Newbie? And why?

Why I would be remiss if I didn't mention my group--"The WDC Angel Army. *Smile* It was a group created for members to spread their 'wings' all over; whether it's by reviewing, participating in contests, spreading good cheer and encouragement to other members, or being a mentor. Everyone and anyone (newbies especially!) are welcome to join us.

7. What advice would you give to a person who has just joined WDC?

Be patient. Be active. I know it will appear overwhelming at first, but once you at least make "Writing.Com 101 your friend, you can begin dipping your feet into everything the site has to offer. Do not just post a story and sit back to see what happens. You've got to put yourself out there (consider yourself a product!) and garner their attention. Join groups. Review others and politely invite them to review your work. Participate in writing contests/challenges, and I guarantee you'll see a difference.

8. Finally, do you have anything else you would like to say that I didn't ask?

We all began somewhere. I was a black case/newbie just like everyone must have been. I've been here a long time and I've seen writers come and go (mostly due to burn-out or simply feeling they cannot handle the site any more). is what you make of it. What goal did you have in mind when signing up? Do not let go of that--despite whatever obstacle comes your way--and if you are able to manage/balance offline obligations and your Writing goals effectively, you'll be just fine. *Smile*

Thanks, kiyasama for taking time to be with us today.

Remember, the Senior Mods are just part of the in-depth support structure for Writing.Com. The Staff (red cases) and almost 100 Moderators (blue cases) are always available to offer a helping hand. Add to these fine folks all the Preferred Authors and Registered Authors who have a lot of experience with the many facets of WDC, and one should have an unanswered question. Perhaps you have had just the right experience to pass on to someone in need.

Are you up for that challenge?

Editor's Picks

Check out these Newbies (I've selected folks who have filled out their Biography or something in their Bio-Block). Take a moment to review something in their Port ... or just say hi.
 The Ocean's Affiliate   (E)
A look inside the mind of a teenage girl who, for once in her life, truly feels free.
#1997574 by live_laugh_lovewriting

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1995673 by Not Available.

 The Soldier  (E)
Humorous poem
#1997395 by valleyboy

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1997454 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1995270 by Not Available.

 Shreds of betrayal   (E)
Its for you to find out for me to know .
#1997136 by Derrick Hill

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

And from the mailbox about my last Noticing Newbies newsletter, "Meet Your Senior Mods: Part 3.

From QueenOwl ~ A New Day Dawns : What an insightful interview you conducted. What Diane and Jeff talked about resonates with me. Any WDC member reading this can truly identify with their experiences as newbies to this community. I have a confession to make though: I'm anal-retentive when I find typos in mid sentences. Should I apologize for being such a nitpicker? Here's the one that glared at me right off the bat,

"...the task of helping [the][to] manage this complex site..." [From one reader's POV, "to" fits rather than "the" in this sentence. What do you think?]

Most likely, this is unintentional and the culprit is auto-correct spell check. I do have to point this typo out because my analytical mind perks up whenever it finds skewed sentences in my readings. So, there goes my peace of mind because I gave a piece of it. LOL. I do have to say, Jace, You rock!

I agree, Miss QueenOwl. I always appreciate a heads-up when I mess up. *Wink* And thanks for the supportive comments.

From River : I really enjoyed this newsletter. Especially the interview with Diane and Jeff. I think the advice they gave in the interview was very helpful and it encouraged me to keep exploring and never give up. There is so much to learn here. My thanks to all who work so hard to make the wonderful site it is

I have been here a little over a month now and love the site. Friday, once my pay is deposited in my bank account, I am going to update my account. I hope to be a permanent resident here at

That's great the hear. Best of luck with your writing journey here.

From Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde? : Thanks for featuring my interview in this issue of the newsletter! It's an honor to be included alongside Diane ! *Smile*

Thanks for your insightful answers, Jeff. *Delight*

From Quick-Quill : I suggest the link to this be inserted prominently on the newbie page. This is so helpful to a new person trying to find out what WDC is. They will have a difficult time finding this in the archives and yet its just what a new person needs to read to see what we are and get an overview of what this is all about. Great Job!!!

Great suggestion. Perhaps we can make that happen. *Wink*

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