Spiritual: April 24, 2013 Issue [#5634]
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 This week: Evolution
  Edited by: Scaredy Kitti
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Evolution is good. It is natural. It's made us who we are today and shapes us into the people - and writers - we will be tomorrow.

This week's Spiritual Newsletter is all about how and why people evolve.


Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

When I was a teenager, I thought I knew it all. I don’t think I was unique in this. I held strong views, challenged those of my parents and my friends, and I was proud of the knowledge I had. How mature I felt back then, how grown up... It was only with the passing of time that I realised that my knowledge was extremely limited. Quite a few of my views changed with experience. And now that I am nearing my forties, I don’t feel that grown up at all.

People evolve. It is natural to view aspects of life as straightforward, because the complexities aren’t always that visible. Wishes and desires alter as you grow older. Who hasn’t seen – or been – a child in a store, thinking that their entire world will fall apart if they cannot have a piece of candy or a small toy they have their heart set on? At that moment in time, that desire is the biggest, most important thing ever. Later in life many people would love for things to be that simple again, because the complexities of their situation call for a different set of wishes and solutions.

I remember when my sister was younger. All she cared about were designer labels. She could not understand the simple life I lead, nor my lack of passion for certain brands. Back then, she lived at home and my parents allowed her to keep most of her money. She has her own place now, and a baby to look after. The last time we spoke she told me that there was no way she was going to buy Pampers when another shop has diapers just as good and a whole lot cheaper. When her situation changed, so did she.

We all keep on evolving with everything we learn, with everything we face, with every person we meet and the relationships we have with them. We evolve through our victories and our regrets. It happens gradually. I don’t think we tend to notice it. There are times we make conscious decisions to alter who we are, but on the whole, it simply happens, and will keep on happening.

The same goes for our faith. I went to a Christian primary school and I took what I learned for granted. Later on, I started to question what I had learned. I looked around me and found out that there are many different faiths and many different views on spirituality. My own faith evolved, and is evolving all the time. Where it will end up, I do not know. I am enjoying the process.

Similarly, my writing has evolved over time. When I joined Writing.Com, I was nervous and inexperienced. It didn’t help that English is my second language. The first poems I posted on this website make me cringe when I look back at them. I kept them in my portfolio, though, as they are part of my past.

The first short story I posted here was even worse. One reviewer called it “Shakespearean – in a bad way”. I don’t know how it ever got a ribbon attached to it. I was truly proud of it, and I worked hard on it back then, but it is a terrible piece of writing. I knew nothing about technique. My vocabulary was limited. I was unaware of the pitfalls a writer faces or the clichés one should avoid. I wrote because I loved to write, and I still do, but I am grateful for the feedback offered on this site which has helped me to move up the ladder from bad to mediocre.

I don’t think that I will ever be a great writer. There are members on this website who I expect to be bestselling authors one day. Everything they write is a piece of art that makes me marvel at their skill. I would love to have their talent, but I don’t feel jealous, because I am content to be the writer that I am, and to be moving at my own pace.

Writing.Com is a wonderful home for those who love to nurture their talent. If you stick around long enough – I will have been here for nine years on the 27th – you will see your work evolve with each item you place in your portfolio. If you have the space, I recommend keeping your older work. It is good to look back and to remind yourself how far you have come.

If you want to have a good giggle at my old pieces, here are a couple of them. Please, don’t review them. I’m keeping them as is, as it’s part of their charm for me. Feel free to send in one or two of your own, so that we can compare our starting points.

The Window  (E)
Very simplistic poem, about keeping hope.
#846530 by Scaredy Kitti

The Will  (13+)
Fiction based on fact, in remembrance...
#846532 by Scaredy Kitti

Evolution is good. It is natural. It cannot be avoided. That does not mean that we need to frown upon our past, our old ideas and the efforts we made to move forward. Every step we take, every value we hold makes us who we are today and shapes us into the person we will be tomorrow.

So, keep on learning, reflecting, and writing.


Editor's Picks

Here are some of the latest offerings in the Spiritual Genre *Smile*.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1930084 by Not Available.

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#1930031 by Not Available.

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This item number is not valid.
#1929961 by Not Available.

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This item number is not valid.
#1929930 by Not Available.

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#1929825 by Not Available.

 Perfect Faith, Perfect Doubt  (E)
Christianity, Agnosticism, and the Boston Marathon tragedy
#1929419 by Cardynal Syn

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1929306 by Not Available.

 Creation: The Theory of a Pessimist  (E)
I was an error, a prank. This poem explains it all.
#1929393 by ElyonOfTheSea

 Rockbottom Blues  (13+)
An experimental prose piece that captures the frustration of a lost soul in turmoil.
#1929439 by Z.S Allen

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

The Spiritual Newsletter Team welcomes any and all questions, suggestions, thoughts and feedback, so please don't hesitate to write in! *Smile*

THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO - Procrastination... is it part of your life? If so, how do you tackle it?
I promise I'll answer your question - right after I get myself some ice cream from the fridge!

That's the spirit! *Bigsmile*


Christine Cassello - This describes me well. The only way I cope with it is to remind myself that God made me the way He wanted to for His purpose, which He can't reveal to me in great detail. He knows me inside out and will work with me in my weakness. I think that last minute rush is His way of keeping me in His time schedule and making sure He gets the credit for what I do, because I have to admit that I was not well prepared.

I can relate to that. I never know how I manage to do everything at the last minute, and I am always very grateful that when I need that rush of inspiration or energy, it is there! I never fail to give thanks *Smile*.


bonzo1964 - To Kittiara: I am in the same leaky boat as you! We put too much on our plates and when you don't leave enough time in your day for idleness and relaxing and de-stressing, then you find yourself in this leaky boat that will sink if we don't bail out some of te water. i too have a million things to do...but really, where are we going? Where do we just "HAVE" to be? Will the world stop turning if we don't get to all our Have-To's? Set aside an hour just for you. For a bubble bath, or an hour in the garden...try it. Put less on your plate!

Best Wishes,
Bonnie (Daddy's Girl)

That is very good advice, Bonnie! Yes, we all need our "Me-time". Everything is so rushed these days. We are told that time is money, and it's seen as cool to always be in a hurry, to always be doing something. Everyone needs some time to simply be. We need to recharge our batteries, and take time to enjoy life and the world around us.


Wishing you a week filled with inspiration,

The Spiritual Newsletter Team

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