Spiritual: October 26, 2011 Issue [#4678]
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 This week: The Power Of One
  Edited by: Shannon
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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"I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being,
let me do it now and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~ William Penn

Welcome to the Spiritual Newsletter. I am Shannon and I'm your guest editor this week.

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Letter from the editor

About a year ago I watched a documentary titled The Bridge,  and it has haunted me ever since.

Did you know the Golden Gate Bridge is the world's most popular suicide destination? And did you know that surveillance cameras capture and record the activity happening on the bridge?

The documentary features several people who chose to jump to their deaths from the Golden Gate Bridge. We, the viewers, watch brief video clips of people readying themselves for the leap, and then the film cuts to the victims' family members and/or friends who take turns telling stories about the deceased ... about his or her depression and how they, the loved ones, should have seen the writing on the wall if only they'd been paying attention.

One man in particular seems to be the primary focus of the documentary. He has long dark hair and is wearing a black leather jacket and jeans. He stands there for a while, peers over the railing at the water hundreds of yards below, and walks away to pace a little longer. The filmmakers cut away to another victim's story for ten to fifteen minutes before coming back to the guy in the leather jacket. We watch, breathless, as he runs his fingers through his hair, smokes a cigarette, looks over the railing, contemplates, and walks away again. This back-and-forth pattern goes on for the duration of the documentary until we, the viewers, start to believe he might live after all. We want  him to live. We want him to change his mind. We see how conflicted he is about this permanent solution to his temporary problems. He remains indecisive for hours. We find ourselves thinking, Don't do it! Don't do it!  every time he nears the edge, and we are utterly devastated when he finally climbs atop the railing and dives head-first into the sea.

For the past twelve months I've been haunted by that horrible scene--by the obvious turmoil and utter isolation he must have felt. I can't help but wonder, What if one person had noticed him? What if someone had cared enough to speak to him ... to let him know that he mattered? Would he still have jumped? Is one friendly smile or one kind word all it would have taken to save his life that day? 

I absolutely believe that each and every individual has a purpose and that no one is here by accident. It took since the beginning of time to make you; that's how wonderful and unique and divine you are! Embrace this fact about yourself, and recognize God looking back at you from every set of eyes you see. Sometimes all someone needs is to be acknowledged. We all want to be heard and believe that our existence matters. Pay attention, extend a hand, open your heart. You never know when you're going to be a blessing in someone else's life, an answer to their prayers, or the difference between life and death.


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Editor's Picks

Please enjoy this week's featured selections and remember to do the authors the courtesy of reviewing the ones you read. Thank you, and have a great week!

A journey through time, and a spiritual awakening.
#1710238 by Simple Dykie

The Medium  (13+)
She could sense the spiritual, unearthly elements around her.
#1702140 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

Fiction 2: The Window in My Soul  (E)
A mind's view across life thru the windows of the eyes into the structure of Creation.
#969334 by revdbob

Little Bear  (E)
Spiritual and inspirational, a story about growing, learning and wisdom.
#878509 by S. Tilghman Hawthorne

 Wishing Well  (13+)
A parson and his wife find a well where wishes are granted, but every wish has a price.
#1534092 by Xylch

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Ask & Answer

The following is in response to "Spiritual Newsletter (September 28, 2011):

oceanly says, "Amazing newsletter! Thank you so much for your words."
Thank you so much for your  words. I'm glad you liked the NL, and I very much appreciate the encouragement.

THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24 says, "((Hugs to you for writing this!)) *Smile*" (((HUGS))) to you for reading it, Sonali.

Karen says, "Good article in your newsletter. In today's environment I'd be hesitant to take a hug from a 17-year-old boy, but I sure wouldn't restrict his right to offer and wear the t-shirt." Sad, isn't it, that we've become suspicious of kindness and wary of decency? I believe we can change it, though. Each of us can spread love and happiness in our little corners of the world one genuine smile, one heart-felt hug at a time. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. *Smile*

jogar says, "I really liked your newletter. It got to the point of the human condition; The second commandant in all it's truth. Kindness is a two-way street. Though it is very rare, yet golden when observed and practiced. Thanks for the words." Aw, thank you for sharing this! Yes, it is indeed rare and golden when observed ... and beautiful. Thank you for reminding us of that.

Zeke says, "Who knows what a free hug could lead to? Whereas a tee shirt threat is very clear. I think this story is rediculous and I pray that the Oct 8 event is a success." Indeed it was, Zeke ! Some free hugs supporters stood at the entrances while others chose to disperse throughout the mall. The individuals stood in a non-threatening way with their free hugs signs held high, waiting for people to approach them. They let people know that love was there and free for the taking. All one need do is accept it.

MDuci says, "Wonderful newsletter and very well worth the read. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and views." Thank YOU for your kind words and for taking the time to read and comment.

Mia - craving colour says, "Hi Shannon. Loved your editorial. The story about the boys getting booted out of the mall because of their 'free hugs' T-shirts is an appalling statement. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that too could be accepted as a potential 'paying it forward' action? I saw the movie and the premise is beautiful." Thank you, Mia - craving colour Yes, just imagine how many lives five, ten, twenty people could touch with a tender smile and an open heart.

Steve adding writing to ntbk. says, "A hug to you, Shannon, and coming soon to your email: an acrostic of your name. Copenator out!

an Acrostic
by Steve Cope

Share the simple things in life with your loved ones.
Healing hurts with a hug of love and word of care.
Adding to the mix, stepping out beyond the home,
New experiences are attempted. An example of concern.
Not knowing what the result will be, but willing to try.
Oh the hugs lost by those who live in fear of caring.
New days ahead, new ways to share life, one hug at a time.

Shannon, may the life breathed into 'Free Hugs' by your loved ones' brave attempts be the catalyst to change and a renewal of mankind's faith in his fellow man. Your story in the Spiritual Newsletter is the kinds of story we need to read so our lives can be re-sensitized to the necessity of just how important life is--how the simple things in life can be embraced and cherished, one hug at a time.

Shannon in the Greek means 'God is gracious.' In the Gaelic it means 'From Seanan or old river.' May the rivers of grace and kindness flow from your heart into the world as you support the cause of Free Hugs and beyond."

Steve, I don't know what to say. I am very moved by your generous spirit. Thank you so much for your beautiful poem. I am honored to know you, and I am humbled by your kindness. Thank you, my friend. (((hugs)))

Specter says, "Glory on high, Shannon. Look here--truth streams down my face. It's not the return of the hippy generation, but the regeneration transformed by love. A Free Hug holds the greater wonder than the banks of the world, which alludes to mystery-Babylon. This must be what those first Christians felt: the Unity of Brotherhood." Yes, there is nothing more beautiful than someone extending their hand and opening their heart to a stranger while expecting nothing in return. It's the best feeling in the world: unconditional love. Thank you for reading.

rixxie says, "Hi, just wanted to take time to tell you I like the newsletter a lot! It's inspirational, and uplifting. I think the free hugs day is cute, I just think it should be done in a controlled environment like a church. When I was in college a long, time ago the kids would organize these type of events. They were to promote, peace and love. Some outsiders, deviant older men, found out and invaded it. They were using it as an excuses to grope young ladies. They had to limit the events to protect everyone." Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed the NL, and I appreciate your kind words. To me, doing things like this in "a controlled environment" is like building a wall and shielding yourself from all the glory and wonder and beauty life has to offer. Driving a car is potentially dangerous too, but we still take the risk every day. Love and generosity and kindness should never be reserved for and/or hidden behind church walls. Change can't happen until enlightenment meets courage. *Heart*

oill says, "After reading your post I am touched because I haven't seen a person who does the same behaviour like this man of the video. Ummm ... in my city, most people lack kindnoess and only focus on their work or performance. I HOPE free hugs can spread around the world." That is a deep and profoundly beautiful thing to say, oill. I, too, wish free hugs would spread around the world. Namaste, my friend.

ekcwriteone says, "Oh my Gosh! Just watched that Free Hugs video. I appreciate that. Thank you so much!" It's beautiful, isn't it? I've seen it many times, but I always cry when that little old lady taps him on the shoulder and gives him a hug. *Cry* Thank you for reading ... and watching!

The following items were submitted by their authors.
 Invalid Item 
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#1808945 by Not Available.

 He Is Waiting  (E)
A free verse poem inspired by Psalms 147:11
#1803498 by Itchy Water~fictionandverse

 Tribute to Brian Jacques  (ASR)
A Tribute to the man who created Redwall.
#1757654 by BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!

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