Comedy: October 05, 2011 Issue [#4642]
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 This week: Going to the Dogs
  Edited by: Sophyween
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter, which is going to the dogs again this week!

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Going To The Dogs

Several years ago we were a two-dog home, offering our hearts and lives to two rescue dogs, Kayla and Sheba. Both came from local shelters, and quickly became part of our little family. Sheba died several years ago and as much as we missed her, we decided to remain a one dog family. We are old decrepit very wise and decided that while we love dogs, and love having dogs, due to our advanced age maturity, one dog was more than enough for us.

Then Mr. Sophy decided he wanted to become a dog trainer. So about two years ago he started taking classes and doing internships, and now he's a certifiable certified dog trainer. We started a dog training business (he trains dogs, I boss him around run the business end of things), and much to our delight since starting the business a year ago, we've been getting lots of clients and referrals and are doing quite well so far. He's actually a very good trainer, and good with people, and I am anal retentive good with organization, so we make a good team.

Every once in a while Mr. Sophy loses his mind gets wistful and wants us to get another dog. To hone his training skills he does volunteer training at our local shelter, and about every month or so he falls in love with a dog there, usually a border collie (as he would love to do agility training with a dog). I always put the kibosh on it and remind him of the deal we made long ago that we were going to be a one dog family, that Kayla is getting older and at the age of 12 probably wouldn't do well with another dog, and that he basically has to choose between me and another dog. And that usually settles things down for several weeks, until he meets the next "dog we must have."

Until about three weeks ago when a client whose yellow lab puppy he had been training called to say that their family could no longer keep her (Daisy, now 7 months) and before she re-homed her or took her to a shelter, she wanted to know if Mr. Sophy and I wanted her. Sophy did not want her, cute as she is, because while being trained Daisy had spent time in our home terrorizing Kayla, digging and chewing everything in sight, and making a general nuisance of herself. Mr. Sophy wanted her because he was in love with her, she's a smart dog, and as he put it, "She'll be a good business investment for us so I can have the opportunity to train a younger dog." Not to mention she was "well trained" of course. Kayla and I were not impressed, but he begged and pleaded and cried and made all sorts of promises - so we relented and took the little dickens into our home.

Daisy the dog
Isn't she cute?
This is Daisy at 4 months

Don't let that face fool you. She's the devil I tell you - she is seriously demon possessed. One minute she's lying there looking all cute, and the next minute she's digging a hole. Not in the yard, but in our carpet. (Of course she also digs in the yard.) Or one minute she's licking your face, and the next minute she's taking off with your favorite dangly earring in her mouth. She chews EVERYTHING and anything. We have all kinds of chew toys for her, but her favorite things to chew besides me and Kayla are the legs of our kitchen table and chairs, the wooden slats on our deck, walls, couches, telephone and/or computer cords, and books. Oh who am I kidding, there is nothing this dog won't chew. Yesterday I found her outside on the deck chewing on a rock. *Confused*

And she never sleeps. I thought puppies slept a lot, like babies. Not Daisy. She sleeps for a bit and then wakes up ready to go conquer the world, or the backyard plants. We bought a doo-hicky for a bike so Mr. Sophy can ride her around and wear her out. It's called a bike tow leash, and it's a safer way to ride with a dog without getting tripped up in a leash. Yesterday they went for two rides for a total of 10 miles. She looked wiped out, and she fell asleep snoring soon after they got home. She was so cute. And peaceful. And sweet. I fell in love with her a little bit. Until she woke up and chewed some drywall. *Laugh*

So if you don't see me around much you'll know - I've been kidnapped by a lab puppy, and so far there is no ransom! *Wink*

Our labradaughters
Daisy and Kayla chillin' on the deck

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some comedy offerings from other WDC members about puppies (and dogs) ... don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

 Happy Sundays  (E)
The love for pets can be great, though there are limits. This puppy has a lot to learn.
#1771334 by Celine Morret

 Parental Puppy Sitters  (E)
The chaos that ensued while my parents were looking after our puppies.
#1658253 by boatysteve

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1655930 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1379961 by Not Available.

 Why I Love Babies In Highchairs  (E)
Many are happy to have a baby around the house.
#1538712 by Magoo

 Dogs at the Mall  (E)
a day at the mall with Grandma is not what you might expect
#1007390 by ridinghhood-p.boutilier

Babe Magnet  (E)
55 words. A man uses a dog to meet girls.
#1813488 by the last cicada

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1784439 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1764911 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Now for a few comments about my last newsletter about WDC's 11th Birthday: ("Comedy Newsletter (September 7, 2011)):

From StormyRaven
Happy 11th WDC you are awesome and i wish you many many more. You have made writing so much more fun, not saying it wasnt before but now, YAHOO!!!

Glad you are enjoying the site so much! *Bigsmile*

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From LJPC - the tortoise
Sophy, it was really nice of you to include a tribute to WDC's original members. It's amazing that they still contribute their time and energy to this site after eleven years! Great NL! *Bigsmile*
-- Laura

Thanks Laura - and yes, it's neat to see how many are still around.

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From Katya the Poet
Thanks for this delightful summary, since I am old enough to have forgotten some of it already!

Forgotten what? Where am I? Wait ... who am I?

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

That's all for this month -- see you next time! And on behalf of the other regular Comedy Newsletter Editors, the King and Queen of Comedy, Spirit HalloWaltz and Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs -- remember to WRITE AND LAUGH ON! *Bigsmile*

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