Comedy: August 24, 2011 Issue [#4576]
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 This week: Internet Comedy
  Edited by: Spirit HalloWaltz
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"I had thought - I had been told - that a 'funny' thing is a thing of a goodness. It isn't. Not ever is it funny to the person it happens to. Like that sheriff without his pants. The goodness is in the laughing itself. I grok it is a bravery... and a sharing... against pain and sorrow and defeat."
- Valentine Michael Smith
(Robert Heinlein,
Stranger in a Strange Land)

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Internet Comedy

This month, I'm feeling lazy. So instead of writing a whole lot of new material (which will be a relief to some), I'm going to devote this issue to going out on the internet and finding My Favorite Funnies - a few sites that I find particularly laugh-worthy.

Most people already know about this one, because its creations are everywhere. And some people are, sadly, immune to its humor; pity them. I give you the original LOLcats site (well, apart from 4chan, which I'm not going to link here):

Of course, that site has an entire empire of comedy under its umbrella; that's right - it's not all LOLcats. Here's one of my personal favorites, "Very Demotivational" (which concept, to be honest, was blatantly stolen from another site, but how do you copyright parody, anyway?)

And while you can browse their multitude of sites, I'll just bring your attention to one other for now:

Anyway, moving away from that, every fan of comedy has to know about The Oatmeal:

Then there are the fake news sites, the most widely known of which is The Onion:

And its British cousin, The Daily Mash:

I can't go without mentioning Cracked, which is no longer that second-rate imitation of MAD Magazine it was when I was a kid, but a whole slew of comedy blogs - mostly in list format, as in "6 Reasons The Guy Who's Fixing Your Computer Hates You:"

From there, of course, you can find yourself a world of funny. I only dream of being as awesome as the Cracked writers.

And then there are the webcomics. For the geeky types, there's xkcd:

And... well, I almost hesitate to link this one here, because it can be unbearably edgy, and rather adult-oriented (nothing nekkid, though). But hey, now you've been warned. What I usually tell people is to click on "First Comic," the link at the bottom. If you're offended, don't read the others. Really. Give them a miss. You'll never enjoy the strip. But otherwise, spend the next few weeks catching up to this semi-serial webcomic, "Something Positive." It doesn't get much worse than the first comic.

It probably says a lot about me (that you didn't need to know) that it's my favorite comic. I've met the author, by the way. Good guy, as long as you don't do anything stupid around him. If you do, you end up in the comic. (I didn't.)

So there you go - we all win, this week. I get to be lazy and not come up with new material, and you've got enough funny to get you through to next week's newsletter!

Naturally, the above links are but a tiny fraction of the funny sites out there - which ones do you like? Give me the links in the comment section below, and maybe I'll share it with everyone. Just nothing that would get over an 18+ rating here, ok?

Editor's Picks

Just a few funnies you might enjoy:

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 I Have Something to Share With You  [E]
A Secret is revealed...what is it? Daily Flash Fiction winner 1-22-2010
by Preacher

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 To Whom It May Concern  [13+]
Letter to the "Whine and Cheese Company, Inc."
by Red Writing Hood <3

 Fatal Addiction  [ASR]
Research I did on the game of Bingo with a twist
by Aimee

 Asleep in School  [E]
A student falls asleep in class.
by sdgirlne

 Of Raccoons and Men  [ASR]
The true story...
by P13RCE

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Last time, in "Comedy Newsletter (July 27, 2011), I kvetched about dealing with tech support issues.

Vann : Totally hilarious!

         Glad you liked it!

Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde? : Ah, the joys of new technology. *Wink* I got my current laptop at Best Buy (at the time, I just needed a cheap and fast replacement), and within a couple months, it had a problem with the video card; the display was unreadable. Since the warranty was through Best Buy, I had to take it in to a store, just so they could sent it out to the manufacturer, who then had to send it back to the store. The manufacturer itself repairs their products in 3-5 business days... but I was without a computer for almost a month because apparently it takes Best Buy longer to ship and receive something than it does for the manufacturer to actually repair it. *Rolleyes*

         Without a computer... for almost a month??! This comment belongs in the Horror/Scary newsletter.

BIG BAD WOLF is Howling : Computers are always a problem. For instance, my old computer had one very serious problem, it wouldn't allow me to edit my things on I have no idea why, but it wouldn't open up any additional screens. So, if I had a word that was misspelled, or if I wanted to join a campfire, I'd have to use another computer.

Thankfully, I have a laptop now, and it works.

[Submitted item: "WarCraft versus StarCraft Interview [13+]]

         Very weird.

LJPC - the tortoise : Hi Robert!
I have one of those Hell Perdition laptops. It runs okay, but overheats when I play games, which is...a lot. Let me know if your next one turns out okay. I'm gonna have to replace this one eventually, considering I have stickers on half the keys since my novel-writing fingers rubbed off the letters.
(How did you know I was gonna laugh exactly when you told me to? Sneaky, hypnotist guy...)
-- Laura

         Well, yeah, I was kinda playing games on mine, too. This time, though, I got me a nifty cooling pad that hooks up to the laptop through the USB port. Keeping fingers crossed...

the last cicada [referring to my British comedy issue from back in March]: Hi, I just want to say, this is one of the most hilarious comedy newsletters I've read. It's a bit scary too because I recognize all the examples you've used. Everyone in my family and friends would be familiar with the names like Monty Python and Mr. Bean, but everything else would still make them look at me like an alien. Just reading all the examples brought back such wonderful memories. My favorite bits were Douglas Adams and Spinal Tap scene volume level 11. Brought tears to my eyes.

         I like how "turned up to 11" has become part of the cultural vernacular on both sides of the pond. Another example of life imitating Art.

And that's it for this time, folks! See you next month. Until then,


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