Romance/Love: November 30, 2010 Issue [#4063]
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 This week: Don't Just Write It, Live It!
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Hello, folks! I am Web~Witch and I will be your guest editor for this edition of the Romance/Love, Newsletter. *Heart* Although I have never edited this Newsletter before, I think I can put my personal spin on the aforementioned topic. Let's take a look ...

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

What is Romance? I believe it is the magical, magnetic charm that brings two people together which makes them crave that time spent. There is a certain look, word or scent that attracts one person to another. If you want to write about true love and desire, you must reach deep into your psyche.

Become the character you write about. It can be done by personal experience or by viewing a fascinating love connection between some other couple you know and possibly envy. We've all felt a certain chemistry that fills the air when two lovers are present. It's hard to define but you just feel the attraction. I am not talking about cheap, public displays of affection, it goes way beyond that. The special couple exudes an aura that lights up a room and becomes infectious. It is sensual but never tawdry.

The thing about romance is, once you know what that feeling is that makes you quiver, you can make it come alive in your writing. There is always a burning desire that must be illuminated to the reader which makes her feel the sweet sensuality and wish she were the character in your story. So many of us love to escape into the passionate arms of the hero and escape reality for so many precious moments of a busy day. Although love stories have some conflict or hardship to weather, the strong connection of the lovers keeps them real, vulnerable and ultimately stronger following the internal or external struggle. But of course, you all know that already! *Laugh*

Folks, I am no academic, clear cut, write something this way and you'll succeed type of person. No, I am WW. I write comedy about real life experiences and occasionally, I am a guest editor for the Spiritual Newsletter, which exposes my heart, soul, concerns and beliefs. If I'm going to sit here and talk to you about love, it's going to be based on my own experience. I mean, write about what you know, right?

I did meet the hero we all want to be with in those romance novels. He is my light, strength, joy and fills each day with a hunger for many more days together. We are inseparable by choice not contractual design. Interestingly enough, I met this man, here on WDC. We have been together for two years.

How did I manage to meet my soul-mate here on WDC? It was simply meant to be. As in all love stories, the guy meets girl part can come at the most unexpected time in life. Neither one of us intended to seek out a relationship. We are writers and just wrote. However, we appreciated the other's writing so much, that we kept going back for more. Ah, that thing I mentioned about "word," in the first paragraph comes into play. There was no "scent" or "look" because we never met in person. Thus, we had to become the characters in our own romance story. We couldn't wait to get an email from the other to see where that chapter would take us.

Seven months later, we met in person. Thankfully, we lived only six driving hours away from each other, so it wasn't going to be a relationship doomed by the miles. When we did finally meet, it was as if we were always together. The familiarity was there.

Taking the time to really know someone before the physical attraction takes over is a wonderful thing. You know that the love is based on more than just one's physical attributes. True, lasting romance needs time to blossom.

We are sometimes compelled to "go for the gold" too early in our writings. That's because romance novels need to hook the reader quickly. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we know that in real life, the love at first sight scenario usually burns out as quickly as it got started. This type of relationship is rarely long lasting. Yet, our desire to escape into the character's scene with the action, adventure and passion, keeps us coming back for more.

The difference between the love within the pages of a paperback -- heroes, heroines, escape and escapades, is that true life love revolves around routine, responsibilities and compromise. One scenario lasts for as long as it takes to read the book. The other has the potential to be whatever you wish to make it, over a lifetime.

You know you're in love when missing a minute away from your lover leaves an empty feeling that arises in the very core of your existence. Bottle those feelings and you've got fabulous material for your short story, poem or novel.

Folks, keep on writing with a passionate fire in your heart, the stories we all love to read. Just don't forget to share some of that burning desire you describe with the one you love. Never take precious moments of passion for granted. Romance will be entrenched in your heart and will translate strongly in your love stories in a way that the readers cannot help but feel.

Until next time -- Live the life you love, love the life you live and do both with fervent passion!


Editor's Picks

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#1435458 by Not Available.

Passionesque!  (13+)
My first attempt at harnessing true love in poetry
#1473492 by Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs

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#1563337 by Not Available.

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#1724528 by Not Available.

Ruminations of a Glance  (13+)
You saw to the depth of my soul...What now?
#1338032 by Olivia K.Homecoming

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#1401542 by Not Available.

Moonlight of Echoes  (E)
Poem About Memories Using Syllabic Verse
#576550 by ♥OctOGRE tHiNg♥

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#1705771 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1725264 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Since this is my first time as a guest editor for the Romance/Love, Newsletter, I have no feedback to share with you. Perhaps YOU will be the first to comment. *Delight*

*Ornament2v*Happy Holidays, Folks!*Snowman*


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