Spiritual: March 17, 2010 Issue [#3608]
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 This week: Charity Should Begin at Home
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Charity begins at home--or it should be close to it!

We sometimes wish we could give more to the charity of our choice. What is standing in our way? Here's a look at where my observations take me...

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Hello, folks! Happy St. Patrick's Day! It is an honor and a privilege to be your guest editor for this week's Spiritual Newsletter. *Shamrock*

I'd love to sit here and write about that wonderful saint, the sacrifices he made and how special he is to all those who celebrate him today. However, something happened to me since the last time we met that left my mind in turbo spin.

Recently, I had a house fire. That in itself is frightening enough, add to it, being awakened from a sound sleep on a Sunday morning and told you have to leave the premises fast, made it a real brain scorcher. (No pun intended. *Wink*)

I had a short time to get dressed and attempt to grab as many important things as possible on the way out of the house, to keep my life flowing as smoothly as possible, while awaiting the results of the fire damage. Naturally, my laptop came to mind and it was right there in the room by the front door. That was a no-brainer because it has many important files stored on it that would take a long time to replace plus give me a huge headache trying.

I scooped it up and noticed, not far from it on the desk, stood the pictures of my children. I had one free hand left to grab anything else that was of primary importance in my life. The fire chief was there, urging me to hurry-up and leave. I looked on the desk at those sweet, angelic faces, staring back at me. My heart was filled with joy and admiration as I started to reach out for them. Suddenly, my hand stopped. I looked at a pile of papers stacked in front of those pictures. That pile consisted of all the tax forms I would need for the upcoming filing date.

Folks, I hate to have to admit this, but I used my free hand to take the pile of tax forms. Looking my beautiful children in the eyes as I did that, I felt like I said to them, "let 'em burn!"

Why did my children take a back seat to the tax papers? Simple, it's because I didn't want to have to tangle with the IRS. *Rolleyes*

I ask you, isn't it a shame that we feel the need to give the Government more attention over those that truly matter to us because we fear retribution? I say, hell yes!

Moreover, while we are on the subject and it's less than a month away from filing our taxes, wasn't it easier to be charitable many years ago than it is these days?

Today, the charity of our choice suffers because so many of our hard earned tax dollars go to the Government's charities of choice. They do this charitable stuff so efficiently, too, right? Not! Let's get this straight, the Government has no money to give away. They take money from "we the people," in the form of taxes. Would you believe I wrote this editorial while waiting for hours at the Social Security office, trying to help a friend wade through forms and letters and requests?

I looked around the waiting room and began to understand how this program became bankrupt. They have gone far beyond helping the aged, profoundly disabled and infirm. They have unrealistic plans that cannot be afforded.

Don't get me wrong, I believe we need to give our fair share to support the Government in doing all that they are Constitutionally required to do. I just think that by overtaxing their productive citizens and using that money to pick and choose the charitable programs they think need attention is all wrong.

In days gone by, there was something called disposable income. People had a little extra cash and had a charitable heart for supporting those in need on a more personal level. It would be within the community rather than Globally. It was more efficient, too!

Since we are being taxed more, and by tax I mean all the various levies of taxes on so many things we need in our daily lives, not just the once a year filing of income tax, we have less disposable income to share.

I know some of you may disagree with me about this. Nevertheless, I think life was simpler decades ago. We were able to be more kindhearted and generous when charity was done individually rather than collectively.

Think about it. *Smile*

That's all she wrote for this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter.

Until next time--keep charity on your mind, love in your heart and never let them get you down.


Editor's Picks

Free people do not ask permission to bear arms.
#1509898 by Oldwarrior

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#1250065 by Not Available.

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#342184 by Not Available.

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#1257976 by Not Available.

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#1641900 by Not Available.

When everything gets the best of you...
#1221483 by SHERRI GIBSON

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#1361322 by Not Available.

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#1648141 by Not Available.

In memory of Judy:

On Being Thankful  (13+)
My thoughts for a contest based on a quotation of why we should be thankful
#1499244 by JudyB
 Proud to Have Served my Country  (E)
Recalling my three years in the Army
#1423344 by JudyB

These two items will give you an idea of who Judy was. Her strength and positive attitude was not unnoticed on WDC. She has touched the hearts of many. She will be missed.

Rest in peace, sweet Judy. You are an angel in white keeping watch over the authors on this site. *Heart*

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Here are some comments from the last time I was a guest editor: *Delight*


Hi editor, I am new here. I am glad that I am not left out.This site is more interesting than I had imagined. It is high time I got serious with it. Expect more of my feedback this year.

Welcome to WDC! You are going to love it here. Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it. *Delight*


Good. My day tries to begin and end with God. I like to tell people that God has a sense of humor- He made me. With all that has happened to me in my life, I am thankful for a sense of humor (though a bit warped) or I never would have made it past my teen years (I am now over 50). A word to the wise: Learn to laugh.

I couldn't have said it better myself. *Thumbsup* Thanks so much for your feedback!


Well WW, as we walk through the proverbial Halls of Time, once again one finds themselves back in college - only this time to see the youngest 'sprout the proverbial academic wings'! You have every right to believe that you've done a GREAT job bringing progeny up in this world ... and now, it's time to sit back, relax and be awed that the last of five children now have reached adulthood! You are right, no longer is it necessary to wait for the school bus, make paper bag lunches ... or get called into the Principal's Office! Amen to all of that!

I am so happy that my Newsletter editorial brought you back to the good old days, at least for a few moments in time. Thank you for your lovely comments, too. *Delight*

Sticky Draconic Vampire saysHH

Good newsletter- though I'm not a parent at all. *Smile*

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. *Bigsmile*

Just an Ordinary Boo!

It is funny how I am reticent about my beliefs and faith and yet passionate about it at the same time. I have been ridiculed, pitied, censured and, at times, outcast because of these. Yet, I remain unshaken, Doing is Believing. Nice to know some people 'get' that. Thanks for featuring my write in the NL.

Amen to all of that! You are very welcome. *Smile* Thank you for your feedback.


WW, Thanks for giving us such enjoyable reading.
You have a way with words that are aimed to make even a dummy like me understand. My 3 children are all adults, at 47, 43, 40, I am proud of each of them.

Thanks Monty! With a dad like you, how could they ever go wrong? I know that you and their mother have done a wonderful job raising them. You have a right to be proud! *Thumbsup*


I don't think that i have ever been over taken by such deep emotion as i have today...those words of "Oldwarrior"...they really reach out to you, dont they?...i guess it's pride that stops us from sharing our inner feelings - that, and not wishing to appear weak to our friends...
And I truly believe that Faith is important...with it there is direction, a vision, and then ultimatley a goal...
Doesn't God move in mysterious ways...?
This Newsletter is a shining example of this...
Thanks Webbie... *Smile*

God does move in mysterious ways, Paul. I am happy that the Newsletter was an inspiration to you.*Delight*


My friend's daughter was playing with her dolls and was overheard to say. "Welcome to heaven, where nobody ever dies and there is always a sale." It brings a smile to our face, but it really is about the simple things in life that get us in touch with humor. Think about that when you write. Keep it simple and light.

Simplicity can be a beautiful thing. *Smile* Thank you for sharing the little story about your friend's daughter. That was so precious! *Bigsmile*


Hi! This is Ian Dennison, teddyeno@yahoo.ca in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. How are you? Thanks for this inspirational newsletter. Particularly, the piece on Christmas was a revelation! It's always better to give than receive. God bless you richly and if there's an article you'd like from this inspirational writer, please let me know.

Thank you very much for the feedback, Ian. I am so happy you enjoyed the Christmas edition. *Delight*God bless you, too!


Thank you for a very insightful newsletter. It is so hard to remember that we are guiding young people, not just our babies. We need to remember that if we did our jobs right we have created capable young people who have the ability to create their own lives.

Thank you for featuring my poem "

You are so welcome, about the highlight. You have some sage advice within your comment. That is the child-rearing goal we seek. *Thumbsup*

Comment via email

Jessica A. Martinez

Your opening thoughts about planting seeds of hope really hit home for me! As a mom of two grown sons I had to laugh as I read your story. Thanks for the inspirations and good read!


I'm glad you enjoyed the Newsletter and got a laugh out of it too. I like finding the humor in everyday life. It makes the tougher times much easier to endure . *Cool* Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for your feedback, folks. We editors really appreciate it. *Thumbsup*

See you next time.


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