Noticing Newbies: February 11, 2009 Issue [#2877]
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Noticing Newbies

 This week: Can I Make Changes To My Port?
  Edited by: esprit
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on

We hope all members of the site will take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Can I Make Changes To My Port?

Seen Around the Site.

Stop bugging me to update my Blog!
Why do I keep getting notices in my private e-mail box with every review?
I don't like this new site look!
How come my item isn't on the public list?
I have an upgraded membership; why do I see ads?

Don't get irritated - get to know your My Account page, specifically the Edit Preferences area.

Stop! Don't touch that delete link! I know these technical letters aren't as much fun to read as who's spoonin' who, but hold on a minute. I've seen many not-so-new members ask these same questions, so own up to it and learn a how-to, instead of worrying about who is.

Thank you. Now,

Not happy with the new, clean look?
*Bullet* Darken Background Color

Don't want to be notified at home? Turn it off.
*Bullet*Review Notifications to Offsite Email

*Bullet*Site Display Options

A. Why don't my items have any views?
B. I've tried to find my items on the site, but can't. What's wrong?

Wonder why your work is not being seen? Did you leave the rate space blank? You have to fill in all the blanks if you want your item to show up.

A. From the FAQ page. Here is the biggest, most common reason why items do not show up in public listings: Be sure you have correctly selected a content rating for your item. The default content rating that is set when you create an item is "-----"; If you do not set another rating, your story's content rating is considered to be higher than a content rating of XGC. Therefore, unless you or another user has set their ratings filter to allow ALL content ratings, your item will not show up in public listings.

B. If your content rating is GC or XGC, you will need to set your ratings filter to allow ALL content ratings or you will not be able to see your own item in the public listings.

This is the section in your account page to take care of this issue.
Section 2: Content and Access Control Settings

*Bullet* Upgraded Membership+ Options

Don't like the ads? Well, Turn them off. But remember, ads are what allows the site to offer free memberships to many of you, and lower costs to the rest. Personally, I don't find them intrusive. In fact, I visit them once in a while. If it was your ad, would you want them turned off?

Google Search and Ad Control:
Turn the Google Search Box and Google Text Ads on or off. 'Off' will remove both.

But remember (again), What goes around comes around. Karma always gets even. Some day you will have an ad.

Q. Every day I get a reminder to add a new item to my Blog. I can't or don't want to Blog every day! Can I stop it?

A. Yes, you can. Turn it off here.
My Blog Reminders:

Don't sit and brood about something you can change with a few clicks in your account page. Now, if it's something you can't change and it's important to you, there's always the "Suggestion Box"   by The StoryWitchress

The suggestion box is not a forum for reporting bugs, but suggestions for changes.

Psst! I hear Coders love to change things. Some even consider it play. Check it out. "Re: Re: Re: Re: A suggestion"  

See you on the 25th.

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noticing newbies committee sig

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Editor's Picks

 Confined  [E]
A short story about a disabled man named Randy fighting through his life one day at a time
by Trach

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Remember to read your neighbor's work too! If you notice a new member's especially good item, submit it. I'll use it if I can.

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Helpful Links

Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest  [ASR]
Use the quote provided to write a story and win big prizes!
by Writing.Com Support

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Writing Contests @ Writing.Com  [E]
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
by Writing.Com Support

Tips for New Members  [ASR]
Tips for new members -- things to know to improve your experience.
by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Monthly newbie contest.
by Tammy~Catchin Up~

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: Price N/A

Ask & Answer

Comments on "Invalid Entry

Submitted By: flex
Submitted Comment: This newsletter was a pleasure to read. All of your advice is good, but that simple idea of writing from the heart and then editing from the head, is great advice

Thank you, Felix.

Submitted By: HelenB
Submitted Comment: I found the latest edition of the Noticing Newbies newsletter particularly interesting. Rewriting is something I do religiously. In fact, sometimes it's hard for me to walk away and be happy with a piece, I am forever tempted to go back and tweak it one more time.

Thanks also for featuring my first post 'Heaven Coming Down' as an Editor's Pick! I'm blown away by the reviews it's had so far, and grateful for all the constructive criticism too. It's really boosted my confidence.

Thank you, Helen! I'm glad your work is being seen.

Submitted By: Polter-JACE: Cruising ...
Submitted Comment: This was truly an awesome commentary this month, Esprit, and one that, despite the intended audience, is fodder for us all. Not only have I used these points myself, but I've passed many of them on in reviews I've written to all manner of folk. My favorite? Printing your story for revisions; revising from a screen is really not conducive to good editing.

This is one newsletter I'm saving for future reference.


Thanks, Jace! And hey, the Newbie newsletter is NOT just for newbies. *Smile*
Who started that rumor?

Submitted By: denny
Submitted Comment: I don't agree... May I suggest that limiting the definition of an 'author' to those who have made a career and money at stringing words together would be like suggesting that the character actors in an amateur playhouse - or even a New York stage - are only 'pretenders' because they have not appeared on the big screen or television. I understand the reasoning behind your definition(s). I take my own definition of a writer and author from a little blurb I once read..."A writer is a writer because he/she cannot NOT write." An author then is someone who answers this driving compulsion. From there you are either a published or non-published author. BUT AN AUTHOR YOU ARE.

Thanks, Denny! As I said, it depends on the mindset. Writers are certainly not 'pretenders' and your simile is backwards. Actors were born on the stage, television would be the pretender in your scenario. I'm surprised I didn't get more repsonses on this one agreeing with your POV. Thanks!

Submitted By: 4theLoveofWriting
Submitted Comment: Excellent newsletter esprit

Thanks, Lizzie!

Submitted By: quinkylar
Submitted Comment: Before I forget, and I'm bound to if I don't say this first, thanks for the Editor's Pick of IRYR.

Now with that out of the way. Rewriting is something I really need to work on. Thanks for the tips.

Thanks, Kylar, and very welcome.

Submitted By: Poplar
Submitted Comment: It seems so many people here at WDC have actually published books. I didn't realise just how many... It's scary. How can there possibly be room for anyone else when there's already so many great writers out there?
LOL not meaning to be too gloomy.

Hey, that's like saying there's too many stars in the Milky Way. Have you looked at it lately? I see a lot of empty space around the edges. The trick is to be creative and write really well. There's always room for a good writer.

Submitted By: northernwrites
Submitted Comment: A useful newsletter! Rewriting is one of the fastest ways to improve our writing skills.
The featured quote was strangely familiar, lol. Thanks for including my items in the helpful links.

Thanks, Northernwrites, and you're welcome. You recognized the quote? I thought it fit the theme well. lol

Submitted By: Coolhand
Submitted Comment: This is important advice on rewrites and when to test drive them. Your inclusion of new writers to check out, and helpful information, is plentiful as always. Great newsletter!

Thanks, Coolhand! There are some good links this time as well.

Submitted By: Crawling Dragon
Submitted Comment: Yet another addition for my newsletter-collection, this is some good stuff! I already have a huge first draft in the works and now I'm glad I didn't post it straight away. Thank you for all the helpful tips and guides for all us newbies. ;)

Great! Don't forget to add a double space between the paragraphs because I'm looking forward to reading it.

Submitted By: Puppycat
Submitted Comment: Good sound advice. Thanks.


Submitted By: Ash
Submitted Comment: This was a great newsletter! I also entered the November writing challenge...didn't finish because I had a whole bunch of papers to do for English IV Honors but I plan to finish the story, and actually updated my word count over the weekend. Hopefully after I finish my 3rd draft of my newest English paper I will be able to add the rest of my rough draft and add on from there...

Keep up the good work,

Thanks, Ash. It sounds like no one needs to remind you to 'Keep Writing!' Keep re-writing!

We always appreciate the feedback, thanks!



Your host this week is esprit

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