Comedy: October 08, 2008 Issue [#2643]
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 This week:
  Edited by: Sophyween
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The First Date
It was their first date, and she'd shown the patience of a saint as he babbled on and on about his hobbies, his pet peeves, his driving techniques, and even the standards he used to choose his barber.

Finally, he came up for air and said, "But enough about me. Let's talk about you."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

He went on, "What do you think about me?"


I'm Sophyween ~ your Host for the Comedy Newsletter where this week we'll talk about the comic fodder that can be found in first date experiences.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

My Last First Date

Got writer's block? Can't think of anything funny to write about? How about recounting a first date experience you or a friend had? First date adventures are usually ripe with comic possibility! In fact, I don't know of many first dates that don't end up being pretty hysterical. *Bigsmile*

Take my first date with my college boyfriend, who I ended up dating for a couple of years (but no one would have guessed it after our first train wreck of "date"). We were both in a wedding -- I was a bridesmaid, he was a groomsman, and we were intentionally paired together because the bride and groom thought we might hit it off. As it turned out they were right -- we did hit it off. But not at first. We met at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding, and I felt like we were hitting it off well and I really liked him so far-- it appeared to me that he liked me as well. We laughed and had a lot of fun, and I couldn't wait until the next day for the wedding and, more importantly, the reception to follow. A beautiful day dawned, the wedding was lovely, and I practically swooned walking down the aisle with him at the end of the ceremony. Then at the reception he sat with me and was very attentive during dinner and all of the toasts. But when the dancing started he ended up spending most of the night on the dance floor with the bride's very beautiful younger sister, and only danced with me once, during the obligatory bridal party dance. How his behavior resulted in becoming my boyfriend after that debacle is fodder for another newsletter -- let's just say for now I should have taken his behavior at the wedding reception as a major clue to his character and let it go at that! *Laugh*

Then there was the date my sister set me up on while I was in college with a friend of hers. He was single and I had recently broken up with the aforementioned college boyfriend, and my sister thought we'd make a good match. On the night of our date he picked me up and took me to a movie -- we'd see the movie first and then go to dinner. That sounded fun, right? Harmless? What could go wrong? Well, for starters the movie was "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson. Yes, a great movie to be sure, an excellent piece of film making. But very scary (especially for a big weanie like me) and not a particularly good first date choice, unless you first met your date at a horror convention. Then to top the evening off (after I spent most of the movie crouched down in my seat with my hands over my eyes) he took me to dinner. At Hooters. Yes, Hooters. Yes, delicious chicken wings with very friendly servers -- but NOT a great first date locale. Suffice to say there was not a second date, nor did I ever let my sister fix me up again.

On October 5, 1985, I accidentally had my last first date (last because it was with the man who would end up being my husband, not because I ended up joining a convent after all of my previously disastrous first dates, though that may have ended up being the next step for me). I say accidentally because it wasn't supposed to be a first date -- it was just supposed to be an evening with a group of friends going out together. We were all in grad school and it had been a stressful week of exams and papers, and we all wanted to get together and blow off some steam on Saturday night before it all started up again on Monday. It would be a mixed group of males and females, and no one in the group was romantic -- we were just a group of friends.

As Saturday evening approached, everyone ended up bailing on going out because they had frittered away the weekend and decided they should stay in and study instead. Everyone but Bob, that is. I didn't know Bob well and almost decided to bail as well but then figured why not -- Bob was harmless (he was two years younger than I was so it didn't like any romantic complications would arise from it), and from what little I had been around him seemed like a fun guy. So Bob and I made plans to meet in the lobby of our dorm about an hour later, which we did -- both of us on time. As we started on the brief walk to a bar near campus we chatted about our day, how school was going, how lovely the fall evening was. And about half-way there Bob said, "I should have told you this sooner but I don't have any money. I have a check that I haven't cashed yet because I don't have a bank here yet, but no cash. So if you don't mind buying my drinks I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I cash this check."

Since we were already halfway there and I really wanted to go out, I said yes, but thought this guy had a lot of nerve asking an almost stranger to pay for his evening. But whatever, I'd do it just for the sake of being able to go out and relax. When we got there all of the tables were taken so we sat at the bar. We each ordered a beer and started to get to know each other, and soon we were laughing and swapping bad date/relationship stories. I was amazed by how easy he was to talk to and what a nice guy he seemed to be. I was having a really good time and was glad I'd come. After several hours (we couldn't believe how the time flew) we decided to leave and head back to campus so we asked for the check, which the server of course handed to Bob, assuming the man would be paying. He blushed and handed it over to me to take care of, with more promises of paying me back very soon. I put some cash in the little folder with the bill in it, and the server came back with our change, again giving it to Bob. He blushed again and handed it to me as I laughed and left a tip. Then we left for our dorm.

It was a gorgeous evening, and we enjoyed crunching through the leaves on our way back to campus. When we got back to our dorm we got into the elevator (he lived on the fourth floor, I was on the second), and when the elevator got to my floor he got off with me and walked me to my door. Then, much to my surprise, he leaned in and kissed me. It was my turn to blush as he waved goodbye and headed up the staircase, saying he'd see me tomorrow. After that we were inseparable -- we had another date the next evening (I paid, again) -- and a few months later we were engaged, and a year after that we were married. And now, every year on October 5 we go to a local bar in whatever town we are living in, and we sit and the counter and have a bottle of beer to celebrate the last first date either of us ever had.

Which I pay for of course! *Bigsmile*


Editor's Picks

Below you will find some humorous items from around the site about first dates -- remember, if you enjoy them, please let the author know by reviewing and rating the piece! *Bigsmile*

 Common Ground  (E)
Inadvertent first date for shy boy written for Daily Flash Fiction
#1456677 by Hyperiongate

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1445378 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1443093 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1341360 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1291463 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1117955 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#651482 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Here are the responses I got from my last newsletter about church comedy, which not very many of you found funny! *Wink*

From KimChi
Great newsletter, Sophy!

Most of us think of church as a serious place. I'm guilty of wanting a somber atmoshphere myself, and find whispers and talking a distraction. Next time, I'll listen closely to what the kids are saying and how the parent responds. I know there's comedy gold lurking in those asides. Thank you!

Thank you for your comment -- glad you enjoyed the newsletter! *Bigsmile* Yes of course church can be a somber and respectful atmosphere -- but occasionally it can be very amusing as well. And I think that's okay -- God likes to laugh as much as anyone!

*Leaf1* *Leaf2* *Leaf3* *Leaf4* *Leaf5* *Leaf1*

From maryelle
Love this. Would like to know, why your husband tells you he's busy on his computer, then keeps asking what you're giggling about. Good work on the newsletter.

I wasn't sure which newsletter you were referring to, but since the comment arrived closest to the date of my last newsletter I nabbed it! *Laugh* Glad you enjoyed the newsletter, whichever one you were referring to!

*Leaf1* *Leaf2* *Leaf3* *Leaf4* *Leaf5* *Leaf1*

That's all for now! Until next time, thanks for reading and LAUGH ON!

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Word from our sponsor
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