Romance/Love: January 02, 2008 Issue [#2149]
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  Edited by: Vivian
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

         The Christmas season brings out romantic thoughts and ideas which can be used to brighten any writing involving love and weddings. As your guest editor this week, I'd like to share some details that can motivate or deepen the details in a story involving a wedding during the Christmas season.

A sig by HighWind from Who Me

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Weddings during the Christmas Season

         A Christmas wedding sounds romantic. Not only can a couple end the year together, hopefully forever, but the season itself means joy and celebration. A wedding during the holidays has certain benefits, but some problems can arise. The happy details can enliven a writing, while the problems can add tension and conflict.

         When writing a story, poem, or novel, benefits can include financial ones as well as romantic ones. If the wedding is held in a church that decorates for Christmas, less needs to be paid for flowers and decorations for the wedding. Those details can add depth to a writing.

         Another financial benefit concerns tax time. A couple may be married a week or two before the end of the year, but they can file a joint return for the whole year, even if only one works.

         More vibrant colors can be used for Christmas weddings, and materials not usually found during the spring, summer, or autumn weddings. Dark greens and reds are acceptable during this time of year, as are dresses of velvet. Texture and color add to the imagery of a setting.

         For family and friends, one gift for the couple can cover both wedding and Christmas gift: a savings for some people - well, maybe not. Could this thought bring forth a conflict, perhaps?

         Draw-backs can be found, too. One big problem might be the weather. In many parts of the northern hemisphere, winter can be treacherous. If a storm should move in, invited guests or wedding attendants may not arrive. A worse case scenario would be the wedding would have to be postponed because no one could get to the place for the ceremony.

         Another problem for the couple might be anniversaries would get lost among the holiday celebrations in years to come. This "lost" anniversary could lead to a story idea or a bit of conflict.

         Of course if the weather is snowy and freezing, guests might not be willing to stand in the cold to throw bird seed or rice or blow bubbles as the couple leave. They might consider throwing snow balls, though.

         The important thing each couple has to decide, whether in real life or fiction, is when they want their wedding to be celebrated. The problems or draw-backs don't matter if the couple think the benefits are greater. If a Christmas wedding is romantic and wanted by both, and alternative plans are made in case of drastic obstacles like a blizzard, then the couple should plan and enjoy a Christmas Wedding, whether a white one or not.

Editor's Picks

Writings about Weddings on the Site

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

 The Wedding Dress  [18+]
Percy knows that sometimes you have to keep secrets for the ones you love.
by Lily Barat

The Wedding  [E]
A story about growing up, and the lessons we learn, sometimes in cruel, befuddling ways.
by emerin-liseli

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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Final Words

May your new year be full of fun and goodness.

Happy New Year!


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