For Authors: August 01, 2007 Issue [#1859]
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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: darkin
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way." -Richard Harding Davis

My name is Darkin and I'll be your guest host for this issue of For Authors.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Creating a Writer's Workspace

There's a writing myth that says the only way someone can write is if they have a room dedicated to just writing. While some writers might feel the need to have a room for their craft. Most writers really only need an area designated to their writing.

Having your own room would be nice, but for most of us it's just not feasible. What the majority of writers need is really just a place to call their own. And they can, if they just think about what they need and fit it to their own living environment.

What are some of the things you should think about when planning your writing space?

1. Space, Space Everywhere
When planning your writing space you need to decide what kind of space you're going to need. Do you need a place big enough to place a computer? Or do you just need a small table for a pad of paper? Are you going to need a desk with drawers or just a bit of table space?

2. Location is Everything
If you plan on setting up a computer to work on, you'll want to pick a permanent place. You don't want to have to set up and break down your computer over and over. If you plan to have a computer, its desk would also need a wall outlet and phone jack for internet access. If not, your space could be just about anywhere in your house that has a flat surface and a little storage space.

3. Noise Factors
You also need to decide how much noise you can have around you while you write. Using a corner of the family room might not be as good as part of the kitchen if you are the kind of writer who needs quiet to write. Do you like listening to music or a white noise machine going in the background while working? Do the sounds of your children screaming and playing loudly interrupt your train of thoughts or give you ideas? These are the things to think about when picking your location.

4. Gathering your Supplies
Once you decide on a space, you'll need to stock it with your writing supplies. Paper and pencils are only the beginning. You will need printer paper, if you have a computer, envelopes, stamps, labels, pens and pencils. You will want these things close at hand, either in a drawer, a desk organizer or separate cabinet. Nothing slows a creative session than having to search for a crucial item.

5. Research Materials
Other things you need to have readily accessible to your writing space is reference books. A good dictionary, thesaurus, grammar/punctuation and a writing market reference book. These are the basic books you'll need. As you write, you'll find other reference books that will help make your writing better. Books aimed at your genre, or writing style, can be found at all bookstores and libraries.

6. Seating Requirements
Evaluate the kind of chair you need. How comfortable of a chair will you need? Test sit several different models and styles before purchasing your chair. When a writer reaches their creative zone, they can find themselves sitting for a long period of time without a break. If your chair is uncomfortable, you won't do much writing.

7. Lighting Needs
Is your area well-lit, enough for you to see what you are writing? Do you need a lot of light or just the area where you're actually writing? Whether you use overhead lights or a desk lamp, make sure it is a bright enough to prevent eyestrain and fatigue.

8. The View from your Room
What kind of view do you need while you write? Some people are easily distracted while others enjoy a chance to divert their attention now and then. Do you want your writing space sitting in front of a window, or do you just need some nice pictures on the wall in front of you while you work.

9. Comfort Items
Think about what other things you'll need to make your writing time more comfortable, creative, and productive. Do you like to have a cup of coffee, soda, tea, or water? Do you like snacks to keep your stomach from rumbling during your creative time? What are the things you need to keep your writing time flowing smoothly? Find what that is and keep it near you during your time.

10. What to Wear while Writing
Lastly, being comfortable while writing is a great way to keep the momentum flowing. Wear clothing that is weather appropriate and comfortable. Wearing clothing that is too tight will just make your time writing less fun. And having fun while writing is an important part of creativity.

Having a space to call your own is a wonderful, creative thing for a writer. You'll find yourself writing for longer periods of time and enjoying it more.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Happy Writing!


Editor's Picks

Here are some items I've found while traveling the highways and byways of Writing.Com!

Short Stories
The Courage to Try--and Try Again  (E)
Novel Writing Tools & Tips #9
#1241935 by Patricia Gilliam

The Wolf's Kiss  (18+)
Honorable Mention Winner in the Writer Digest's 2007 Popular Fiction Contest.
#1298128 by ScaryBee

 My Husband Ate My Jesus Chip!  (18+)
For the Tabloid Writing Contest
#1053966 by Sophyween

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1292506 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1297309 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1223655 by Not Available.

Apple Pie Spice  (13+)
A marriage is held together by many things...
#1255041 by kizzy72

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#892767 by Not Available.

Written from experience.
#1244074 by SHERRI GIBSON

 Appreciation for Writing.Com  (13+)
What Writing.Com has meant to me, created for Writing.Com Appreciation Contest.
#497750 by Diane

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#1295864 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1279408 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1119185 by Not Available.

Use of Characters in Dramatic Scenes  (ASR)
Dramatic scenes: the conflict and the characters in them
#1267649 by Joy-the Harpy Witch

 Character Name (teen book)  (E)
Trying to find the right name for a new character.
#1293567 by Dawn Embers

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#1239924 by Not Available.

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#1284048 by Not Available.

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#1146224 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1298382 by Not Available.

Twisted Tales Contest  (13+)
A monthly contest for stories with a twist. Get 500 GPs for entering! Sept round open!
#1269187 by Arakun the twisted raccoon

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This item number is not valid.
#701412 by Not Available.

A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words Contest  (ASR)
Write a story in 1000 words or less to a given picture prompt. [Hiatus!]
#1101926 by iKïyå§amaCabre

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

Thank you for allowing me into your e-mail boxes for this week's issue. I had a wonderful time writing this issue and would love to hear what you think about it. Here is some feedback I received from my last newsletter.



Submitted By: likenion
Submitted Comment:

Awesome newsletter and everything is so true and I am very sure that everyone of us had one of these fears and insecurities to deal with! It is very important that you deal with them in a positive way and your newsletter does just that! Great job!


Submitted By: Mavis Moog
Submitted Comment:

Thank you for featuring "Invalid Item. Thanks to site-wide enthusiasm, it's going from strength to strength.

50 Stories were entered for the July round. To win this contest, when there is so much competition, is a real feather in the author's cap.

Thank you for your support, and keep those stories coming. Remember, I review every entry.

Your Editor's letter was inspirational. I hope all reluctant or bashful writers take note and gain encouragement from your helpful advice.


Submitted By: Anne Light
Submitted Comment:

And I thought I was alone in this. I'm working on a piece, a simple horror sea yarn, since October 2006. And I keep ploughing on because, well, I never finish anything, and this time I want to. Finally, my my main character had been standing on the deck in the same position for two month when a friend saved me. I cringed when I handed her my story ("It's so bad!"), and she did a very simple thing. She bought the story. She found the characters believable, and I knew that the story worked. In the end I knew I had to change the end, and I did. There's still a lot of work to do, it'll get done eventually. I think that proves your point, Darkin. It's feedback we need most. Thanks for this newsletter! Anne


Submitted By: wonhee
Submitted Comment:

Thank you so much for writing this Newsletter. I'll be sure to improve my writing skills...

Write On!


Submitted By: larryp
Submitted Comment:

Great topic to cover, Darkin. Those fears often play a major role in how far we will go with our writing. Fear of rejection is something many face in all of life, and is a big obstacle to writers that must be faced boldly. Thanks for sharing your suggestions in this area.


Submitted By: weeowl flying free!
Submitted Comment:

Excellant newsletter today Darkin! It's important to identify the fears we have as writers and then say, "It's okay!" It is okay to have fears, they are there for protection. The challenge is saying, "Thanks for showing up, Fear, but I've got it from here." Having confidence in your work and your life is the key to success. Often people apologize for their work before sharing. It's NOT necessary to do so.


Submitted By: andromeda
Submitted Comment:

Thanks, I'll have to get my sister to read this. She has a hundered stories and she keeps dropping them and starting a new one!


Submitted By: monty31802
Submitted Comment:

For the last 10 years or so I have settled into writing mostly poetry but this works for poets also. I write 4 lines at times then lose the inspiration. At a later time I look through these and get words I didn't find before. This is a Newsletter with some good advice.


Submitted By: Doris
Submitted Comment:

I don't usually comment on the newsletter, but this is what I needed at the time I needed it most. I also encouraged another "pen pal" on the site to read it well. FEARS, we all have them. ArkMom


Submitted By: katherinerose
Submitted Comment:

Thanks Squirrel for a great newsletter. I didn't just skim through it, I read every word of advice of your Writer's Book of Fears. Good motivational newsletter.


Submitted By: JudithJean France
Submitted Comment:

Good thoughts. Writing is easy to put together in your head, when time to put to paper, no time.
You are reminding us simply get busy and write.


Submitted By: Starr Phenix
Submitted Comment:

You certainly hit all my fears on the head, sweetie! Fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough... it all really plays with your head.


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