Comedy: March 28, 2007 Issue [#1625]
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 This week:
  Edited by: elizm446
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

”You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. “
-- Robin Williams

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Letter from the editor

Hi everybody!! *Bigsmile*

I’m a guest editor this week so you’re getting a double dose of Mia. *Cool*

I think the best and worst job I had was being a driver for Domino’s Pizza for a couple of years. It was the best job because my schedule could be as flexible as I wanted. I could work there and still attend school. I also made some pretty good money, especially on the weekends. It was sometimes the worst job because I’d have to deal with some difficult customers at times and of course there were the occasional robberies. *Rolleyes*

Our busiest times were Friday and Saturday nights between 4pm until around 8pm. That was our dinner rush. During this time, phones are ringing off the hook and we’ve got orders on top of each other. When you take a phone order, it shouldn’t take more than 60 seconds. This one particular Friday night, I had a guy who couldn’t make up his mind.

Me: Would you like to hear our specials?

Customer: Oh …. um …. no.

Me: Okay, what can I get for you?

Customer: Um …. hold on … *yells* Babe, what kinda pizza do you want? What? What? Pepperoni? What else? What? What? Oh. Okay. *back on the phone* Okay, I want two large pepperoni, sausage, and ham.

I ring it up and give him the price.

Customer: Whoa, that’s a lot of money!!

Me: Do you have any coupons?

Customer: Hold on … *yells* Babe! We got any coupons? Babe! Babe! Coupons! Babe, do we have any coupons? No, that’s Pizza Hut! Look over there! Okay, nevermind. *back on the phone* Nah, no coupons.

Me: No problem, do you want to hear our specials? We’ve got some good deals going on.

I read him the specials and after changing his mind three times, he places an order. Four minutes have gone by.

Me: Okay, I’ll have it out to you in about 30-45 minutes.


Customer: Uh, no … I called earlier. I want to change my order.

Me: No problem.

I tell the CSRs to stop making his old order. After asking me to name every topping we have, he places another order. Five minutes have gone by.

Me: Okay, I’ll have it out to you in about 45 minutes.


Customer: Yeah, it’s me again. I wanna change my order. Do you have any other specials?

Me: Well, we have a two-for-one special but it’s carry out only. But if you place a carry out order, it’ll be cheaper and your order will only take 15 minutes.

Customer: Okay, I’ll get that then.

He takes about three minutes to decide want he wants.

Me: Okay, it’ll be ready in about 15 minutes.


Customer: Uh, it’s me again. I want to change-

Me: Oh my god. Are you serious?

Customer: Uh yeah. My girlfriend found a coupon.

Me: Alright, fine. What would you like?

He places his order and I give him the price and delivery time.

Me: Listen man, I have your address right here in our computer’s database. If you call here again, I’m coming for you.

Manager: Mia!

Me: Seriously man ….

Customer: *laughs* I know. I’m sorry, hon. This is the last time I’ll call, I promise.

Me: Okay. It should be about 40 minutes.

He didn’t call back that night and the driver got a good tip. *Laugh*

Editor's Picks

Editor’s Picks:

Therapeutic writing. And chock full of Anti-Slam entries. *Reading*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1076555 by Not Available.

Have you always wanted to be problematic? Well, now you can! *Smirk*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1104352 by Not Available.

Think your story is so funny that it could be on the screen? Then enter this contest! *Cool*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1224477 by Not Available.

An experience I can relate to. *Delight*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1226788 by Not Available.

Fishing for compliments? *Laugh*

 Fishing for a Compliment  (E)
Sometimes fishing for a compliment means you get hooked on your own bait..
#1195374 by PENsive is Meemaw x 3!

Check out this newbie! *Bigsmile*

A Man and his Beard  (13+)
This is a little comedy bit on the realationship a man has with his beard.
#1224246 by Delamar Ash

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Yay!!! Feedback! *Bigsmile*

Beyond the Cloud9 wrote:
I'm glad I don't have your mom to embarrass me more than I embarrass myself! *Bigsmile* Great first NL, Mia!

billwilcox wrote:
I can relate to your My mum did a similar thing just before leaving my girlfriend and I alone in the house for the first time. She said, "Bill, remember not to sacrifice any virgins while I'm gone!"
*kicks Mia* Did you know you had a sign on your back? *Rolleyes*

Problematic Content wrote:
I laughed so hard I peed myself a little. Oh wait... never mind, that's old pee.

Sophyween wrote:
Great first comedy newsletter, Mia! *Bigsmile* Congratulations, and thanks for some great laughs! I think we all have some great mother (and other family member) stores - I know that I do! *Bigsmile* Looking forward to your next one.

Paige Turner wrote:
Your comedy newsletter brightened my day, Mia.
Just wanted to let you know.

fleckgirl wrote:
Mia - GREAT newsletter! Some really good featured items and your scenarios with your mom - well, we can all relate to stories like that, can't we? LOL Thanks again. I enjoyed it!
Fleck Girl

⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites wrote:
*Bigsmile* I feel so sorry for your teenage self! Reminds me of the embarrassing stuff my mom's done! Great newsletter!

Dhoc-li Llama wrote:


Never fear, I'm here to cheer you up >:K MUAHAHA!

*ahem* I love talking to people... Please don't be lonely, and have a good day *Smile*

diana wrote:
I Loved your newsletter. I hope you will do more. If only all parents were straight shooters, lol.

Lornda wrote:
Hi Mia.
Yes, I did enjoy your first newsletter. I laughed at your "mother stories." I can relate that is for sure. You are so right, it is hard to believe these stories or even admit that they are true. This is what I have been basing my stories on, so far mostly my mother and one on the out-law oops, I mean the mother-in-law.
Keep on writing.

spazmom wrote:
I loved the conversations with your mom. Only parents can embarrass in quite that way...LOL
Good newsletter.

Puditat wrote:
Mia, thanks for sharing those personal situations. They certainly put a smile on my face. *Bigsmile*

Katya the Poet wrote:
Wonderful newsletter! Great article about parents embarrassing kids. It goes both ways, so I look forward to a possible future newsletter article about kids embarrassing parents with the cute things they say IN PUBLIC! Thanks for including one of my Anti-SLAM comic entries!!

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! I really appreciated it. *Smile* Don’t hesitate to drop me a note and please feel free to submit any Comedy items you’d like to see featured in upcoming newsletters.

And please don't unsubscribe! Thanks! *Bigsmile*

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This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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