Romance/Love: October 23, 2024 Issue [#12804]
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 This week: Spooky Romance
  Edited by: Lonewolf
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Horror and Romance are a unique blend of both creepy and Romantic themes. However, they didn't use to be genres that were normally thought of together, but both horror and romance are a part of life. There are many great horror stories that use romance to build tension. On one hand, you have human beings that are anything, but normal. Then you have Vampires, Werewolves, and ghosts that can be heroes, heroines, foes, or villains. There are no limitations for the author in terms of world-building, no rules, for what can or can't be done with people, settings, and plot.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

In the realm of horror, there's an unsettling allure to the concept of 'romance' - a toxic environment of love and dread that warps judgement and compels characters towards terrifying choices. One of the earliest, most iconic examples of this is Bram Stoker's Dracula. The vampire, at its most horrible, is a seducer. It manipulates not through brute force, but through the murky waters of human emotion. One of the reasons this is so scary is because it is not easy to understand.

When people are in love they do not think straight. They tend to make decisions that they would never make while level-headed and single. The idea that love is blind is a very valuable idea to expand upon while telling this type of story.

Fear often demands a catalyst, a reason for characters to make the very choices that will put them in harm's way. Love serves as the perfect motivator for this. Consider the agony if a romantic interest themselves became a monstrous thing. The protagonist would be torn between their affection and the need for self-preservation. Or imagine they have a disease that forces the protagonist into situations he or she would otherwise never otherwise get into.

Love means vulnerability. When there's someone you care about, you're compelled to protect them, even if it puts you in greater danger. This provides a potent reason for a protagonist to stand their ground, rather than flee. In addition, threatening a loved one may in some ways be worse than threatening the protagonist. The possibilities for exploring this vulnerability are endless, and horror provides the perfect lens to do so.

Romance is one of the most vulnerable and scary things that people put themselves through. Using that in your horror story can give you a lot of value. Whether it is a monster that makes a person fall in love or the simple drive of being in love, they can all do a great job of making a horror story seem both more real and scary.

When writing any story that includes another genre, in this case, Romance and Horror. You must abide by your own rules within the world you create otherwise it comes off wrong and your readers won't be able to stick with the story in a satisfying way.

Write passionately and try not to focus on what others are doing or have done. Write something all your own, but be sure to stay consistent with it.

~ ~ ~

I'm also participating in a WDC event called the NaNoWriMo Write - A- Thon The deadline to sign up as a writer is 11:59 PM WdC time on October 31st, 2024. However, if you don’t take part as a writer please sponsor one of the many talented writers that are participating. *Smile*
NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon  (ASR)
A NaNoWriMo fundraiser... compete as a NaNo writer or donate by sponsoring one!
#1546312 by Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde?

Editor's Picks

 A Lavender Rose   (18+)
A story of grief and moving on. Creative writing assignment for school
#2328121 by LyssFaire

 Second Life  (18+)
Mavis knew she was at the end of her life. She'd been fading for a long time...
#2326572 by Scaredy Kitti

 Demon's Soul : Chapter One (Rough Draft)  (18+)
Zeius has a strange encounter with a woman while pursuing an incubus named Malez.
#2311921 by Ann Baine

McCormack's Wall  (18+)
Inspired by the lyrics of the song, about love, loss & remembering, by Glen Hansard
#2298355 by Dark Lady

 A Love Letter from the Boogeyman  (13+)
My name is Nox, and I live under your bed.
#2324890 by teefies

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

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