Comedy: July 31, 2024 Issue [#12658]
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 This week: Oh, The Insanity!
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Some things just don't add up. Here's an example of one of those ridiculous things!

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Hello folks!

Welcome to another edition of the Comedy Newsletter. Yes, this is my second time editing the Newsletter in July. How lucky are you?!!! *RollEyes*

*Lightning2* There was a severe thunderstorm. Power went out, but only for an instant. My internet quit on me and had to reset. Finally, internet returns and the TV rebooted back, but many of my cable programs weren't showing, nor did I have WiFi capability on my phone and laptop.

I did what I always do when I think I've done everything in my control by restarting the TV, and the Xumo box, I called my techie son.

"Son, I don't understand why my programs won't load on the TV and my internet is not reaching my phone and computer."

"Did you reset the Spectrum Router?"

"Yes, but it doesn't change the status at all."

My son went through several steps with me about unplugging, waiting ten seconds and the plugging back in. I did as instructed and the same result. He asked if Spectrum was notified. I told him they were and sent a signal and said it was working.

Then he asked if anything shows up on the TV. I replied it does but not all the channels.

"Mom, you say you can't get online from your computer or phone?"

"That's right. It seems only the TV gets some programs but Xumo doesn't work. They don't see an available internet connection."

My son then told me that the TV is directly connected to the Spectrum Router so as soon as the internet came back on, the TV responded. However, since you unplugged Xumo box and rebooted it, and that didn't recognize a signal, it means your Wireless router isn't working. It's an older one and probably couldn't take the instant power return surge from the storm. You'll have to buy a new one.

Okay, that made sense. I told him to send me links of models that would be good for me to buy. He did so, and mentioned he saw it at Walmart online and it cost $99.00 if I wanted the better model.

Next day, I went to Walmart with the link my son sent, along with a picture of the router and the model number and asked the electronics' clerk if it was in the store. She pointed me to the aisle where it would be. I grabbed the model, noticed the price was $129.00 rather than the price quoted by them on my phone link that my son sent me.

At the checkout, I showed the clerk the price that was quoted and the one that was ticketed on the router in the store.

"Walmart has this same item quoted at $99.00. Why is it $30.00 higher here in the same pick-up store the online price quoted? "

"That's our online order incentive program. Our customers order a product online, then our special online order filler comes to the item's department, picks it up and brings it to the front desk, and the customer comes in to pick-up their order."

*Shock* *Shock2* *Shock2* *Shock*

After I got out my Huh? What? Seriously? grumbles, my full vocabulary level returned. "Excuse me. Doesn't Walmart honor their own lower prices as advertised?"

"No, not in this case. We keep the two purchase offers separate."

"So, let me get this straight. I do all the footwork, come here, grab the same item, so another employee doesn't need to, and pay thirty dollars more for that privilege. Or, I could order it online from this very same Walmart, make the trip to this store, and pick up the same item at the front desk, where another employee walked back here, to bring it up front for me, and I pay $30.00 less for the back to front service?"

"Yes, that's how it works. Now, would you like me to ring you up?"

"No. Actually, I have a better idea. I'm going to order this item right here and now from my phone and wait until it gets walked to the front desk."

You just can't make this stuff up, folks!

Until next time -- laugh hard, laugh often!

This is one of my new sigs

Editor's Picks

A Poem About Walmart  (E)
Need I say more?
#2299877 by Anarchist Angel 🏴

 The Rube Goldberg Supermarket  (E)
Mayhem in the market.
#2324010 by KS23

Do they exist? You bet! Flash fiction of a prompt to describe the taste of water.
#1598570 by DRSmith

The Dog Sitter  (ASR)
Story written in dialogue about problems with the IRS.
#2318642 by Look out! Choco's Nuts Mwahaha

Nick's Secret Box   (13+)
Winner> Nick tries to convince his mom not to open the box she discovered in his room.
#2323684 by Nixie🦊 is a WdC Hallowtween

Heated discussions get a little funny  (E)
My father was quite funny once in awhile when our discussions got a little heated. Me Too!
#2314774 by HollisFrances

 While the World Held Its Breath  (13+)
Neil Armstrong couldn't help himself
#2323892 by Winchester Jones

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Feedback from "Comedy Newsletter (July 3, 2024)


Cool newsletter (blows soap bubbles)

*Whistle* Bubbles are fun, Bill! Thanks for the feedback! *Delight*


These duckies need some of the fat to stay in their feathers. That's why detergent for ducks may not work on dishes.

But I didn't buy this detergent at a Seed & feed store. I bought it on the detergent aisle of grocery store. (Although Dawn was used to clean oil slicks off ducks years back.) I expected that grease killing power to work on my dishes, somehow. *Ha*

Joy-the Harpy Witch

Great NL, *Heart* WW,
And Ouch! I have a dishwasher and I still handwash my dishes almost 99% of the time, provided they aren't too many. I don't know about Dawn anymore myself. Last year, I switched to BJ's generic and it is doing a much better job and now, here, I don't believe I'm gossiping about dishwashing liquids...*Rolling*

Gossiping about dish detergent!!! *Rolling* Love it, Joy! There are such simple things that keep the humor going.

I think you are wise to get BJ's generic brand. It's cheaper and often times, these warehouse stores have a brand name in the generic containers, anyway. *Think*

Thank you for your feedback. It is appreciated. *Bigsmile*

See you next month, folks!


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