Comedy: November 16, 2022 Issue [#11664]
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 This week: Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired
  Edited by: Which Witch Is Which?🧹
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor


Animated Flower SneezeWell, I went and did it. Finally. I went and got me a case of COVID. Considering that I work in healthcare, have sat next to and have been face to face with dozens of people with active COVID and yet managed to stay healthy all this time, it seems a little anti-climactic. Ironically, RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is the current crud flavor of the month, but no, I had to be a weirdo and catch COVID.

My rating on this virus is zero out of ten, do not recommend.

Just in case you are wondering, yes, I am vaxxed. Triple vaxxed. I had side effects to all of the vaccines, but the last one landed me in the emergency room. Good times, I'm telling you, good times.

Since I had no intention of having COVID, there was no advance planning on my part. I made some accidentally smart choices and some really, really dumb ones. Here's how it played out.

Timing: Since it took me so long to get around to adding to the pandemic positive statistics, my company has moved on from its "We must support our employees with COVID with special paid benefits" to its current policy of "It's just a bad virus sister, suck it up", the time I had to take from work will be coming out of my super precious PTO bank.

This isn't something to get over in a weekend, so I added a Friday and Monday off from work for a nice, long weekend. That was some dumb luck. Lousy way to spend a long weekend, though, so despite being off work for a four-day weekend I stick to my zero out of ten rating.

Be prepared: We had recently gone grocery shopping, but hadn't bought things necessarily with the whole, "I'm hangry but so sick I can't cook" vibe that was happening in our house. I made things a challenge, but somehow we managed to get through.

Sharing: DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GET YOUR PARTNER SICK. So, after my husband also came down with COVID, neither of us could take care of the other. It was just sad and pathetic. I managed to feed, water, and potty my dogs, and that was about all the care I had in me. You're on your own, bud.

The body wants what it doesn't want: All I wanted to do is sleep. I was exhausted. When I did sleep, I would wake up in pain from sleeping too much. Seriously!

Small victories: I managed to change my socks and underwear every day. Oh yeah, I brushed my teeth occasionally, too. So yay for personal hygiene!

Six-pack: With all the coughing I've been doing, I'm absolutely sure I must have really sick abs by now (pun intended). So, they are still covered with layers of fluff, but I know that under there, somewhere are rock-solid abs.

I'm over it, though. Not COVID, not exactly, but just being sick in general. I'm ready to feel human again, to act like a human again.

Editor's Picks

 A Very Unlikely Meeting  (E)
Anything that can happen has happened somewhere Len finds his true love in the Windy City.
#1985902 by Kotaro

 A Special Day  (13+)
Winner! The Writer's Cramp - 11-12-22 - W/C 339
#2284934 by QueenNormaJean Let's Go!Go!Go!

 The Academy for the Riding of Dogs  (18+)
A cat and a boy take it upon themselves to rid their neighborhood of a dog.
#2270927 by jackson

It’s amazing how some people manage to get through a normal day w/o a map and flashlight
#1803428 by DRSmith

Now That's Funny

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I do my initial search for items to feature by genre. If you are not choosing the THREE genres your writing can fall into when you are in editing mode of that item, you may be missing out! It is never too late to update all the items in your port. Genre to avoid: OTHER.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Responding to my Comedy newsletter "I Would Advise Against Taking My Advice

From oldgreywolf scribbles
Hindsight has a more comedic value when it's someone else's hind end going through the wringer. Or meat grinder.

Oh, I dunno. I love to laugh at my dumb self!

Responding to my Comedy newsletter "Poser

From severed head
Imposter syndrome was why I stopped doing stand-up comedy. I compared myself to everyone else and decided I was just not good enough.

Stand-up has to be absolutely brutal. I am sure you have some good stories from that experience, though.

From the newsfeed, a selection of responses to this question I raised from "Poser:
Question MarkWe all have those insecurities, right?
How do you handle that little inner voice that tells you that your writing isn't good enough?

From: IAmMeadowRayne
I tell it that I'm worse at other stuff haha

From: Spirit HalloWaltz
That's not an inner voice. That's a town crier shouting it from the market square. I handle it by always trying to improve.

From: Mad(Hatter)die Stone
Tell myself to stop backspacing off the same half page for the 15th time and listen to my characters because quite frankly they are getting annoyed with me. The cast gets tired of changing clothes, names, lines and the set keeps shifting from rain to snow to the beach, maybe a little town or no a ranch...

From: Dominique Ford
Just fake it till you make it!

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