Spiritual: July 05, 2006 Issue [#1131]
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 This week:
  Edited by: Puditat
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Spiritual: relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical matter; intangible. Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus

This newsletter explores ideas of the spiritual nature that exists in each and every one of us in an open and non-judgemental manner.

Each editor brings to the newsletter their own backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and opinions. Whether you disagree, agree, doubt or applaud the views expressed, let us all show respect to each other. Together we can learn something about the many varied aspects of the spiritual self and enjoy our differences in true meaning of the Spirit of Community.

Enjoy! *Cool*

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Letter from the editor

** *Blah* **

Life is tiring isn't it? Work, relationships, social pressures and expectations, friends, family, sleep (or lack of it), illnesses, and *blah*. You know what *blah* is. That feeling of can't be bothered, no energy, bored, but not going to do anything state of *blah*ness.

Sometimes I think *blah* arises from not having enough to do, or perhaps not enough drive or determination. Other times it comes out of not feeling completely healthy - not getting enough sleep, or that slight cold coming on. Nothing is serious enough to do anything about, it's just, well, *blah*.

I find myself in this state from time to time. I hate it, I utterly despise the feeling. For me, it usually comes through tiredness. Tiredness leads to not enough energy to do things, then I become bored. Because I am not 100%, I am unable to do things to climb out of boredom, so I just hang around going *blah blah blah*.

Is it me? Or is this a commonly experienced phenomenon? *Confused*

My suggestion to get out of *blah* is first, get healthy. Eat well, drink plenty of water. Get more sleep, and get rid of any annoying snivels, coughs or aches, as much as possible. When one feels physically better, things start to slide into place.

I know if my body gets out of tune from its normal state, my mind just can't get out of the pit. Decisions are painful, work is barely endured - and I am a writer, so my work is something I love doing. Relationships become an effort and people become a burden.

I recently found myself in this dark place when I ran out of my prescribed medication. Three weeks without the stuff needed to keep my body in balance and I was a mess. First, I had to get that sorted out, and what a difference it made when I did.

Once the body is sorted as well as you are able to, next comes rejuvenating the mind out of the slump it has become accustomed to. My biggest suggestion for this is to change...something.

Change what radio station you listen to, or turn off the television and play a board game. Walk when you normally swim, or play tennis instead of flying a kite. Wash your hair in the morning instead of at night, or wear your Sunday best for visiting a friend on Tuesday. Write a comic poem instead of editing your novel.

The point is not to make some radical or long-term change (unless you find you like it), but to give yourself a jump start. The change will liven up your mind, renew your inspiration, and make you appreciate what it is you normally do.

Till next time:
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Editor's Picks

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Ask & Answer


I'm commenting on what Puditat said:

Spirituality has a great joy to fulfill in the writer's heart once you learn to connect the two. It could come in the form of a retreat, meditation, worship, or prayer. But one thing I know...

If our spirit is left to become too dry, so our writing processes will suffer also.

It got me thinking to the past couple of years. It seemed every time I picked up a pen, nothing would happen and anything I did write was too horrible to continue with. The past couple of years, I've been struggling with my faith. It was almost inexsistent before 6 months ago; but now that I've gotten my life straight agian, I find it easier to write what's on my mind or a simple school assignment. I think the reason I had so much trouble writing before was because I ignored my faith. Now that I'm living right, I hope to write much more, now. *Smile*

         It is my great plerasure to hear you've rediscovered your writer's heart, but even more so that you;ve found your faith again. I pray that the two are never far from your mind now and evermore. *Smile*

I think this is a great poll and it opens discussions on every level. It makes you take the time to think and realize why you are here. I enjoyed taking the polls and hope to take more.

         Thank you, I enjoyed receiving everyone's responses.

More feedback from the series of three polls. Please note, I have not included the names of responders. Many of the comments come from people who do not read this newsletter. This is the last set of responses I will include in the Newsletter, but I felt there were some interesting comments here worthy fo sharing. I hope you think so too.

         What's Your Theory on Life?

I chose other as my answer for this question. My reason: I can't just focus on one single ideal as being the meaning of life. 1st. My belief is that God put you here to live your life to the fullest. That includes loving God, yourself, everyone around you, and spreading his word. 2nd. You must be a caring person and able to give anyone that needs it a helping hand. What goes around comes around. 3rd. God gave us all some sort of talent. So why not use that and leave your mark on the world. I don't think that life just happens. A person has the will to do anything that they want to do, and surely, it is not all about me. Great poll.

I had to pick Other this time, though you had some "seeker" type options. Thanks for asking!

I was raised with a lot of Existentialism in the house, but it was not an "all about me" philosophy in the version I got. Instead, it was VERY responsible--in terms of making a person accountable for all his/her actions (even over intentions), and very socially responsible, too. I know Sartre advocated an athiest existentialism and discounted the Christian existentialists who wrote after him. I have found some other kind of balance, but am still seeking. I do think we human seek and find meaning, seek and find love, seek and find value, and seek truth relentlessly. Sadly, I think a number of us live without a care for others or for the earth. So I am glad your questions provoke us to think about meaning!!!

I really enjoyed your doing your poll. Your idea is very creative and fun. You did a wonderful joy with the percentages and doing them in red really nailed it. I was really surprised at the highest rated one and now know that on Writing.com there are some absolutely wonderful people. Ofcourse I knew that before but now this poll has finished any questions that I might have had before. It is encouraging to see that others old to the believeth that I hold so dear to my heart. It is impossible to love with Jesus in us. Thanks so much for sharing and making this poll possible for us to be a part of.

Interesting poll. You present the question well and give a wide range of answers. Good job.

This is a poll that really got me thinking, as a non believer I was really surprised by the answer, but I guess it's just the way most people think. I don't necessarily thinking life has a 'meaning', but we all have a 'purpose' in some way or another.

good job, you got me thinking for a bit.
Thanks for the intesresting poll.

Well, I chose "other" - I believe we're here to learn, create, be joyful and to play our part in the Play of Life.

A thought provoking poll - I enjoyed it. *Delight*

         What Would You Do

The meaning of life might differ according to our viewpoints , background and upbringings.
But if I realized sb is truly , sincerely pointing out the truth, then ofcourse I would take actions necessary within my capabilities.
This is because we are sometimes confused and even we presume that we are doing a righteous thing ,we are not quite sure if it was the right thing done. We might do things out of conceit or hypocricy . You know motives are important as well as the outcomes.
So the highest thing is the truth.

What a delightful, provocative poll!

I do know the meaning of life, there is no meaning. Infinity is bound by nothing but infinity. This system we call life is just randomness trying to make sense out of randomness. So, to answer your question I would go on living life because death is forever. Oh yeah, I like the taste of watermelon and strawberries.

Interesting poll. If life was easy nobody would need God. I'm not sure any of us know what life is all about especially these days. Me, I am just taking one day at a time with the gas going up one week and down the next...Make you wonder what is going on...
Just believe in God and he will get us through whatever puzzling piece life throws our way.

I have to change. We have to change. As they say, the only thing that is permanent is change. Of course, for the better. That's what God expects to do. Because we can not be stagnant,we have to be like flowing water, a flowing water of life to lead us to Him.

Heck yes I would change everything-I ain't scared!LOL Fun Poll.

Oh, that was a strange poll! *Wink*

Actually, it's an interesting question, but it's really hard to imagine, the hypthesis is quite abstract to begin with.

Anyway, I've enjoyed taking your poll and your options are original too.

I'm surprised nobody has answered "I'd wait to see what everyone else is doing, and follow them"
Isn't that what most people are already doing? *Bigsmile*

         Meaning of Life - Do You Care?

I'm curious. Sure, curiousity killed the cat, but that's why a cat has nine lives, right? If I don't find out, then who really cares? I have a hunch about the meaning to life, but I haven't spent enough time thinking about it to be able to explain it to anyone. It's not really the meaning of life, but rather what the meaning to life should be...(Oh, isn't this perfect, as I write this, "(there's gotta me)More to Life" comes on my computer....ironic!)

Another good one! I identify myself as a seeker, so I am perpetually seeking the truth. Glad I found an answer in your poll!!!

It can not really be answered in a philosophical point of view. The meaning of life is inside us. If you feel happy, you can say that there is meaning to your life. When you're sad, or your life is full of problems and the hassles of daily existence, you probably can say, "This life is meaningless!" So, sometimes, the meaning of life is a matter of attaining one's goals, and also a matter of feeling. There's not such thing as, "The meaning of life is this or that." It's a very broad concept, and it could be traced to our background and upbringing, our environment, our neighborhood, maybe enthnic background. But sometimes, the meaning of life can be also very simple. It's God. Just look up to God.

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