Contests & Activities: June 16, 2021 Issue [#10818]
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 This week: My Precious
  Edited by: Annette
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Dear participants in contests & activities,

Among the major reasons to take part in anything is the outlook to win something. If it's a writing contest, you'll hope for a review at least. Winners can usually expect more. Award icons, gift points, and, yes, merit badges.

Word from our sponsor

Amazon's Price: $ 7.99

Letter from the editor

My Precious

We are talking about merit badges. Thank you Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde? for the fitting nickname.

As of this writing, there are 701 different merit badges available. The number is about to increase as a recent newsfeed post by The StoryWitchress announced that she has at least 15 more in the pipeline.

There are hundreds of non-exclusive merit badges that any member can give for the low one-time fee of only 10,000 gift points. There are also a whole lot that are exclusive and can only be given out by select few members. Then there are the unicorn badges that can only be given out by one person. Although exclusive, the price to send one virtual badge is the same.

There are many ways to earn those precious badges. Winning contests is only one option. Some activities give badges for participation or reviews. Some fundraisers raffle off or sell merit badges. Some contest raise funds by sending out a badge for a donation.

Many times, you will see someone say, "Any badge that I don't have." But how do you know which badge they don't yet have? EASY! There are two ways you can find out.

Method One
Go to the member's Community tab.
On the left side, there is the long list of all the badges ever received. Scroll all ... the ... way ... to ... the ... bottom.
At the bottom, you will see these words in blue: View Badge Checklist
Click on those words and they will take you to a place called: Merit Badge Checklist
Now you simply scroll down the list. Each time it says: Give it! you can easily send this badge to the member as it has never been given to that member.

Method Two
Go to the member's Community tab.
Above the middle column, it will say: Merit Badges (42) (the number in parenthesis tells you how many merit badges the member already has)
Click on Merit Badges (42)
Now you see a larger view of the most recent 32 badges.
In the top right corner, you will find this: *Boxcheck* Checklist Click on it.
Now you are back at: Merit Badge Checklist
Now you simply scroll down the list. Each time it says: Give it! you can easily send this badge to the member as it has never been given to that member.

Do this often. Do this with many people. See the smiles and happiness. All of that for the low one-time price of 10,000 gift points that has not increased in over 20 years! Where else on earth do you have this lack of inflation?

What would you do for an exclusive merit badge? Or any merit badge?

Editor's Picks

Win or Earn Exclusive Merit Badges

Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest  (ASR)
Use the quote provided to write a story and win big prizes!
#1207944 by Writing.Com Support

Quote Prompt for June 2021:
"I could never in a hundred summers get tired of this."
-- Susan Branch

Chapter One   (18+)
Write the first chapter of a book, inspired by the prompt.
#2251577 by Cubboo!

Write the first chapter of a book, inspired by the prompt. Include the words: boy, treehouse, lost

Write4Kids Book Club - CLOSED4Now  (ASR)
Read and review the selected book-of-the-month (children/teen genre) and earn a MB!.
#2247572 by Cubboo!

Our mission as writers and readers of this genre is to discuss characters, plot, and hook.

Thrice Prompted  (E)
This is now reopened. this is for everybody who joins, or wishes to join our group.
#2016845 by David the Dark one!

For every 3 stories you write using the prompts, you win a merit badge!

Habit Heroes   (13+)
A challenge to inspire positive daily habits and friendship. You can earn cool prizes too!
#2165720 by 🌻 princess bride pwheeler

You can earn one of our exclusive commissioned merit badges two ways:
1. Be a "qualified participant" six times within a 12 month period.
2. Be a "super achiever." with 21+ check ins in a calendar month.

TLC Prayer Parlor  (13+)
A place where you can request Biblical prayers and/ or pray for others' requests.
#2073942 by 🌻 princess bride pwheeler

Any member completing ALL of the activities for 3 consecutive months, will receive an exclusive TLC merit badge.

Win or Earn Non-Exclusive Merit Badges

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1873271 by Not Available.

Open to entries from all members who have been registered with WDC for 6 months or less.

Earn Your Badge! - Closed  (ASR)
A simple activity to earn MBs in exchange for genre reviews!
#2249169 by The Ghost of Jayne's Lost Sock

This activity is simple, and should be a recognisable format for most of you awesome Writing.Com folks. 15 reviews = Merit Badge. Yay!

Anniversary Reviews  (E)
Celebrate Writing.Com member account anniversaries with reviews.
#1565040 by Annette

We celebrate member’s Anniversary’s year round in this forum by sending them a review during their Anniversary month!

The Simple Fundraiser   (E)
Fundraiser to support four active groups.
#1889041 by Annette

Donate 20,000 gift points and receive a non-exclusive merit badge of choice.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

I received these replies to my last contest & activities newsletter "Limits All Around You What is harder to meet? A specific prompt or a limited word count?

Fearlycia Lee ☮ wrote: Definitely limited word count. I do see the value of entering contests. It keeps us writing and we make friends along the way. I do admit I have problems following instructions because I always join contests so last minute but hopefully, I'll change that and not give any hard time to the judges. *Laugh*

TheBusmanPoet wrote: I don't do well with either. I write until it's done. I ignore both prompts and word counts. I'm not in competition with anyone. I just like to write. PERIOD!

LorenIsOneOfMyNames wrote: Word count, I have too much to say.

Dr. Alex Dolittle wrote: The word count, definitely!

Olivia's NaNo-prepping wrote: DEFINITELY word count.
Since I choose my prompt wisely and most often know which range I can go to meet it, a WC is sometimes hard to keep. For example, I wrote over a week on my Dear Me entry. But about 80% of the time went into finally getting below 2.000.

Bride A. Livewire wrote: I completely ignore STRUCTURE to writing...
*scoff* "word count"...

jdennis wrote: I think the winner is word count and I would have agree. I've never been good at math.

Dragonfly wrote: Generally if I'm writing something I'm really into, I hit the count and don't even realize it, that takes care of both. If I don't like the prompt than it'll be heck to make the wc.

Anna Marie Carlson wrote: They both can be as equally as hard.

Cubboo! wrote: Word count! But the awesome thing is, once I cut away the fat, my story really does sound much better. I just experienced this very thing and had to cut over 700 words to be eligible for a contest. Whether I place in the contest or not, I like the story much better all trimmed up!

Nomad wrote: Word count. It's sometimes hard for me to contain the story within the required parameters.

D. Reed Whittaker wrote: Depends on the prompt.

~SilverMoonBOO!~ wrote: Word count seems harder but it really helps make things more concise.

Pennywise wrote: I'd have to say both. A prompt can be difficult if it doesn't fire up my little grey cells. Then when you get writing... well your fingers can get a little carried away.
What I love most though is a limited word count. The three hundred word limit on the Daily Flash Fiction is the reason I enter. Trying to get characters, personas, a story, and (hopefully) a twist in such a short and compact count does make you think about word choice. And, what works best. I usually have to cut and rewrite from twenty to over a hundred words. I do love the challenge. And, I honestly believe it makes me a greater and more expressive writer.

DevilsBargin wrote: Limited word count. When telling a story I go.over a lot and have to cut out the meat and potatoes of a short story to make it fit.

care-full wrote: Both a limited word count and prompt.
Fiancé says word count.

tj: Tenebrous Jekyll wrote: I agree, limited word count.

elephantsealer wrote: A limited word count is the hardest to write. You miss one word, and the whole story is completely out of whack!!!

Happy to write wrote: I'm not sure but most likely the latter since I tend to be little miss chatterbox much of the time. Sometimes fear is why I ramble on and on failing to get to the point. So even though both are hard keeping it short and sweet is harder most of the time for me.

toonzami wrote: Word count no doubt.

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