Comedy: September 30, 2020 Issue [#10388]
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 This week: A Cabin in the Woods
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

New Halloween sig

In a previous newsletter, I let my readers in on the possible plans for my son's wedding. I also mentioned I would give an update. Here goes ...

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Hello folks, happy autumn! *LeafR*

I don't know about you, but I love this time of year. The trees in New England are turning, exposing a colorful backdrop in my hilly neck of the woods.

In the newsletter before our marvelous WDC 20th birthday celebration, edition, I spoke about my scrambling to get the old money pit / haunted house in shape as a last minute back-up plan of a place to hold the wedding. Now, in the safety of my home, I can announce, my son and my now daughter-in-law got hitched without a hitch. *Proud*

How this all unfolded:

Location? Well it was a fine spot that we first chose. A well established Sportsman's club where I and some family members hold a membership. The location is picturesque, woodsy and has a lazy pond to gaze upon. The bride's mom loved it! However, not long after the decision was made, the deposit was returned with deep apologies. Yes, our Governor decided to extend the shut-downs longer than originally announced. Since the club had a bar, they had to close down any events for the foreseeable future. *Sob*

Within a week, they found a place that had both outside and indoors functions. Outside being the wedding ceremony, and inside being a restaurant with a special menu for weddings. Problem was,a wedding cake wouldn't be allowed to be brought in. There was no room to dance. It was just a restaurant inside. Since it sounded more like a 50th Wedding Anniversary forum rather than a wedding, and the cost was outrageous, we decided to keep looking before putting down any deposit. Good thing, though, as the place got busted and fined a week after they were considering it. *Shock2*

Then my son and future daughter-in-law looked at me with pleading eyes. Yes, I had a good sized yard for outdoor festivities, and the old money pit had plenty of room inside , as well as the porches to keep the guests comfy. I said I'll have it at my place as a last resort. *RollEyes* They promised they'd keep looking in the meantime, hoping the restriction would be lifted as the weeks went on.

I was now looking at the haunted house with critical eyes. She needed some fresh paint! I began painting that week until the week before the wedding --just in case. Then I realized, since the Corona Virus had robbed summer away from so many of us, and we were pretty much stuck at home, it was the perfect time to be motivated to paint. I was ready for anything by the time September approached! *Ha*

A New Plan was Born!

It was a lovely little hall, remaining a secret. Sort of a "Cabin in the Woods" off the beaten path, and close to the border of another state with the motto "Live Free or Die." Yesssssssss! We could escape over the state line should the Gov's storm troopers arrive -- the Mask Cops, the killers of any fun gathering that was not state sanctioned! We had an escape plan!

Folks, you just have to love tiny towns in the hills and woods and dirt roads where the usual suspects dare not tread. It is indeed that road -- less traveled of course that we took our fun, families and food to celebrate the start of a couple's new life together! It was a thing of beauty.

Oh, the mother-son dance ... well, uhhh, let's just say my eyes leaked. *Cry*

Happily Ever After:

Although his out of state sisters could not make it to the wedding due to the two week quarantine coming here and then upon their return to their states, a month of their lives held in seclusion, the wedding came out perfectly for the happy couple. The day was gorgeous, sunshiny and not too hot. The wedding was outdoors and the reception inside the little hidden, cabin in the woods.

Of course we plan to have a Reception-Reunion next summer when travel restrictions are over, and the family who couldn't be there will get to celebrate. But you know something? The next time around reception, will be much easier, less stressful and without all the cloak and dagger secrecy. Although I must admit, I liked that top-secret stuff! *Laugh*

Until next time--laugh hard, laugh often!

This is one of my new sigs

Editor's Picks

 Seven Years of Wedded Bliss  (ASR)
My Cramp entry for 1/25 - a seventh wedding anniversary
#1519891 by Beck Firing back up!

 Another wedding/reception story  (ASR)
Another funny wedding and reception story, this time it's mine.
#1738802 by Zaring

 Poem for a medieval wedding  (13+)
Hi, here's an example of the wedding poems I write!
#1892754 by medievalpoet

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1920207 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1323080 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2000159 by Not Available.


Midnight, October 1st!
The Witch's Garden   (13+)
#567890 by Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs

Please dress your handle for the occasion. *Ha*

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

In my last newsletter, "Comedy Newsletter (September 2, 2020) Those who read it during the ever busy WDC 20th Birthday Week, got to learn there was a hidden treasure if they followed the newsletter to the end and did as instructed. It was a gift to celebrate the WDC birthday as well as my 12th anniversary as one of your Comedy Newsletter editors. *Bigsmile*

There was to be a virtual dice roll, but since only two people responded, both received an exclusive MB!


Fivesixer's Bloody Stumps
Congrats on 12 years of this newsletter I've been reading for like 19 years of them! And thanks for keeping it short *Laugh*.

& dragonwoman
This newsletter is always good for a smile if not a downright guffaw! Glad you will be hanging with us all forever and ever amen. (I will answer the second comment/question you asked me about my favorite birthday at another time. I may have to write a Comedy Newsletter to go with it!) *Laugh*

*News* *News* *News*

I have been holding the responses to the previous newsletter about the wedding, "Comedy Newsletter (August 5, 2020) until after the WDC birthday celebration, knowing I had two newsletters to do this month.

Their comments had some great suggestions for wedding planning meals that would not require a stove!

BIG BAD WOLF is Howling

For wedding, keep things simple - grill up some hot dogs and hamburgers, maybe some other things if you have the budget, and just a plain sheet cake that has both bride and groom's favorite flavors meeting where the figures stands. Also, plenty of pop/soda - means for more dancing than the usual drinks.

As for any party-busters, tell them they have to make a choice - enjoy a hot dog and a slice of cake, or they'll be on the wrong end of a food fight!

Great suggestions, BBW, Thank you! Simple is always best. We didn't want to fire-up a grill and watch over it. We wanted to enjoy the wedding, so I ordered a huge ham and potatoes Au Gratin and used a buffet server-set with heat from Sterno to keep it warm. Others brought different salads, appetizers and finger food. Well, not real fingers -- we save those for Halloween! *Rolling* Love SIMPLE!!! *ThumbsUpL*

🌕 HuntersMoon

So happy to see you post a write by COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME She was so much a part of this site for so long and I, for one, miss her gentleness and sense of humor. Well done, Webbie!

Oh, yeah... GOOD LUCK! *Laugh* Can't wait to hear the outcome in your next stint as comedy editor! *Rolling*

You are hearing about it now, Ken! *Ha*

You're very welcome about highlighting COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME's item. She was certainly an outstanding member of the community and a friend to many of us. I miss her! *Cry*

Fivesixer's Bloody Stumps

Wow!! I hope it all works out for you! My half-brother was supposed to get married in a private ceremony in Jamaica earlier this year, but then the C-19 hit. Safety and family all come first.

Thankfully, it all worked out better than expected. It was a beautiful, albeit small gathering. But as you say, "Safety and family all come first." Thank you for your feedback, Norb. *Cool*


If you need one of the best wedding salads contact me. I have made it for so many weddings and anniversaries I can’t count. I’ve been asked for the recipe and people are surprised how easy it is. We don’t drink alcohol at our wedding I also have a hot weather punch that almost tastes like a smoothie. I suppose you could spike it.

Thank you for your feedback and recipe suggestions. I wasn't on salad duty, but there were many brought to the wedding, macaroni, potato and large garden salad. So it worked out great with the ones placed on salad-duty. However, you may email me your special wedding salad recipe if you wish. *Angelic*

QueenNormaJean Let's Go!Go!Go!

Thank you for including my little tale, Monkey Business in your Comedy Newsletter! And I have a great recipe for a little cake - called 'Boy Bait' - it's actually a blueberry coffee cake type dessert with fresh blueberries. But I love the name!

*Shock2* Wow! That does sound good!!! You may email me it to me if you wish. *Delight* Thank you for your suggestion. *Hug*

Thank you for the marvelous feedback! I really appreciate it. *HeartB**HeartY**HeartV*

See you next time, folks!


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