Romance/Love: July 08, 2020 Issue [#10259]
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 This week: Romantic Intimacy
  Edited by: Lonewolf
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

Sometimes, we as writers want to add a little something to our writing. One of the most rewarding things you can add to your story is romance. It is an element that allows you to learn who your characters are and then allows them to take you through the story from their point of view. One of the difficulties with adding romance into a story is sometimes the wording doesn't sound right, or the romance quickly turns into a sex scene. Taking lessons from the early writers, romance doesn't have to include sexual elements, it can lead to that aspect if you want it to, but romance is so much more.

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Letter from the editor

When we read what others have written we can see how they word things to make it sound right or how to keep things romantic instead of turning into something closely related to porn. Talking with other authors can help you learn how they get past these difficulties, and some would even offer to read your work to help give you better advice. You can also read some of the classic novels to see how early authors wrote about romance.

When you sit down to write, make an outline of what you consider to be romantic. For example, I think unexpected and random acts of kindness done without being asked by a significant other is romantic, but adding in a character saying I love you adds even more romance. You take what you see as romantic and describe every element of it. Sights, feelings, sounds, whatever you think would add to the romantic atmosphere, and then read through it to see if that is what you had in mind of something romantic to you.

Another thought is to ask people around you what they see as romance so you have different ideas to work with.

Perhaps adding real-life experiences into your stories as most authors add personal elements into their stories. When you add personal experiences into your stories it gives it a different quality. When you do that with romance you can make it turn out the way you wanted it to or keep things the way they happened.

You can even describe what a character wants from the relationship, like the man wanting to be a better man for his woman; something along those lines. Romance in a story doesn't have to be this big display, it can be something small and barely there. Romance isn't always a big display of affection. It's about the expression of love and one's feelings. If applied right you can do that within a story by displaying the characters' feelings for each other in different ways.

Have them remember something, or simply express their love to each other. You can have your character leave a little note for the other find. You can describe how one character feels for the other. No matter what it is you use, adding in feelings of love can easily add romance to a storyline.

When you add your own thoughts and feelings you add a different quality to the story. Readers can tell when an author adds in a part of themselves. Some of the most essential aspects of writing is research, reading, and practcing your craft.

Editor's Picks

Rivals   (13+)
Intense emotions between two rival soccer stars evolve unexpectedly - WFTH(Rnd 20) wc=1496
#2219439 by ๐ŸŽผ RRodgersWrites ๐ŸŽถ

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This item number is not valid.
#2214289 by Not Available.

 Fun In The Sun, Chapter 1  (13+)
Nick desires Sal. Sheโ€™s oblivious until they search the island for a Greek artefact.
#2225782 by Greecegal

King, Queen, and Sorcerer, Chapter Five  (E)
The Lord of Oblivion defends his castle, and then has a talk with a girl.
#2222703 by Casey Nash

Bold As Love  (18+)
A romantic evening is spoiled by contaminated chicken - can it be salvaged?
#2166658 by Emily

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