Spiritual: February 26, 2020 Issue [#10043]
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 This week: Kindness is Easy
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

You don't pay love back, you pay it forward.
Lily Hardy Hammond

         I'm honored this week to be your guest host for the Writing.Com Spiritual Newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor


         If you think about it, you will recall paying someone a compliment, which then resulted in a smile, which then you returned. If you think about it, you will recall catching a door for someone, who then muttered 'thanx,' or simply nodded, and you stood a bit straighter. If you think about it, you will recall other such incidents; where, often without conscious thought, you performed a kindness, which then made You feel better, more energized, more alive.

         Consider all the rancor around the current U.S. Presidential primaries; and not just the candidates picking at each other, inciting a general meanness and venom ... ouch!

         Instead of that, for a brief time, let's consider kindness - given and received. Think about it, just for a moment, and you will recall something you did, or said, that made someone else smile, or even if they didn't acknowledge your act, You felt better for doing it. Faith and science and social science each have explanations for this feeling; this exchange of positive energy. It's an exchange, not a one-way toss. The energy you expend returns to you in kind or amplified; a cycle of energy, a meeting of spirit.

         If a butterfly flaps its wings, the spore of the flower is lifted and carried on wind to land in soil fertile and a seedling rises to greet another butterfly another day. A Wiccan tenet, the law of threefold return, explains the energy generated as a law of 'cause and effect' or ' what we reap, we sow' amplified. The energy generated by an act of will, positive or negative, is amplified when the recipient receives the energy, and returned upon the one who generated the energy. I felt energized by my friend's thanks, and stood a little taller as I returned to work.

         Consider as well the 'power of prayer,' where both the person offering the prayer, exhorting a higher or alternate power, and the recipient of the energy, each reap energy from the prayer. The Lenten season beginning today is a time to reach inwards, to give of oneself, to be kind to oneself and others.

         Sociology chimes in with a secular explanation, calling the energy 'alternate giving,' or 'generalized reciprocity,' as either the gifting of an act to someone who then passes on an act to a third party, or returns it in some way to the original gifter. Science states that matter is neither created nor destroyed, so the energy generated by an act or thought or prayer has to go somewhere and do something and ultimately return to its source in some form or another.

         When you do something for somebody, an act physical or formed of thought, it creates energy, which then affects the recipient either physically or spiritually (and I'm not using that as a dogmatic or religious term, but simply outside of the physical senses), and is then carried forward to another, and another, until it is at some point returned to you in some form physical or spiritual.

         Until we next meet, keep the energy flowing, your deeds, your thoughts, do make a difference if you pay them forward. You make a difference ~ may it ever be positive. Our editorial team offer weekly inspiration to keep the energy positive in word and deed.

Write On *Frog*
Kate - Writing & Reading

Editor's Picks

I'd like to share from a few of our members tales in prose and verse of generating this spiritual energy, paying it forward ~ check it out & leave your thoughts in a comment or review perchance ~ keep paying it forward

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#2209168 by Not Available.

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#2208740 by Not Available.

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#2204193 by Not Available.

 Prompt  (E)
A recipe of kindness!!
#2203392 by Flamefoxquill

Kindness has many names [124] (287words)  (18+)
Flash fiction under 300 words. Prompt: surprised by someone or something recently?
#2194495 by ผีKåreEngaในMontana

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1746802 by Not Available.

Life is Easier  (ASR)
Change...you will be smiling with a teeth spitting grin! Read it and see!
#638226 by 🕸️intuey's Spider Web

 The Elevator Man  (E)
a little kindness goes a long way...
#2043520 by woody

Pay It Forward  (E)
Trying To Help With Random Acts of Kindness For 23 Plus Years
#253757 by ♥Pay It Forward♥

Share Your Faith  (13+)
Are you spiritual? Religious? Or not at all? Can you incorporate this into your writing?
#2204562 by Scaredy Kitti

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Thank you for this welcome in your virtual home. As a guest host, I don't have a formal ask and answer. Instead, I've a request.

Try this. Take a few minutes, now, and do something for someone. Send an email, make a call, pick up the scattered newspapers with a smile, say thank you, say a prayer for a friend in need, send healing thoughts to a friend who's ill - you get the picture. Do one of these, or anything else you can think of, for another, to effect positive energy. You will feel the return as you do it in the sense of joy or peace, and you stand or sit a bit taller, perhaps smile.

Brightest Blessings!

Write On

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