Of course following them is going to be a difficult challenge in and of itself. If you'd thought about it earlier you could have jumped onto a shoe, or at least tried to anyway. As it stands right now they are almost a mile away, and getting farther every second. At your size you could never even keep pace with their monumental strides, let alone trying to go faster than them so you can catch up. Looking around you have to think fast or you might never catch them.
Your desperate search reveals only one method of catching up to the Amos family, though you'd rather have found nothing considering what it is. Laying just a few inches away from you is a rock. Now this isn't anything out of the ordinary considering you're in the woods, but trapped under that rock is a leaf, which is attached to a branch. Looking at it you can't see how the rock trapped the leaf like it did, as the rock is several dozen times your size, but you can't argue that it's convenient.
Running over to the leaf you give it a quick inspection, and realize right off the bat that you could get it to work. The leaf's edge is trapped under a rock, but it looks like the force of the branch trying to get back to normal has been slowly tearing at it, and now a small rip in one side is almost ready to snap the whole leaf in two. Climbing on to it you find that the leaf is just about your size, a lucky break for you as you grab the end of the leaf near the branch and lay down.
With the catapult ready you look towards your target, and find that you have an almost perfect shot for getting to them, and without really considering what you're doing you kick as hard as you can at the rock behind you. A loud ripping sound splits the air, and the leaf at last breaks in two, and the branch, with you on it, leaps back to its normal angle. As you expected you are launched into the air, screaming as you fly towards the titanic forms of your would-be saviors.
You flight, as ill planed and conceived as it is, is right on target and you pass right next to Mrs. Amos' ear. Your scream of terror causes her to turn back, but unfortunately she does it in the opposite direction, and so just misses seeing you fly ahead of her, right into the side of the picnic basket Mr. Amos is holding. Slamming into the whicker thing with a load of force you expect to be turned to some kind of messy goo, but somehow you survive, and are forced to scramble for a hand hold and then hold on for your life as the basket does a one-eighty.
"What is it, hon?" asks Mr. Amos, turning back to face his wife who is looking back into the woods. The man is oblivious to the small bit of weight you add to his burden. Considering the size difference you had expected his voice to be booming and thunderous, but really it just sounds like a radio with the bass turned all the way up
"Well, I thought I heard something, but I don't see anything..." she says, trailing off as she peers deeper into the woods.
"Probably just a bug, mom. I swear. We could have done this whole family bonding thing back at home. Why'd you and dad have to drag us off into these stupid bug infested woods?" says Angela tersely to her mother.
"Ah, come on Angy. It's really cool out her. I mean did you see that weird looking bug a minute ago," says her brother, pointing back along the path, to about where you were standing a minute ago.
"No I didn't, Dennis, and I don' want to you little brat," she tells her brother venomously, before storming up the path ahead of her family, brushing the picnic basket, and causing her father to turn it, putting you on the front instead of the backside which faces his family.
You are again forced to grip the basket as hard as you can as the father quickly raises and lowers it, probably in a simple shrugging gesture. To you though it feels like an elevator suddenly going up and then going down, but after a second a gentle swaying motion ensues, and you get to look forward. Right ahead now walks Angela, but beyond her is a clearing in the woods that is obviously the destination of the family. As you break through the trees you see...