Prism stumbled forward slightly as the transformation by the reverser caused her center of gravity to shift forwards. The reversion, as the process was called, didn't take long- three seconds at the most. Once that was done, Prism looked at herself in the full body mirror, to make sure everything had fully reverted. Victoria had said that a partial reversion was impossible, but it never hurt to be careful.
What Prism truly looked like was very different than the form she took to go out in the world. She was a good foot shorter, her throat gem was gone, her wings were actually feelers, her tail became shorter, two wings sprouted from her back, and her entire body became tan. In actuality, Prism wasn't a Dragonair, but a Dragonite.
Her height and species wasn't the only thing that had changed, however. Prism shifted her feet to a wider stance as her breasts, which now hung down to her knees, forced her to do in order to remain standing. Prism had once had her breast size measured while like this. She knew that she was far beyond conventional measurements, but seeing the number 35 followed by a whopping fifteen Ds really drove it home.
As for how this happened, well, that deserves another flashback.
It was because of the chemicals, as you'd expect. Prism and Victoria had agreed to wait until after college to start their business. Between the night of their discovery and graduation, both girls had evolved. They'd graduated together, and bought a house, onto which they'd built a lab. It was in this lab that Prism had became what she was.
It was a relatively peaceful summer day. Victoria had finalized the formula for a breast expansion chemical. However, at that point it was unknown to the duo what would happen if they took multiple chemicals at the same time, and Victoria was still under the effects of a muscle enhancement chemical, so Prism tested it. The finalized formula worked perfectly, putting Prism at her current breast size. They did some basic tests to ensure that the growth was close enough to natural (it was), and it was time to take the reverser. Just as Prism's hand brushed the beaker the reverser was in, she was suffused by a white glow. Prism was too started by her sudden evolution to stop it. Once Prism realized what was happening, her evolution was too late to stop. Once she'd finished evolving, Prism took the reverser. Nothing.
Prism was shook out of her memory by the sound of knocking at her door. She yelled out "Just a minute!" and put on the bathrobe she kept for situations like this. Only a small number of people were allowed to even be on this level, and an even smaller number allowed to knock on Prism's door.
Prism finished tying her bathrobe and walked ponderously to the door- any faster and her oversized breasts would flop around and break something- most likely Prism herself. She opened the door (which swung outwards) and greeted her guest.
Her guest was…