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Rika & Renamon have a really weird day. You decide how weird.
This choice: The Mega Workout Potion  •  Go Back...
Chapter #5

The Mega Workout Potion

    by: Unknown
After they had finished dinner Jijimon pushed the table to one side of the room, making space for Babamon to put a large, black cauldron. In true fashion of an old witch she filled the cauldron with water, using fire underneath to bring it to a boil. Thankfully, the dining room had a vent out the roof for this kind of thing, keeping the room from getting too smoky. Jijimon came from somewhere in the depths of the pairs home, carrying a basket of stuff. Babamon smiled, taking a few of the items as she either tossed them straight into the water or diced them up using a knife. It was strange, but they weren't weird or even uncommon ingredients. It was food, a variety of foods just prepared and then put in the boiling water. Rika, having brought on along a backpack with a few supplies, found a notepad and began writing down the ingredients as Jijimon and Babamon added them.

"There," Babamon said about twenty minutes later, when the water in the pot had turned practically turned into a stew, a dark brown liquid with bits of meat and vegetables floating among its contents. "Now, all we need to do is expose this stew to a certain item and it will become the potion.

"What item is that?"

"This," Jijimon said, reaching down to the box on the floor before lifting up a bit of crystal. "It's a piece of Azulongmon's crystal castle, and in such it has very special powers and properties."

"And with the crystal present, hanging above the liquid, all that is needed is a small incantation to activate the crystal's power."

With that the pair began speaking in unison, the crystal giving off a small flash of light as they said the incantation.

"Surge and broaden, growth and power
Let they who swallow a gulp of this potion
Be gifted with ability for the following hour
Let their toils of labor offer even greater strength
Let their power surge exponentially forth
And let never this gift turn sour."

Rika and Renamon were surprised when after the last few words were done the stew quickly started to turn a strawberry red color, everything in it dissolving away into just a liquid.

"There you are, one Jijimon and Babamon Eternal Strength Potion, guaranteed to work or your money back."

"They didn't pay money," Babamon corrected.

"Your satisfaction guaranteed." Jijimon attempted again, sinking an empty milk gallon into the cauldron and filling it with the red mixture. He gave the gallon of the liquid to the girls while Babamon gently tossed a match onto the liquid. Catching fire, the remaining potion began to burn away in the pot.

"Why are you doing that?" Rika asked, not wanting to see all that potion go up in smoke if it really did work.

"Because, you two only need a gallon at best."

"But then why did you make so much?"

"The crystal fills the potion with the same amount of power no matter how much is there. If we had made a smaller batch, then the power contained would have been more concentrated. Making it in this large of batch will give you all the strength you need and shouldn't overwhelm you."

Rika and Renamon nodded, being polite and thanking the two aged digimon as Rika silently slipped her notepad back into her backpack.

"Now, listen carefully because I'm only going to say these instructions once. To make yourself stronger take a drink of the potion before you begin a workout. For every swallow of the potion you drink will make the effect last an hour. So three gulps, three hours. This will work up to eight hours, and if you start drinking more potion than that in a single setting its effects will start to increase and I wouldn't suggest it. While under the effects of the potion, work out any part of your body you want to have it increase in strength and you should find the results quiet amazing."

They left the old couple a few minutes later, the pair quickly breaking out into a fight since it was just part of life for them. While thankful for to the pair for giving them the potion, Rika was skeptical about how well it would work. Since she had written down how to prepare the potion, and most of the ingredients were just common food items, the pair decided to use the Hypnos portal to make a quick stop at Azulongmon's crystal palace. After searching the nearby area for about an hour they found a small broken off piece of the palace, about the same size as the crystal possessed by Jijimon and Babamon.

With the crystal tucked away in her bag and Renamon carrying the gallon of potion, the pair returned to the real world. Deciding there wasn't any point in waiting, Rika and Renamon returned home. Since they had a few spare rooms in the house, due to the fact it was bigger than it needed to be size for a family of three plus one digimon, Rika had convinced her mom to turn one of the rooms into a home gym for her and Renamon. It wasn't a big room, but thanks to its array of multifaceted equipment, like the Bowflex home gym and things like that, it had more then enough machines to give the girl's their usual work out.

"So, which one of us is going to try this first?" Rika asked, opening up the lid to the gallon and sniffing at the liquid, which really didn't have an odor.

"While I trust Babamon and Jijimon, I would feel better if you let me go first Rika."

The red haired tamer nodded, disappearing for a few seconds before returning with a glass. She poured a little bit of the liquid inside, just enough to give Renamon a good sized, single swallow of the potion.

"So, you feel anything."

"Well, besides the fact that the potion tastes blueberries," Renamon said, looking over her body, "I don't really feel anything else."

"Try using one of our weights," Rika said, pointing over to the rack of hand weights. They ranged in a variety of sizes, from smaller 10 pound weights to larger ones that neither one of them could lift, but came with the set anyway. Renamon picked up a fifty pound weight, usually a mid-range work out for her digital body as she began to do a few reps. Rika distracted herself sniffing the potion, trying to figure out how something red could taste like blueberries.

"Rika, I think the potion is working."

The red haired tamer turned, setting down the gallon of potion before moving over to Renamon. The digital vixen was still doing reps with the fifty pound weight, but each rep was becoming faster then the last. Also, every time Renamon flexed her muscles they didn’t quiet unflex all the way when she lowered her arm. Her arm was actually becoming visibly more muscular with each repetition.

"It actually feels like the weight is getting lighter." Renamon said, finishing off a rep before setting down the weight. She held out her arm, letting both she and Rika examine the new musculature that had seemed to form.

"Wow, how many repetitions did you do?"

"No more than twenty," Renamon said, gently prodding right arm to find that it in fact felt larger and firmer than her she remembered.

Rika smiled, pouring herself a single swallow of the potion before quickly drinking it down. "Okay Renamon, let's go show them that we're still the strongest galls around."

============================================================================ =============================================

(Author Note: It's never specified so we'll say its a few years after the D-reaper incident. The tamers are in the Japanese educational systems equivalent to just beginning high school. In all, the tamers look the same if only a little taller in comparison to their partners. The digimon look the same, of course. To put a size reference to it, most of the tamers are now tall enough that they are about equal height to Renamon, where in the time of the show they were all about a head shorter than her. Also, lets say after a little work between the parents the gang ended up going to the same high school, a school good enough to get them into good colleges but not to over the top for people on smaller family budgets than Rika's family.)

"So, how did you do on your math test?" Henry asked, he and Takato walking down the hall. It was a co-ed school, though Takato and Henry didn't see very much of Rika since they didn't have any classes with her and her locker was at the other end of the school. It was lunch time, so Takato and Henry were putting their books away so that they could grab their lunches, the cafeteria's food never something you wanted to eat on a daily bases.

"I didn't do to bad, about an 85%."

"That's a solid grade, and to think you didn't want to study that weekend."

"I hate studying for math," Takato grumbled, making Henry laugh a little as the pair reached their lockers. Both began spinning their combination when, out of no where, Takato felt someone grab him by the back of the neck and haul him off the ground. The next moment he found himself pressed up against the wall.

"What the heck are you doing?" Henry asked, looking at the girl who had just pinned Takato against the wall. It was Chunli Dohei, the girl who had dropped kick Rika for no other reason then she wanted to and could.

"Showing everyone that you tamers aren't so tough. You all think you’re so strong because you have your digimon, but they won't always be around to protect you. And then its people like me who are strong without anyone else that are the real big hitters in this world."

"Put him down." A voice called from down the hall. Chunli, Henry, and Takato turned their heads to see Rika standing there, a very pissed off look on her face. Chunli smiled, dropping Takato and leaving him coughing, gasping for air as she walked down the hall to the red haired tamer.

"Didn't learn your lesson last time,"

"No, I'm here to teach you a lesson about being a pigged headed putz."

Chunli's anger flared at this, bringing her fist around with full intention of punching Rika right in the face. Still, thanks to her training with Renamon, Rika dodged the punch and launched her own, her fist plowing into Chunli's gut. The big, overly muscular girl stumbled back, the wind being knocked from her lungs. "What... what the hell?"

Rika just smiled, gently pulling off her uniform jacket. School uniform policy, at least for this school, was that you had to wear the school's selected bottom and jacket, but that the shirt underneath could be anything as long as it was a single, solid color. Usually, Rika wore a white long sleeve under her jacket since the lining of the uniform bothered her arms. Still, for today, Rika had chosen to wear a sleeveless, white shirt. Upon taking off her jacket, the tamer revealed her new, more muscular body. It wasn't like Chunli, where her body was bulged out in odd places that didn't look right. For Rika, it was different. While she definitely had greater strength and musculature from the potion, she and Renamon had a set workout pattern that had worked for them for years. It made it so that not just one part of Rika's arms, chest, or torso was overly muscular, but every muscle had been given its due intention. It made Rika look strong, but at the same time didn't subtract from, maybe even added to her natural beauty.

"Whoa... Rika?" Henry said, jaw hanging agape at the sight of his friend. He had seen Rika without sleeves before, they had sparred together at his master's dojo. Still, the once strong but thin and smooth arms that were once attached to Rika's body now had sturdy muscle definition. Also, if Henry didn't know better, he would have said Rika's shoulder's also look broader, and her chest seemed puffed out more, not from her breasts she had developed in high school but from something else.

"What was that you said yesterday, about being the strongest woman in the world..." Rika taunted, getting into a defensive potion. It was like setting fire to a stick of dynamite, Chunli exploding as she charged Rika, fist ready to plow right into the red haired tamer's nose. Rika, however, brought up her arms, blocking the punch before shifting and kicking Chunli in the side, sending her toppling to the ground. Chunli attacked a few more times, Rika always only counter attacking. It was so she could defend herself in case the school tried to punish her for fighting. Chunli would get in trouble for attacking, but she wouldn't get any trouble for defending herself.

Finally, Chunli had worn herself out and, thanks to Rika, was now sporting a black eye. "Don't... don't think this is over. I'm still... the strongest woman in the world."

"No, you’re just the biggest knuckle head in the world." Rika said, picking up her backpack and jacket before walking over to Takato and Henry, who were still staring at her awe struck.

"So, you two okay?"

"Ya, we're fine." Henry said, only to be interrupted by Takato.

"Man Rika, when... when did you get... so... I don't know... buff."

Rika smiled, flexing a little and showing off her muscle definition, "Renamon and I just started a new workout program and it’s having amazing effects, really intense stuff."

Henry whistled, shaking his head, "It's impressive all right. I wonder what Kazu will do when he sees. You know him and Kenta have been talking about what it would be like to be even half as strong as this.”

" Ya, but it doesn't help that their definition of a workout is shouting instructions while their digimon spar. Besides their gym class, I doubt those two do anything that could really be considered a workout.” The trio had a laugh at this, Rika slipping on her jacket again and concealing her arms.


“I don’t believe it,” Kenta half moaned as he walked towards Shinjuku park with Kenta, planning to meet up with their digimon partners.

“No, really, Takato was telling me about it during last period. Rika and Renamon started some new workout, and its amazing. The last time we saw Rika she could kick our butts, but her arms didn’t show it. Takato says that Rika now looks buff.”

“Buff shmuff,” Kenta countered as the pair entered the park. “Rika can be as strong as she wants for all I care. As long as me and Guardromon can still beat Renamon, I’ll be the best tamer around.”

“Oh really, care to prove it.”

Kenta and Kazu stopped, looking up into a tree where they saw Renamon’s blue eyes glowing back. Kazu quickly got fired up, enjoying any excuse to be able to prove himself as a great tamer.

“Didn’t get enough butt kicking last time?”

“Kazu, what are you doing? Remember what Takato told me, Renamon’s been doing the same workout Rika has.”

“You worry to much. She couldn’t even dent Guardromon last time. No workout in the world can change that in less than a day.”

“So, I guess that means you’ll take up my challenge.”

“Just let me go find Guardromon and we’ll be more than glad to.”

Ten minutes later Kazu, Guardromon, Kenta, and MarineAngemon were standing on the far end of the an open plot of dirt in the park, one of Kenta’s favorite places to have sparing matches with the other tamers. Kazu was smiling as if he had already won, cupping his hands around his mouth.

“Hey, Renamon, you there? We’re ready, that’s if you aren’t to chicken to come fight us?”

At his provocation Renamon dropped out of a tree at the far end of the sparing area. At a distance, the digital vixen didn’t look any different. Still, as Renamon slowly stepped forward the smile began to slip from Kazu’s face, becoming replaced with an open jawed gape.

Renamon had even better results with the potion than Rika, her digimon body taking to the changes much more freely. The best comparison to Renamon would be a woman that was in the army. Arms and legs were well defined with muscles, each curve well shaped by the workout. Her shoulders had become a little farther set apart, Jijimon and Babamon’s potion also allowing a person’s bone structure to change to fit their increased muscle mass.

To Renamon’s chest, it was more defined. Digimon were genderless, so Renamon didn’t have any breasts, but the white fur puff on her chest definitely stuck out more because of her larger pectoral muscles and, as the final touch to everything, Renamon had the early beginnings of what could, in time, become six pack abs.

“How… how did?” Was all Kazu was able to stutter out, his hand shaking as he pointed at Renamon.

“Can’t give away my secrets like that. So, are we going to spar or do I need to go find a challenge?”

Kazu shook his head, competitive instincts bubbling to the surface. “No way, Guardromon will still kick your butt. Let’s go…”

“Actually, I’d rather not fight.” Guardromon asked politely, only to get a cold glare from Kazu. Finally, he moved towards Renamon, putting up his fists. Renamon smiled, taking a defensive position before using her two fingers to give the well known “come and get me” hand sign.

Guardromon shifted a little, and then quickly jolted just to Renamon’s left, obviously intending to hit the digital vixen in the side. Renamon turned, blocking the blow and getting sent into the air. Kazu was about to make a cheer of victory when Renamon span around in the air.

The attack had the force to launch her into the air, but it hadn’t the strength to daze the vixen. Smiling Renamon landed on all fours and, after taking a brief moment to look up, surged forward.

With increased strength came increased speed, and before Guardromon could really register what was going on Renamon was a few feet in front of him. Jumping and spinning, Renamon’s foot connected with Guardromon’s chest. Now, the previous time she had tried this move it had hurt her foot. Still, Renamon could only smile as she saw Guardromon’s metallic body give a little under her foot before the android digimon was sent crashing into a nearby tree.

“Whoa!!!” Kenta said, “Did you see that?”

“Ya, I saw it.” Kazu grumbled, fist shaking. “And I’m not about to let her get away with it. Guardromon, show Renamon who’s boss.”

Guardromon got back to his feet, feeling the spot where Renamon kicked him. “I did not want this sparring match when we began. But, now my honor as a fighter has been challenged, and I shall meet that challenge full force.”

Renamon grinned, spreading her arms out, “Well then, lets see what you got.”

“You asked for it.” Guardromon said, lighting the rockets on his back as he quickly lifted off the ground and charged at Renamon. The digital vixen waited until about the last moment before quickly dropping down below Guardromon. Then, after he had just passed over head, Renamon turned and grabbed Guardromon’s feet. After getting her footing Renamon actually made Guardromon come to a dead stop, even with his rockets firing.

“What the…?” Was all Guardromon could get out before Renamon shifted, swinging Guardromon and sending him flying straight up into the air. Then, with a forceful jump Renamon zipped up past Guardromon, getting above him before she spun around and brought the heel of her foot down on his stomach. This time, her foot left a medium sized dent and sent Guardromon crashing back to the ground.

“Oh, Guardromon, you okay buddy?” Kazu asked, Guardromon dazed after hitting the ground like a meteor.

“Yes, once you make the world stop spinning.”

“Don’t worry, he should fine. Guardromon’s been through worse.”

Kazu looked up at Renamon, glaring at her a bit. Kenta, however, was smiling as he went up to Renamon, lifting her arm up as he began to declare her the winner of the match like a true wrestling or boxing referee.

After getting a speech from Kazu about how Guardromon would wipe the floor with her the next time they fought, the boys left. Renamon watched them until they had fallen out of sight, and then with a pleasant smile on her face quickly made her way back to Rika’s house. The tamer was just finishing off the last of her homework for the evening when Renamon came in.

“So, where have you been?” Rika asked, glancing over her shoulder at her partner.

“Leaving a foot shaped dent in Guardromon’s stomach. Anything interesting happen at school?”

“Laid that pig headed girl Chunli out without breaking a sweat.”

The pair nodded, smiling. Oh ya, this was the way they liked it. The two didn’t flaunt their strength, but when it came down to it was nice to know that they didn’t have to worry about loosing a fight. Besides that, it was Rika’s firm opinion that she looked pretty darn good with some muscle definition, having admired herself in the bathroom mirror that morning.

“So, Henry wants to celebrate me giving Chunli a black eye so we’re heading to the movies. You going to come?”

“Is it a movie I would enjoy?”

“Probably not.”

“Then you can tell Henry I graciously decline his offer.”

Rika nodded, “Ya, I guessed as much.” About a half hour later, Rika was at the movies and Renamon was meditating on the roof as she did most nights, calming her mind after the day.


What will happen next?

Option 1: While Renamon is trying to meditate, she can’t get her fight with Guardromon out of her head. She had struggled long in the digital world to have this kind of strength, and now that she had it one thought kept bubbling up in her mind. She wants to be STRONGER.”

Option 2: New digimon have begun to appear in the city with the strange ability to stop the digimon from digivolving or the tamers doing a Biomerge. To keep defeating them, Rika and Renamon have to keep making their normal, everyday bodies stronger, more muscular, more powerful.

You have the following choices:

1. Renamon wants more

2. To defend the city, the pair have to keep going

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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