Suddenly, a thin, pink gassy stuff flows down from the cieling. Not seeing anything you could do about it, you just let it come. You were nervous, but so was Jammie. The gass came around us and we breathed it in. You suddenly feel wierd, you weren't sure how to explain it, until you looked at Jammie. As you did you suddenly felt like your privates popped. He was perfect. His belly button was perfectly round, and his face was amazing! You both give eachother the same look then rush to eachother. You grab his shoulders and kiss him, a whopper of a kiss. Yup, the gass made you gay. You sit there for a few minuets lip to lip when the gass dissapeared. You back away, you know now that you were gay, and so was Jammie. And you two thought eachother was hot.
"Interesting." The aliens say in their high pitched voice. "We are done for now, but the expieriment is not complete."
"Wait," Jammie says, "Umm, I think I'd rather be muscular."
"Very well." They said, the lights turned off, and turned back on. And standing there was an even hotter muscular Jammie.
"What about everyone else?" I said.
"They will wake up at home thinking they all went to bed right after practice. And you will find, that your cloths have adjusted to your size. Now, we can not waste any more time here, good-bye humans." The glow from the cieling dissapeared, and so did the voice. Me and Jammie stared at each other for a minuet. I realized I hadn't really seen myself fat, so I went to a mirror and stared at myslef. I had to be at least 250, My belly was drooping over my waist line, and my butt was puffy and saggy. My chest was now a pair of moobs. My nipples had expanded with my growth too. My legs were thick like tree trunks, and my face was round framed by a large double chinn. Jammie grabbed a fistful of fat and said, "lets go."
We got dressed, and Jammie took me home in his car. I got inside, and avoided my parents and got to my room and went to sleep.