When you wake up the next morning, Images if Jammie dance through your mind. "Honey," your mom called, "Time for breakfast!". When you try to stand up, it proves harder than before. Looking down, you see your belly. "That shouldn't be there" you say, thinking aloud. "Oh don't go getting yourself down," your mom says, poking her head into your room. "You'll lose the weight eventually." Before she leaves, she pats your inflated tummy and kisses your cheek. "You better hurry up and get dressed if you want your breakfast!" your mon adds on before leaving the room. Still trying to figure out why this gut shouldnt be there, you come up empty handed. Giving up, you get up and open your closet. You pull out a green tshirt and a black sweater to go over top. Then finding your pants, you pull out a pair of skinny jeans. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you realize how big these clothes must be. Pulling off the tshirt, you see that its an 2XL! Pulling the shirt back on, you realize how hungry you are. Walking, more like waddling, down the stairs and into the kitchen, you see the biggest breakfast you've ever seen. Quikly pulling up a chair, you eat like you haven't eaten in years. When you finish your first plate, you've eaten 8 pancakes drenched in syrup, half a pound of bacon and 7 eggs and your still hungry. After 2 more plates of this you finally feel full. Just as you heave yourself up from tge table, you see a car drive up. Inside is Jammie, looking as magnificent as ever. He hops out of the car and knocks on the door. Hurriedly, you put your stuff in your backpack (can't weight too see whats for lunch) and answer the door. "Good morning Beautiful" Jammie said, giving you a peck on the cheek. You link arms as you walk out to his car. After school, you are in the locker room before football practice, when the lights go out again...