I can’t believe how much can change in just a few months.
It’s been about three months since everything started, and I’m still growing. Not like one of those random little spurts that stop the second you get excited—this time, it’s steady. Every time I stand against the kitchen wall where Mom keeps our height marks, the pencil line moves up. Little by little. And now? I’m officially 4'6. Yeah. Four foot six! I’ve grown six whole inches since March. Sometimes I just stand there, staring at that mark, thinking is this real?
And the best part? I’m almost as tall as Hillary.
She’s 4'10 now. She’s still got four inches on me—for now—but that gap? It’s shrinking. Fast. You should’ve seen her face last night when we stood back-to-back, like we always do. Mom marked our heights, and Hillary turned around like she wasn’t worried. But then she saw where my mark was, and her mouth did this tiny twitch thing. She played it off like it was nothing, flipping her hair and going, “Well, I’m still taller.” But I could tell. She’s watching me now. Closely.
Honestly? It feels amazing.
But it’s not just my height that’s changing. My body’s filling out more every week. I’ve gone from a flat A cup to a B cup in what feels like the blink of an eye. When Mom took me shopping last weekend, she handed me a couple of bras and said, “Let’s try these.” I checked the tag and nearly dropped it when I saw the size. And when I tried it on? Perfect fit. I stood there in the changing room, staring at myself, thinking this is really me. My old shirts are tighter now in a good way. I have actual curves. And hips. Real hips! Dad noticed too—don’t worry, he didn’t say anything embarrassing, just his usual goofy grin and, “Someone’s growing up on me.”
And clothes shopping? It’s a totally different world now. No more kids’ sizes. No more hiding in baggy sweaters. I even bought a dress that makes me feel like a teenager, not some little kid playing dress-up. Hillary said it was cute, but I caught her tugging on her own shirt a little when she thought I wasn’t looking.
I feel different on the inside too. Stronger. More confident. Like I’m finally becoming the person I’ve been waiting to be. Dad jokes that I walk like I’ve “conquered the world.” Maybe I haven’t conquered anything, but I don’t feel invisible anymore.
Hillary’s still teasing me here and there, but it’s lighter now. Less mean. Sometimes she even sounds... impressed? Last night, she offered me the last cookie at dinner without any sarcastic comment attached. Shocking, I know. She still tries to remind me she’s the big sister, but I can tell she’s starting to wonder how long she’ll keep that title.
Mom keeps saying, “Everyone grows at their own pace.” And now I finally understand what she meant. I’m not racing anyone. I’m just growing. And I’m still growing.
I have this feeling I’ll pass Hillary soon.
And I’m kind of looking forward to it.