Before Ryan could say anything, he saw the store owner give him a hands up, and said "Wait... let me guess... You recently got let go from a decently long relationship, and now you are looking for something to help fill that void, perhaps another companion?"
Ryan was stunted, and than narrowed his eyes a bit in anger.
"I told you not to blurt out other peoples problems boss, they dont like it when they get called out by a stranger." The staff in the other persons hand chastised.
The store owner shrugged his shoulders. "Cant help it... Its clear as day on his face and poster... but lucky for you, We can easily provide you with a replacment to help fill that new empty void. We have special pets that will do wonders for a broken heart, or if your ready to dive back into the world of dating, we got a phone book filled with information with other available candidates, and dont worry, the book can figure out what might be your best options should you be interested in looking it up..."
"but if you want a more... grantee in keeping someone rather than going through yet another chance of lose, there are some papers you can fill out, and you will be guaranteed in being with someone who would be contract bind to you, though in turn, so would you."
"Or, we have plenty of "entertainment" that can help you either get distracted or help you get by long enough for you to find your own way through your troubling times..."
The store owner would, each time he mentioned an item or whatever he was selling Ryan, would either turn the man around and point him into a direction, or pull out said item or whatever to show him what he meant.
Down one path lead to alot of cages where he could hear different sounds of creatures, then he pulled up a heafty golden phone book and a silver parchment paper, both glowing an a strange glow, or another isle full of... interesting toys and what not.
"So, Mr Richie... what do you say? Any of that interest you? or do you need something else to help you out?"
Ryan had his head spinning at the rapid pace of the store owners offerings, and barley caught the staff tsking at its master and saying "You need to work on your pacing..."
After a moment of Ryan getting his head straight, he looks at the options provided, and decided to...