(Chapter originally written by PhoenixStriker)
The painful crushing weight was one thing, but it was the other circumstantial factors that quickly became borderline unbearable. It was a hot day out, and many times as such due to being squashed to a paste by Mari's hefty booty. A suffocating miasma of sweat and stench was coagulating underneath your gorgeous girlfriend, and it was all congealing onto you. In mere minutes, you were lathered in sweat, all of your senses overcome with a tangy, pungent odor of grime and heat.
Worse still, Mari couldn't resist the most subconscious of human behavior. Though painfully aware that her every action was causing you further torment, Mari still kept shifting in her seat when her legs cramped, and wiggled her ass against the chair when she felt a swampy mess begin to form. Those simple actions to her only further ground you into the chair, reducing you further into an unrecognizable blob. Every twitch from Mari was erasing more and more of your human features, and there was truly nothing either of you could do about it at the moment.
All Mari could do was solemnly swear to not forget about you. She knew how awful her memory could be, and how many times her forgetful tendencies had screwed over her poor little boyfriend. Determined not to let history repeat itself, Mari began muttering a simple mantra over and over.
"Don't forget to rescue Matt before I go home. Don't forget to rescue Matt before I go home."
A relatively uneventful twenty minutes passed, save for Mari sweating up a storm and continuing to keep smearing you with her thick glutes. Eventually, duty called, as a young pool guest who should have been walking slipped on a splotch of water while running, tripping and scraping their knee. Mari dutifully hopped off of her chair and went to assist the young kid, patching up their injury and sending them on their way with a gentle warning about not to run.
When she returned, she winced upon taking in the sight of you, a barely noticeable tan splotch on the chair. As delicately as she could, Mari sat back upon you, burying you in the hot fleshy embrace of her booty. As she settled into her chair, she could feel a squelch of sweat against her trapped boyfriend, and she frowned. Again, she resumed her mantra.
"Don't forget Matt before I go home. Don't forget Matt before I go home."
Mari didn't even realize her mantra had already changed slightly.
After another twenty minutes of sitting atop you, Mari spotted what looked like a girl struggling to swim after leaping off the diving board. Without hesitation, Mari launched from her seat into the pool, and swam over to the girl to assist her. You, meanwhile, did what you could to appreciate the brief moment of respite, relishing the fresh air and gentle breeze that washed over you. You did panic slightly upon realizing how blurry your vision was. Mari's ass was reducing you to a smear of nothingness.
Eventually, the familiar shadow of death reappeared, and this time, Mari didn't so much as glimpse at you before plopping her all-encompassing ass cheeks back onto the seat, returning you to the torment of crushing pain and sweat.
Your girlfriend took a deep breath as she reclined in her chair, not even consciously trying to apply less weight to you. She merely took a drink from her water bottle and resumed her mantra.
"Don't forget that Matt is at home. Don't forget that Matt is at home."
A loud voice shook Mari from her mantra before she could realize just how horrifically she'd strayed from its original form.
"What'd you say?" The voice said to Mari's left. Mari startled, and looked down to see one of the other lifeguards with a wry expression on her face.
Mari blinked. "Sorry about that, Selena. Was I talking out loud?"
Selena, the lifeguard, laughed. "Yeah, something about 'Matt being at home'? I think you were trying to remember it."
"Oh." Mari's face scrunched up in concentration. "Really? That sounds...off."
Selena laughed. "You've been saying it all day, I think. I keep watching your lips move as you mutter while I've been on patrol shift. Must be pretty important."
Mari thought for a moment longer, then grinned. "I guess so, yeah. You know me and my memory!"
The two laughed, and Selena wandered off. Mari relaxed again in her seat, letting her full weight distribute over the almost-too-small chair. She recited her mantra again.
"Don't forget to talk to Matt at home. Don't forget to talk to Matt at home."
Mari smiled to herself, pleased that she was still remembering what she'd set out to remember. Truthfully, she couldn't recall exactly what it was she had wanted to talk to Matt about, or even why he was at her house and not his own. Vaguely, she recalled seeing him this morning, so she made the assumption she'd left him at home to wait for her shift to finish. With an embarrassed blush, Mari wondered why she hadn't just brought Matt to The Oasis with her.
Regardless, she'd be sure to mention it to him at home!
Meanwhile, you had absolutely no way of knowing how utterly disastrous your predicament had become thanks to Mari's cosmically atrocious memory. You merely tried to ignore the pool of sweat on your body, or how every twist of her gargantuan rear smushed you even more into the plastic chair, as you began to feel even more disconnected from yourself, a sure signal that reforming on your own at this point might be next to impossible.
An hour passed, and Mari finally hopped up off of the chair, this time for good, as her shift in the chair had ended. Your vision was still blurry, but you could make out the sight of Mari's bubble butt bouncing away as she hopped off the lifeguard chair and out of sight. Confused, you strained to the edges of your peripheral vision to try and make out what was happening, only for a silver-haired girl clad in a tight lifeguard uniform to enter your view, her eyes locking with yours.
The girl, who happened to be Selena, frowned. "Oh, that's a weird stain on the chair." She said softly, peering closer. Because of how thoroughly Mari had demolished you, not a human trace remained. Selena chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Huh, definitely not a tiny. Good thing too, Mari'd hate to know she was tormenting one of those poor guys."
With a casual shrug, Selena turned and dropped her impressively-sized derriere onto the chair, pounded you with agonizing pressure and resuming your cursed sweaty torment like nothing had changed. As Selena's ass swallowed you with a wall of flesh, your heart broke.
Mari had forgotten all about you.
The entire rest of the day passed in a blur, and you quickly lost track of time. Selena sat on you for three hours, followed by another lifeguard for another three, and then one more lifeguard to round out the day. Selena spared you no additional thought after first noticing you, and the next two lifeguards didn't even glance at you before letting their hefty rear ends crash upon you and bury you in booty flesh and sweat.
You endured hours upon hours of crushing, smashing, grinding, smearing, and more during your time trapped under the blissfully unaware lifeguards of The Oasis, and there wasn't a thing you could do to change your fate at this point. You'd gone from a sticker to a blob, so engrained into the chair that it would take outside help to free you now, no matter how much you tried to reform on your own. At this point, your unaware tormentors couldn't have even felt your presence if they'd tried, you were so smooshed.
You even caught brief snippets of Mari's voice, chatting with the girls sitting on you. She sounded happy and in good spirits, joking about her 'little man waiting back at home'. It only further cemented the awful truth that Mari had fully forgotten about your predicament, just like you'd feared.
Finally, The Oasis closed for the day, and whoever it was sitting on you hopped down and headed for the locker rooms. Mari joined them, laughing and smiling, and eager to get back home and see her little boyfriend who she thought was waiting patiently for her arrival.
Though freed from a face full of ass, you were horrified to realize that you couldn't see a thing. Your human features had been wholly smeared away into nothingness, including your eyes. Your vision was nothing but blackness, and even your hearing was muted by this point. You tried to reform, and confirmed that you couldn't even feel your own limbs to even TRY to start reforming. All of you had been demolished into a single splotch of tan on the chair.
Your sense were so dulled, that your heart jumped in fear when a suddenly close voice spoke.
"Damn, bug. Quite a day, huh?" The voice taunted, and the cruel lilt made it clear it was Hanna, the girl who'd gotten you into this whole mess. You felt her finger begin to poke and prod your body. "You really do feel just like a part of the chair now. This must be where you belong, right? Smushed under us normal people like the bug you are?" Hanna laughed, and your blood boiled at her casual but uncontestable cruelty. She had full power over you, and knew it.
Hanna sighed with contentment. "Only one thing left to do now, bug..."
1) Hanna coats you in super glue, now making your entrapment on the chair permanent without solvent!
2) Hanna asks her boss to rearrange Mari's schedule, so that Mari is ALWAYS the one sitting on you!
3) Hanna cruelly reveals that Mari has the whole next week scheduled off, so there will be no one around the save you for a whole seven days of torment!