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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #2296541
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Chapter #4

Her belly felt kinda tight and full...

    by: KingOMega
Helena groans as she grabs her stomach as it too makes noises. It looked normal but Helena can feel the magic, her magic, working inside it. Her stomach felt really full as if she went to a buffet and ate more than expected as it pushes against her tight jeans. A small part of Helena even wanted to take a nap, the discomfort and fullness made that hard to do. Looking at her stomach she could see it stuck out a little bit, enough to be noted but still if ignores. Still it left one question after she looked over herself as she twisted on the uncomfortable bed, her sock covered feet lightly touching the floor. "What magic did I cast?"

Try as Helena might she could not remember the spell she had used, a side effect perhaps of the situation when she cast it. It was a rushed spell, one that became so easy she could cast it without thinking about it, which made it all the more harder to remember it. She rubbed her temples but found it didn't help her, in fact she was giving herself a headache. The only way for her to help herself is to play doctor and observe her symptoms. Maybe she casted a hunger ending spell, due to her full stomach but she wasn't sure.

Helena hears a knock on office door, making her gasp as she is dragged out of her own thoughts. Perhaps it was the nurse coming back?

"Helena are you awake? Teach sent me here to check on you. As well as…apologize for my actions I suppose." The hesitant voice of Amelia comes through the door. Helena can't help but grimace feeling like she should blame Amelia for her condition. In fact she does, and would like nothing more than to punch her.

But there are bigger fish to fry and Helena knows that.

"Yeah. I'm awake Ames. Come in." Helena sighs heavily as she tries to center herself. Getting too spiteful would not be good at the moment. Deal with Amelia and possibly her teddy bear of a bodyguard for a few minutes then go play sick then head home and look for her book of spells to see if she could remember the one she casted.

As expected Amelia slowly comes in with Ethan in tow as Helena stands up with groan, he stomach protesting as it does. The blonde rubs her stomach, noticing something, "Did it just get bigger?"

Helena didn't want to look but just by touch alone through her pink shirt shows it had indeed gotten bigger, her . emerald green eyes widening That is worrying. Very much so if the spell is still ongoing.

"Look sugarcoating or dancing around is not me so I'm just going to say it. I'm sorry I've been under some stress and people haven't been helping. It would seem you've been under the same so I'm sure you could understand." Amelia starts with Ethan near a corner, silently watching.

The words were honest but they were blunt. Also for Helena taken the wrong way. What would Amelia understand about pressure or stress? She didn't have anyone constantly riding her like Helena did. With a growl Helena's thoughts towards appeasement went out the metaphorical window as she started to speak while taking a few aggressive steps forward, " You think you're under pressure? You'd never-"

*Grrrugggggggle* *GRRRRoooOOAAAN*

Helena gasps as she feels her stomach vocalizes an audible protest, loud enough that both Amelia and Ethan, the two with worried expressions, could hear it as-
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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