At the beginning of the day you were excited to finally have some independence by attending high school for the first time, you couldn’t believe that so far you’d been carried by a little girl and now you found yourself in the arms of a young kindergarten teacher. As the teacher continued to cradle you in her arms you noticed her name badge read “Ms. Jones”. As she swayed you side to side you thought about how you could explain your way out of this situation.
“Eh, miss…” you began to explain but you were quickly cut off as you felt Ms. Jones’ large hand tightly grip your crotch. You let out a whimper of pleasure. You had experienced your step-mum or little sister Grace accidentally grab you too tightly down there while carrying you before, but never had you had a young beautiful woman like Ms. Jones touch your privates.
Ms. Jones looked like she was in her early 20s. She seemed tall, especially to you, with perky breast and a very shapely toned ass. Her long blonde hair dropped down around her beautiful face as she looked down at you. She was squeezing around your crotch to check for a diaper and was quite surprised to discover you weren’t wearing one.
“Wow, you’re very young to not being wearing a diaper” she said.
“Actually… I’m not... that young…” you tried to get out, but it was very difficult with Ms. Jones’ hand still gently wrapped around your crotch. She was squeezing and releasing almost to a rhythm. Each time she tightened her grip, waves of pleasure overcame you rendering you unable to explain your real situation.
“Ah ah ah” she said, putting a finger over you mouth and shutting you up “In Ms Jones’ Little Tykes Class we all need to wear diapers, okay?”
Unable to speak with Ms Jones’ strong finger over your mouth, all you could do was shake your head to signal “no”. Ms. Jones just giggled at your expressions and began to walk you into her classroom.
As you went in you were shocked to see a room full of boisterous toddlers playing. You shivered with the idea you’d be trapped here all day with them. What made things worse is they were all bigger than you! Being carried by an 8 year old girl was one thing, at least you could trust her to be gentle. But in the arms of a 3 year old? What would stop them from smushing you like a bug?
Ms. Jones carried you over to the diaper changing station and lay you down on your back.
“Please, I’m not meant to be here” you pleaded.
But Ms. Jones just pointed a stern finger at you and said “look little guy, you are in my class now, so you better behave or else we will have to give you a time out!”
The idea of being given a time out by such a beautiful woman at the age of 16 sounded completely humiliating so you just shut your mouth.
Without much warning Ms. Jones put her hands in the waistband of your trousers and was quickly yanking them down and then completely off. Your hands moved to cover your crotch as your face went red with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry little guy” Ms. Jones said “nothing I haven’t seen before” as she removed your hands and began rubbing you down with a cleaning wipe, “although a bit smaller than some of the other boys in this class” she giggled to herself, not realizing you completely understood her hurtful words.
After wiping you crotch down, she then gripped both of your ankles and lifted your legs into the air, leaving your backside completely exposed. As you saw some little girls standing nearby laughing at your situation, you could have died with embarrassment.
Just then the door swung open, you glanced over to see it was Grace, your 13 year old sister. She had obviously heard of the mixup and had come to get you.
“Oh hey, I’m looking for by broth…” she stop as she saw you naked from the waist down, legs up in the air, butt on display and Ms. Jones with a wipe between your cheeks. She stopped a massive laugh before it had the chance to get out, trying to remain serious.
“Your brother?” Ms. Jones asked
“Grace, please help!” you cried.
“Oh yeah, that’s my little brother Mikey” Grace continued “just wanted to make sure he got to his first day of kindergarten okay!”
“Nooooo!” you shouted “tell her I’m not…”
“Oh that’s enough of your big mouth” Ms. Jones said as she shoved a pacifier into you to shut you up “now said goodbye to your sister so we can finish your diaper change”
You once again looked over to Grace begging with your eyes for her to save you but she just winked and said “oh, he’s had a fever recently too… soooo you might want to check his temperature while you’re changing him”
“Oh thank you so much, you’re a good big sister” Ms. Jones said as she went to retrieve a thermometer.
You knew what this meant, you a 16 year old boy, practically a man in every way besides your height and you were not going to let this blonde bombshell violate you like this. As Ms. Jones stepped away you scrambled off the changing table and onto the ground. You were still naked from the waist down but you didn’t care, you needed to get out of here now! You ran as fast as you could toward the open door when all of a sudden two legs appeared in front of you, followed by your field of view being completely dominated by Grace’s smiling face and her hands racing towards you.
“Where are you going little bro?” Grace said as she blocked your path and bent over to scoop you up onto her arms. You tried to spit out the pacifier but your 13 year old sister held it firmly in place.
“Thank you” Ms. Jones said as Grace handed you over to her “he really is a handful haha”.
Ms. Jones then sat down, placing you across her lap with your legs dangling over her firm and toned leg. You tried one last time to squirm your way to freedom but with one large hand pressing onto your back, squishing your tiny body up against miss Jones' bare thighs, it was hopeless. She was just far too strong.
“Okay here it comes little Mikey” you heard her say before you felt the horrific pain of the thick thermometer being shoved into your anus, as the penetration continued Ms. Jones noticed she was experiencing more resistance pushing it deeper into you than usual “Oh no, in all the commotion I forgot to lubricate the thermometer, ohh little Mikey I hope it’s not too painful for you?”
“Oh it serves him right for trying to be such a little escape artist” Grace said as she leaned down to look you in the eye as you were still laying across Ms. Jones lap. She giggled a bit to herself to see you were basically screaming in agony behind that pacifier. Having to look at Grace's dumb smiling face while being penetrated like this just added further embarrassment and shame to the incredible pain you were feeling.
Eventually Ms. Jones pulled the thermometer out, ending that part of the humiliating experience but still leaving a piercing pain in your backside.
“Well, looks like no fever, but thanks for telling me Grace, I’ll check him again later”
“You’re welcome! Have a good day at kindergarten Mickey!” Grace cheerfully called out as she left.
Ms Jones held you up in front of her face, “now let’s get that diaper on!”
Being penetrated by a cute woman with your little sister orchestrating the while thing, had completely broken your spirt, so you just nodded in agreement. And with that you were carried back over to the changing table where Ms. Jones applied lotion and taped you up securely in a fresh diaper before yanking your trousers back up and placing you on the ground amongst your new “classmates”
What happens next?
- You go through a humiliating day at Kindergarten
- Sarah (Becky's older sister) comes to save you and bring you to high school after finding out about the mix up
- Skip to the end of the day and collected by Becky