5 Months Ago
We join Job, as usual, in a secluded place near his home, in this case actually a clearing fairly deep into the woods as he builds...what can only be described as either a very large campfire, or a very small bonfire.
The sticks of said soon to be bonfire are arranged in a very, very specific pattern, once again copied from the Grimoire he bought online...and again he's being betrayed by google translate. He thinks he's performing a ritual to summon the Demon Mammon to make a deal with, since as far as he can tell Mammon is the demon that the idea of trading one's soul originates with.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately if you know anything about Mammon, Job has completely misread which demon was tied to which summoning ritual. Which is why when he tosses the match into the middle of the bonfire, instead of the toxic green smoke one might expect...
It billows into a massive pillar of blue flames and smoke that actually knocks Job off his feet, as the smoke continues billowing up and growing before seemingly forming into...
Some kind of giant bird dude with 3 heads. Definitely not what the images of Mammon had implied he would look like to job...well at least it wor-
"...Well, this better be a joke."
Asmodeus frowned as he looked down at the human who had summoned him. Couldn't be more than 17 so if he was wanting folks usually want from him he wasn't going to get it. He had just gotten home when he ended up being summoned and was none too happy to suddenly find himself in the woods in the middle of now-
"...A-are you Mammon?"
"...So not only did you interrupt me right as I got home but you managed to somehow fuck up and get me when you wanted the Greed-eyed monster"
"...thats a no then?"
"...I'm Asmodeus. What kind of cultist can't tell the difference between two of the 7 deadlies?" Asmodeus was, admittedly, a little relieved that whoever this idiot kid was he wasn't trying to get what folks normally summoned...him...for. Wait. This kid wanted Mammon? Why did he... "Why were you trying to get that asshole up here anyway?"
"O-oh I...I just needed to make a deal with him an-"
Oh, oh lucifer this kids not a cultist he's just a moron. No one SANE makes deals with Mammon... "Well, thats a really bad idea...what were you planning on asking him for, out of question?"
"...I don't know if I shou-"
"Kid, you already summoned me and making this deal is the fastest way for me to-"
"I-I mean, do...do you kill people?"
"..." Asmodeus sighs "If I say no and just go home are you going to try and summon Mammon again?"
"I-I mean, probably?"
"Then tonight I guess I kill people"
A few other things would happen that night, Job would close the deal with Asmodeus for his stepfather's death, Asmodeus would kill said stepfather, and Job would have a rather convincing if oversized Campfire to prove he had been out camping when his dad had, somehow, seeming been burnt alive in a fire that no source of could be found.
And then 5 months later on his 18th birthday, Job got Sidelined by a bus. And would fall. And fall. And fall. For what felt like hours...before landing face first onto thankfully soft carpet...
He just laid there for a moment, a bit...dazed, from ya know, dying and all...until the sound of a Air-Horn going off shocked him fully awake.
"Wake-up Ozzy~" A sing song voice from above rang out as a very confused Job tried to get to his feet.