When Commissioner Gordon told Batman that The Riddler was stealing television sets from all over Gotham anywhere he could find them, he didn't care at all, really. The TV's alone weren't enough for the world's greatest detective to waste his time on investigating when he could be out saving lives and arresting psychopaths on the loose.
Petty theft didn't quite fit Nygma's MO unless he was up to something, however. So Batman instructed his protege to look into it while he dealt with more pressing matters. Tim didn't mind. He was used to being handed what Batman saw as the less dangerous, less important work. Besides, if Riddler actually is up to something more than boosting TVs from BestBuy then Tim can take all the credit for getting to the case first.
Tracking down Nygma's HQ wasn't difficult. He had to check around some of his old warehouses and other inconspicuous looking properties he purchased in his name. Eventually, the ex-boy wonder narrowed down where the Riddler and his stupidly named "Riddlerbots" were hiding.
Red Robin stalked the rooftop of the warehouse, peering down to see none other than the Riddler himself ordering his bots around while they did the grunt work. The robots were plugging all the stolen TVs into one network, the cables all leading into one giant flatscreen TV in the center of the warehouse with a chair in front of it. This had to all be for one of his latest mind games to challenge Batman's intellect or another one of his experiments.
"No, no, no! That HDMI cable doesn't go in there, you stupid bucket of bolts!"
Riddler scolded one of his machines.
It was just a bunch of robots and The Riddler wasn't known for his combat prowess, so Tim was feeling pretty confident about taking them down by himself. He counted how many Riddlerbots were in view and estimated about an additional 10 or so were likely in the back room. Light work for a vigilante personally trained by The Batman.
Red Robin smashed his way through the skylight of the warehouse, tossing smoke bombs downward as he made his descent. He emerged from the smoke wielding his expandable staff.
"It's Red Robin! Riddlerbots, attack!"
Riddler shouted. His swarm of robots came to his defense.
Tim immediately went on the defensive, swinging his staff on any bots that came too close. He pegged it into the ground and used it as a support beam as he swung his legs and kicked the bots in a circle, knocking some back and destroying a few others. With the space he earned for himself, he evaded several attacks before tossing some explosive batarangs and rappeling out of the blast radius, reducing many of Riddler's machines to scrap piles.
"Blast! You insolent poorly named bird! Do you have any idea how much my Riddlerbots cost?!"
By the time Tim had mopped up most of the machines, Riddler was behind some massive control panel with several computer screens.
"No matter! You will more than make up for it by being my test subject!"
Without giving Tim any time to react, he switched his machine on. Tim realized he was standing right in front of the largest TV screen he'd ever seen in person. A hypnotic swirl was on display.
"Nice try, Riddler. Brainwashing doesn't work on me."
"Three, two, one..."
Riddler coutned down.
Just as he hit one, the spiral span faster and faster, opening what could only be described as a portal that sucked Tim towards it like air being sucked into the vacuum of space.
"Tata, Red Robin... I sure hope you like anime, boy blunder!"
Tim flung into the portal, slipping in between reality and fiction. 3D and 2D.
What anime does Tim wind up in?