This choice: Steven, Eventually, Emerges From The Bathroom • Go Back...Chapter #6Steven, Eventually, Emerges From The Bathroom by: Hellexia  It took Steven several minutes, mostly consisting of his mind racing and his heart pounding, until he emerged from his bathroom, a razor from the cabinet above the sink in his shaking hand. In total contrast, "Tiffany" was casually sitting on his bed, kicking her legs and humming as Steven slowly approached her as if she was a ravenous tiger. Her odd, inhuman spade-tipped tail flicked to and fro as she stared at Steven, before it swished forward and drooped towards Steven's trembling body. Steven remained frozen, his eyes darting between "Tiffany" and the black spade-shaped object that separated him from the entity that took his coworker's form.
"Put down the razor, Steven." "Tiffany" sighed, rubbing her head as she flicked her tail once more. "If you really want an edge over me, put down the razor and grab my tail." She said, letting out another sigh as Steven remained firm where he stood. "I already told you this last night, not like you remember it, but my tail is like, twenty times the sensitivity of your penis. Roughly twenty times. Kinda hard to get an exact figure, but..." "Tiffany" said, a sly grin forming on her face as Steven stared at her tail. "Last night you licked the FUCK out of it, you know. Wanna-"
"W-W-WHAT ARE YOU?!" Steven shrieked, gulping as "Tiffany" shifted on the edge of his bed.
"Wow, you're a bit more pleasant when you've got two beers in you..." "Tiffany" sighed, swishing her tail to and fro. "I'm like... uh... shit, what was that analogy you used last night?" She asked, cocking her head to the side and staring at Steven for several seconds before shrugging and letting out a loud sigh. "Whatever. I'm basically a thing that eats energy. And you have REALLY good tasting energy. Oh, by the way..." "Tiffany" trailed off, her tail twitching slightly. "My tail is like a snake's tongue. You know, it smells and stuff, but for energy instead of mice or whatever. Loads of nerve endings because of that, so it's real sensitive. Got it?" She asked, letting out a frustrated sigh when Steven slowly shook his head. "Oooookay... I didn't have a reflection because last night, after the pub, you were all smoochy-smoochy gropy-gropy in the park we walked through. You were gonna take a video, that would've been bad, I turned on a... bit of kit that makes it I can't be recorded, basically. And mirrors count, because..." "Tiffany" trailed off, shrugging and making a face. "Earth cameras use mirrors or something? So they're included or-"
"E-Earth cameras?" Steven interrupted, his eyes widening.
"Yeah. Not from here, duh." "Tiffany" answered with a grin. "Long story short, the energy from humans is like... uh... caviar or something. And you're my preferred flavor, lemme tell-"
"Tiffany, you're an alien?!" Steven shouted.
"Uhh... Tiffany or Tiffany?" "Tiffany" asked as she scratched her head. "'Cause I told you to call me Tiffany, but like, Tiffany is the name of the body I'm borrowing, because she happened to walk into the stall I was waiting inside. And my actual name is like, ACTUALLY impossible for you to pronounce, so Tiffany works fine, you know?"
"Tiffany. Your coworker Tiffany. Not an alien. Probably. Me Tiffany. The one talking right now and has been talking since coworker-Tiffany went to take a piss last night. Alien. Definitely. Got it?"
"Why don't I remember anything from last night? What did you do to me?"
"Alright, you either don't get the distinction and want to move past it or you do get it." "Tiffany" sighed, crossing her legs and shifting on the bed again. "I'm an energy vampire, basically. And you generate LOADS during sex, after sex, taking a shower after sex, snuggling in-between sex, you get the gist. And, given you make my favorite flavor of energy and everything, I drained you a bit too much. Although fuckin' props to you, Steven, we went eighteen rounds last night! Granted a bit was because of aphrodisiac, but STILL!" "Tiffany" giggled, licking her lips as her eyes darted to Steven's exposed member. "I could use some breakfast you know..." She cooed, giggling as Steven blushed and hurriedly closed his legs. "ENERGY VAMPIRE! THAT"S WHAT YOU CALLED ME!"
"...What?" Steven asked, mildly shocked by "Tiffany's" sudden outburst.
"You called me an 'energy vampire' after I explained everything in the pub. Oh, also a 'succubus' at some point." "Tiffany" explained, using her tail to point at a corner of the bedroom. "I promise this isn't a 'look over there, hoi hoi hoi, I am going to get him the moment he turns his back' kinda thing, but I have a bag full of alien-y stuff over there." She chuckled, letting out a sigh when Steven did little more than a quick glance before his stare returned to "Tiffany" once more. "You were way more trusting last night..."
"Pardon me for not trusting-" Steven paused momentarily, gesturing at "Tiffany" before continuing, "-WHATEVER you are!"
"Energy vampire alien succubus-y person thing. We've been over this, twice now. Even if you only remember this most recent one." "Tiffany" answered calmly. "You gonna keep freaking out, not trusting me, holding that razor? Or are you gonna relax, trust me, maybe roll around in the bed with me again for a few hours?" She asked, scooting back on the bed and spreading her legs, exposing her glistening cunt for Steven to avoid looking at. "Fair warning, Stevie... if you try to call someone or something, I'm gonna have to drain you dry again, make your memories all hazy again. And I DON'T want to explain everything a third time." "Tiffany" grumbled, flicking her tail as a scowl formed on her face...  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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