Like being on a scale, her body with only one part each began to decide where to fall, being her right leg, then her left arm, until her head tilted to the right. She descended from the neck to sliding on Valerie's back, all way down to the planet-sized ass.
After the slide, once again, Ariel was in the same place where her life almost ended, however this time she managed to hold on to the edge of her pants, being lucky enough to not have enough weight to pull the pants down.
In an attempt to put both feet on the edge, Valerie changed to the Mountain posture, for a moment remaining firm, the simple change made a slight movement in her rear, moving as if she were made of jelly, which caused Ariel to lose balance on her leg on the edge. She held on as best she could, until she began to change her pose The Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana). As she bent over, her butt began to take up more space in her pants, which Ariel saw as an opportunity to climb to the top and then slide to Val's head more quickly. Again she climbed taking in mind not touching parts of her skin so as not to repeat the same thing from the beginning of the session.
As Ariel reached the top of the Hòu bú, Valerie began to sweat, wiping some sweat from her forehead, feeling drops on parts of her body. "PHEW, SORRY FOR KEEP YOU WAITING, MR. THERMOSTAT, BUT YOUR PRESENCE IS NEEDED RIGHT NOW" Valerie said as she standed up and went to the thermostat. "NOW, TO NOT WET YOU, MY PRECIOUS" said as she looked askance to her rear, she placed a hand on the hem of her pants, putting a finger in to hold her panties and began to sweep away a little sweat that was going to touch her butt. From Ariel's point of view, she saw how the immense hand descended on her and lifted the back of her clothes and how the tower-sized fingers swept away the drops. Suddenly the hand began to get closer to where Ariel was falling into the edge of the butt, and with the last sweep, the index finger collides with her causing her to lose balance and fall into Valerie's ass.
Slipping off the material of the panties, Ariel tried to hold on so as not to fall inside, but it was too late. The light around was obscured by the darkness between the panties and what Ariel looked and gasped at in shock and disgust, she was nowhere except under Valerie's monumental ass. "Uh... Wait, oh no no no NO NOOO" Ariel said in a mixture of discomfort and panic at being so close to the derrieré. Trying to climb the panties to reach the top again, just to see how Val releases both panties and pants trapping Ariel with her ass, as well obstructing her climbing and sending Ariel colliding with her left buttock. "WELL, BACK TO MY SESSION" Ariel could almost hear what Valerie say.
Ariel was stuck like a sticker on her monumental butt, due to the shortened space provided by the tight yoga pants, which also took away the space to move. "Ok, this looks bad, and it's TOTALLY bad" said Ariel trying to move on the surface of the rear, but not looking bad as the things she had in mind "At least... it's her buttcheek, yeah... At least it's better than THAT" Directing her eyes towards the place where the gigantic anus is, in which she found herself for a moment, it being a good idea to try to climb, If being stuck in a buttock was bad, it would have been worse to feel the smell and look at the shape of the butthole up close.
The closed space between the pants, panties and ass shortened any outside sound, as well as the video that Valerie chose for her session, only depending on the luck of what poses she would get into. After a moment of "peace", Ariel felt a slight movement around her, trying to open her eyes she saw how her right buttock moved, implying that Val would resume her session. Suddenly, the space began to shorten even more when the weight of the buttock and the tight pants collided between Ariel, "MMMMPFH..." She groaned as she was pressed by both surfaces, it felt as if she were a balloon that someone was trying to burst. "Sis... What...Ugh..." Ariel tried to say something, but her sentence got cut off by the pressure she felt. In a moment, she was hyperventilating and sweating too much, she felt like the little oxygen around her was starting to run out. She wanted to scream, she wanted to move, she was never in these kinds of situations, she looked around avoiding the thought that she could just pop any second without drawing Valerie's attention.
After a minute, the atmosphere calmed down, giving Ariel a moment to breathe. Ariel was shocked to be trapped like an insect between a pair of fingers, thinking that she was done for today. Suddenly, her surroundings again began to press her, this time stronger than the last time. Panicking, Ariel dug her nails into the buttock, hoping that Valerie would finally feel her, no matter if she tried to crush her or something, she BEGGED to get out from there.
For her surprise, Valerie chose a 20-minute video in which the must number of poses focused on the legs, waist area and THE BUTTOCKS. Ariel for sure was going to have a fun ride.
After 10 minutes and some, Valerie took a break to breathe in and out again before the last exercise of the session. On the other hand, Ariel wanted to give up after the torture that was the yoga session. Minutes of feeling the weight of a planet collide with her was anything but pleasant. She was tired, exhausted, and agitated. She no longer bothered to get her attention, realizing that any idea that involved approaching the gigantic Val always ended badly. No matter where she was, she was always unaware of Ariel, to the point of confusing her for something else... So why try?
To close the act, the last exercise was the Malasana (The Garland pose/Squats). Ariel felt the movement in her buttocks, while Valerie positioned herself. She heard clap coming from outside, when suddenly the big sister started to squat down. Ariel felt how the weight of the ass was no longer colliding with her, but was now DESCENDING on her. As if the weight of a planet was positioned on her, pinning her down and trying to crush her again and again.
Now Ariel hold it for long enough, she tried to position her feet on the gigantic buttock as it descended, and like a cat tearing a curtain she held on, digging her boots and nails into the massive mass that was the buttock itself. She growled under her breath, trying to keep the mass from crushing her, waiting to finally be her chance to get noticed, as her life depended on it.
"OOOOOH!!!" Valerie moaned as she felt something bothering her, Ariel did it, she finally got noticed. The giantess stood up, lowered her pants and looked to see if there were any pebbles stuck in her panties. As she did so, Ariel, finally having the opportunity to move, detached herself from her buttocks and slid over the soft skin of her leg and returned to the mat.
Lying on the mat, she saw the towering figure of Valerie from behind, taking off her panties to examine them. "THAT'S STRANGE, A WHILE AGO WHEN I TRIED THEM THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING ON THEM" boomed Valerie. "OR MAYBE WAS SOMETHING STUCK ON ME" said as she touched her behind and found a piece of thread stuck on it, she stares at it, and then smells herself, intending to take a shower to remove stuck things and the smell of sweat after her yoga session. "YEP, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY" said as she started to walk to go to the bathroom.
Ariel regaining her consciousness, stood up after the giantess left the room, she put her hand on her head feeling dizzy after the session. When she stood up, she heard a buzz approaching her, she looked up and saw that it was a fly, and not just any fly, but it was THE FLY. "You again?... What do you want from me?" She said crossing her arms, looking directly at the fly's eyes. Suddenly, in the distance, a group of people could be heard trying to stand up, grunting, and some others were dizzy, the sound came from one of the corners of the mat.
What does Ariel do next?