Name: Botzilla
Deployed: 2051
Height: 250 meters
Hair style and color: Long and green
Skin: Pale white and covered in scales
Eye color: Blue
Clothes: None, covered in scales
Weapons and any other powers: Claws, plasma breath, strong tail
How is she controlled: AI, remote control, pilot
Sides: Good
Location: Japan
Bio: First mecha girl built by Japan and based off of the beloved monster Godzilla. She was programmed with a deep love of Japan and its people. As such, she is very devoted to her role as the country's protector against alien invaders. She also enjoys publicity events where her insides are open for tours.
Name: Botorah
Deployed 2054
Height: 280 meters
Hair style and color: short and blonde
Skin: Tanned with gold scales
Eye color: Yellow
Clothes: None, covered in scales
Weapons and any other powers: Three heads, lightning breath, two tails, claws, flight
How is she controlled: AI, remote control, and pilot
Sides: Neutral (forced to be good)
Location: Japan
Bio: After a small dip in Botzilla's popularity, Kaijuin decided to spice up their mechas by making a rival for Botzilla in the form of Botorah, based off of the famous monster Gidorah. To make sure she is a proper rival, she was programmed to hate everything Botzilla loves. This resulted in Botorah hating Japan and her role as protector, wishing to instead leave humanity to its doom against the alien giantess invaders. Kaijuin has to keep tight control over her to make sure she does her job, much to her dismay.
Name: Mothbot
Deployed: 2057
Height: 200 meters
Hair style and color: Long and white
Skin: Snow white
Eye color: Black
Clothes: White and black dress that exposes fluffy parts of body (fore arms and neck)
Weapons and any other powers: Claws, synthetic web spit, flight, hidden mandibles, four arms
How is she controlled: AI
Sides: Neutral
Location: Japan
Bio: Based off of the beloved monster Mothra, Mothbot is the most recent addition to Japan's arsenal of mecha girls. Unlike the others, she has no method for human control. That is because during her development, she and a scientist fell in love when she was just a developing AI. As a result, the scientist made sure no pilots or controls were added to her final design, as to give her true freedom. This resulted in the scientist being fired, but Mothbot still works for Kaijuin both due to the scientist's request for her to protect humanity and also in hopes to build enough goodwill to get the scientist rehired.
So who's story will be followed?