Abigail and Hannah, after their assfight, decide to look for a solvent. Fortunately for them,they found a solvent at the first store they went inside. They headed to Abigail's house and used the solvent on their glued together asses. Half an hour later, they were able to peel their bare asses away from each other's ass. Hannah, even though she loved the warmth and sensations that she felt while she was stuck ass to ass with Abigail, is glad to be away from Abigail because of her constant bragging and superior attitude. Hannah buys some maxim glue and puts it in her purse. The next Saturday, Hannah heads to the beach again. After getting to the beach, she starts to look for Abigail. She has been looking for a half hour, when she sees Abigail lying down on her back, asleep on a bench. Hannah pulls out the glue and stops beside Abigail. She carefully puts some glue on her lips, and gently closes Abigail's mouth. Two minutes later, Abigail stirred in her sleep, and tried to open her mouth, only to find that she can't. She snaps awake and looks around, and seeing Hannah, she stands up and lunges at her. Hannah has started to try and get away from Abigail, but she wasn't quick enough. Abigail got a hold of her bikini, and pulled, but Hannah reacted and pulled back, causing Abigail to lose her balance. Abigail fell face first toward Hannah, and her momentum caused her to push Hannah to the ground,laying on her back. Abigail's grip on Hannah's bikini caused her to fall on top of Hannah, and her lips met Hannah's lips perfectly. Instinctively, Hannah tried to push Abigail off of her, but found that she couldn't. When Hannah got her breath back, she realized that Abigail's lips were pressed against her own lips. Hannah panicked and tried to pull her lips away from Abigail's lips. Unfortunately, the glue wouldn't let go, and she remained stuck in a kiss that she hated. She was thankful that she had shut Abigail's mouth, but she was mortified to be glued lip to lip with her bully. Hannah pulled out a notepad and pencil and started to write on it to communicate with Abigail. Due to the oppressive heat, Hannah fell asleep, aided by the warmth that their conjoined lips were generating between them. What's next for our conjoined frenemies?