Deep in the suburban neighborhood of Newtown, Maryland, there a collection of pristine, neat little houses that laid orderly in their winding rows along the quiet, barren streets. None looked any different from one another aside from whatever incidental flourishes each family deigned to provide for their home, like an extra green stripe across the whole house to contrast the uniform beige, or a green flag to lend some color to the grey tiled arched roof. No matter which house you chose, all of the houses would be sporting the same front doorway towards the living room, followed by a kitchen to the left and a study to the right, along with a stairway leading up to a hallway containing 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
It was in one of those upstairs bedrooms that 16-year-old Jamie Batson currently resided, deep asleep as the crack of dawn had just begun to make its rounds. Nothing could possibly ruse him from his sleep, as it was currently summer, and he had no plans whatsoever for today. It was him-time, and there was nothing that was going to rouse him from that.
At least, that was before a deep shadow had fallen over the world outside. Black yet blacker the world became, each and every color and piece of light consumed, before the climax came with an abrupt, earth-shattering slam! Mayhem ensured it erupted all around the house. It was like a nuke had gone off right behind the house, as Jamie was abruptly woken up by his bed unceremoniously tossing him straight out of the covers. Along with the bed itself, landing square on his prone frame, mattress and all.
Immediately, Jamie scrambled from underneath his impromptu prison, rushing out into the backyard with his pajamas still half-on. There was only one person he knew that could cause this ruckus, and he only needed to look up to see the source, in the form of a house-sized foot connected to a boulder of an ankle, with redwood-width legs going up to a heavily stitched-together circus tent masquerading as pants and a shirt belonging to a gargantuan boyish head with eyes looking down on him in alarm. It seems Adam had decided to make an unprompted visit again.
"Oh god damni-ADAM! You're not allowed anywhere near here! You KNOW that!"
"Oh crap, I'm sorry, Jamie, it was an accident!"
It was hard to believe it was an accident when this was the third time his little brother had come over and caused the property value of his neighborhood to plummet, but Jamie knew better. Adam always forgot that he was supposed to stay in the designated area unless called upon by authorities, but he was almost never really punished for this. Given his size, physical discipline was out of the question, and many were more than relucent to use heavy weaponry against a minor, regardless of size, so it usually fell to Jamie to muster up his limited authority to remind his little brother when he was supposed to be! And then there were the rest of his siblings...
Maybe all accidents were the cause of authorities never actually doing anything to enforce rules when they were broken.
No matter, he was here now, meaning the rest were likely to be not too far behind. Once more, the fate of Newtown rested on his weary shoulders as Jamie absolutely scrambled to address whatever was broken this time, and hopefully circumvent the arrival of the other siblings...